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Inner Gift: Battle Of The Century

Inner Gift: Battle Of The Century

Auteur: Snowheart

En cours


Inner Gift: Battle Of The Century PDF Free Download


Inner gift is mainly evolving around two characters Alyssa and Adrian, both pulled apart by circumstances and forced into a war, they never dreamed of. At first Alyssa was just a typical average teenager, betrothed to the son of the director of the Force, Cyril and although she was not that inclined to marry him, she still had feelings for him. Then everything changed when she came back from Iowa and crossed paths with a mysterious old man, who may have triggered some dormant genes