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Her Golden Soul

Her Golden Soul

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Her Golden Soul PDF Free Download


Black merges Gold. Power equates Elegance. Damien encounters Sara. Her golden soul is fated to his black one. Her golden heart is laced in his arrow of hate and war. Her golden life is destined in his hands. Her golden beauty is as delicate as a flower that is wrecked by his hands. Her golden existence is endangered by his existence. Will she let power win? Will she let Damien win? Out of all the wars she has fought through out her twenty three years of life will she be able fight these one, rise above it and glow like her golden soul? Will she live for the star of her life, her daughter, Shanaya? Silence is her loudest cry. She is caught between a strong mind and a fragile heart.

Chapter 1

Sara's POV

"Shanaya you can't play right now you will be late for school, bring your legs here and sit down," I ordered to the girl who was playing with her dolls at the corner of the room. She ignored me as she continued to play with her dolls; I went to her and carried her bridal style. Settling her on the bed I made her wear her white school socks. I combed her hair and plaited two pigtails as she continued chatting with her plastic dolls like a chatterbox. "Princess pack your bag as mommy gets ready for work," I said leaving her in the bedroom. I took a warm shower and wore a black trouser and a tucked in white shirt.

Taking my purse and her bag, we went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I warmed Shanaya's milk adding Choco cereal in them. Serving her, her breakfast I made my coffee and a toast for myself. Once we were done with our daily morning routine I locked the house and walked to the bus station hand in hand with Shanaya. "Princess bye, mommy loves you," I said dropping her to her respective school bus. "I too love you mommy bye," she said kissing my cheek as I hugged her back.

I too took a bus to my work, which was on the other side of the city. I scanned my workers ID and entered the huge skyscrapers, which belonged to none other than Damien Andrew. Each and sundry were on hotfoot to reach their respective section of work. The lift area was a little crowded as employees struggled to enter any of the eight lift though two lifts were not used. One of the ways for VIPs while the other one was only for Damien Andrew.

I thanked God that my working section was on the ground floor rather than other floors so I did not have to use those lifts. I took to my right from the main lobby and entered the cafeteria which was kinda of cozy. It was neither huge nor smaller as most employees spent their break and lunch in here eating bought food or eating homemade.

The aroma of coffee hit my nostrils so intensely that I instantly fell in love with it. I looked around the tables to find workers of the Andrews.Co drinking variety of drinks as some worked in their laptop, others chit chatted and remaining did paper work. I immediately ran to the workers room, opening my respective locker I changed into my decent waitress clothes which included a black skirt below the knees, blue shirt with the logo of Andrews.Co and a black cap. I shut my locker and went out to start my work.

"Hey Sara," my only friend Charlotte aka the PA to the deputy CEO greeted me. "Hi how's work?" I ask her taking a seat opposite to her as I had twenty minutes break after working for the entire morning. "You know stressful with my boss giving me loads of file to review and scan them," she complained massaging her head. "Have you smelt today's freshly baked news with toppings?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. I shook my head, "So the rumor of the day is that Mr. Damien Andrew is getting married, that is out of blue," she gossiped. At break she feeds me up with what goes on in this building.

"Okay so..." i shrug not knowing how to react because neither have I seen Damien Andrew, my boss nor am I interested in knowing his personal life. I am satisfied that because of him I have a roof to shelter under, clothes to wear, food to eat and cash to pay my Shanaya's fees.

"You are saying that because you haven't seen him," she argued," I wish you bump into him that is when sense would be knocked into you." "The one who needs sense over here is you not me, how can you talk about your boss like that," I complained. "Oh then I'm definitely bumping into him," she said sarcastically as she winked her eyes. . "You seriously need prayers," I said chuckling at her.

"Yup to not kill his soon to be lucky wife," she elaborated gripping her bottle which contains chocolate milk. "Never mind you will not understand because the least you have done is reluctantly hugged my brother who loves and is married to Ava, how is my niece?" she changed the topic not forgetting to emphasize on the word 'Ava' her sister in law. "She is good but she almost killed me because you did not visit her like she expected," I answered remembering how my princess threw a tantrum over Charlotte not visiting her. Her tantrum lasted for several hours hitting my eardrum so hardly that the effect lasted the entire day.

I still remember the day I met Charlotte. We bumped into each other as I was navigating my way to the cafeteria as a new employee that is when a bubbly Charlotte helped me. She showed me to the cafeteria. Later on we became friends as she usually came down for break and lunch at the cafeteria. When we came to know more of each other she got to know about Shanaya. The day she met Shanaya she claimed herself as her aunt. I too got to know more about her, she came from Australia as she had a dream to work as an independent woman without the support of her father who owns a huge business in Australia.

She has a family which loves her more than themselves, her father, Adam Smith sent secret bodyguards to watch out for her, her elder brother and his wife, Lucas and Ava Smith visit's her every month and her mom, Mary Smith sends her homemade chocolates and savories every week.

"Well my boss decided to call me the last moment informing me that there was a board of meeting but I will visit her today," she explained her reason for not coming to play with Shanaya as she does every Sunday afternoon.

"Okay bye I have to go, I will see you at evening," I said going back to work. I was serving the drinks to the employees who came for lunch when suddenly an intercom buzzed from the cafeteria. I almost jumped up not knowing they had an intercom even in the cafeteria. "There is an urgent matter everyone to assemble in the assembly room immediately," someone said from the intercom as he or she sounded so worried. I looked around to see everyone shocked and worried wondering what the matter might be just as I was.

Without wasting time people moved out of the cafeteria, it was awkward I never knew where the hall was located so I just followed the huge crowd. As I being the last one, I was to exit the cafeteria when I realized not only was it us but other people from different sectors were heading to a certain lobby in the same floor. More employees descended from other floors using lift or the staircase.

I joined the crowd and walked straight taking a left then heading to the end of the lobby. I entered the huge hall that was painted plain white walls. It was too huge to accommodate many people as possible. "It is huge, isn't it?" I looked beside me to find Charlotte. I nodded my head, "this is where the GB meetings takes place and also Mr. Andrew launches most of his products in this room," she explained further amusing me. " The Global Business meeting is a meeting which is held by most of the successful businessmen and businesswomen from all over the world, it goes on for a whole week and that week all the employees are on holiday, except from secretaries like me," she finished looking at me.

" Even your father? "I asked her as she nodded." Lucas too, "she included as Lucas owns a construction company which all over the world while her mom is a house wife.

I was to inquire more but I was suddenly pulled to the sideways. I regained my balance before I could embarrass myself. I wanted to ask Charlotte why she pulled me but the hall had turned into a graveyard. Everyone was dead silent as a pathway was made in the middle of the room. I looked at the entrance to find a man in black suit. "He is Damien Andrew," Charlotte fed me up with the news.

I looked at his stoic face, which was extremely fascinating, his chocolate brown eyes were grasped with enragement, and the evidence to his anger was his vein that bulged out from one of the temple as it coincided with his fury eyes. His lips formed a thin line trying hard not to burst out his angry lava. His sharp jawline was constricted due to the anger that was radiating from him. "His nose is pink just like Shanaya when she gets angry," I whispered to my one and only friend. "Yes and it looks cute, isn't it?" she taunted wiggling her eyes as I scrunched my nose. "I did not say that he looks cute," I said though it was true he was cute at the same time handsome. "But you usually say Shanaya looks cute with a pink nose, that means you indirectly complemented a hot man as cute," she whispered with a smirk plastering on her face triumphantly that she won the argument.

"Whatever you say but he is totally different from my Shanaya," I huffed in defeat. "Whatever floats your boat," Charlotte said. I looked back at where the 6'5 tall man was standing. My eyes widened like a saucer when his eyes met mine making my heart skip several pulse as it was running a marathon. He took several steps ahead but did not lose dare to take away his eyes from me which made me feel self—conscious of how I looked at my feet immediately. I had no strength to look up at him as I knew he was still throwing stiletto at me.

"Next time try not to open your mouth where you don't have to, it might lead you to a huge mess together with your friend," a wholly unexpected deep unfamiliar hoarse said lowly but dangerously. I looked up to connect with chocolate brown eyes which were looking into my soul holding bitterness. His strong crisp musk and mint hit my nostrils causing it to irritate. I was not able to control the allergy that was rising and that is when I suddenly sneezed out loudly.

"Excuse me," I said but my brain recollected my action. I sneezed right in front my boss, straight on him.

"Learn etiquettes sooner or you will be fired," he said almost killing me with his eyes. "I am—" "shut the fuck up," he cut my by shouting at me. My head swiftly turned down in embarrassment.

He carried away his strong aura scent with him as he walked away. I released the breath that I was holding since I heard his rough voice talking to me. "Are you fine?" Charlotte mumbled. I nodded my head instead of answering as I was still afraid if he heard me murmuring and fired me from my job.

Once he reached the front everyone blocked the way they had made for him. "There is a thief among us who dared to enter my office and steal my fiancé's ring, I am warning all of you including the deputy CEO if I don't get that ring back, and there will be an investigation. Don't take this lightly I can fire all of you if I don't get the ring and the thief, "he filled in everyone with the news as people broke into whispers with their fellow employees.

The only part of the news that made me worry was he will fire me for someone else bad deeds. I looked at Charlotte who was fine with the news at last if she gets fired she will hunt another job as she is study and her family has its own business. "ALL OF YOU TO SHUT UP, I AM CALLING THE FBI FOR INVESTIGATION, NO ONE LEAVE THE BUILDING BEFORE A CHECK UP AND THEY WILL EVEN CHECK ALL YOUR BELONGINGS WHETHER PRIVATE," he yelled out to everyone who were more likely shocked.

"This is a really serious matter and I am pretty sure that ring holds a lot mystery that is why he is crazy about it otherwise if it was an ordinary ring he would have not make a big fuss about it instead he would have bought another one, the perks of being a billionaire, "Charlotte exclaimed as she was suspicious about the ring.

" Makes sense, "I agree with her as her point was somehow making sense. I look back at the figure the that stood in front as he talked to someone over his expensive smartphone. My heart came to halt as he looked up and our eyes met for that second time, it is was like he sensed my gaze at him so he reacted to it though they were many girls around me that were ogling him.

I immediately averted my eyes from him ashamed that I was staring at my boss. I looked at the girl beside me who wiggled her eyes to me as she held one of her infamous smirk that she uses when I am wrong. "Can't resist your eyes from him?" she teased me as I shook my head. "I... I was..." "It is simple to say, you were eyeing the hot specie which I guess is from another planet," Charlotte finished my sentence as I was left stuttering. "If your brother heard that you would be in Australia right now," I reminded her about his over protective brother, Lucas. He once heard Charlotte narrating to me about her first kiss in kindergarten by her best friend who turn out to be her present not so friendly boss moreover the deputy CEO of the Andrews Company, that day she was to almost lost her job if it was not for me who requested Lucas to not man handle her and take her back to Australia.

"He is in Australia he cannot hear me talk about boys," she claimed bitch tone. "For a weird reason he can sense you from Australia, it seems he has some super powers for that," I answered. "Then include yourself in it because he considers you as his sister so those are sibling feelings and according to that knowledge I guess he has already sensed how you were taking in a hot man but don't worry I will save you from Lucas so ogle the man as much as you want ," she teased me as I smacked her arm lightly. "Lucas knows me, he trusts me that I will never do something you did in kindergarten without emotions in it," I rectify. She continued teasing me "Oh girl we know you are as pure as Mary the one in the Bible who was virgin and gave birth to Jesus, The So Called Effects of Sara and the Bible," she stated grinning at the last bit of the sentence. "At least you have got a part of that Bible," I said with a duh tone. "Yah true, I would not have known of such a great book if you were not my best friend," she squealed hugging me.

"However I still regret trying to set you up with a jerk but don't worry your prince is coming very soon," she said bumping her shoulder into mine slightly. I looked at her as she winked at me.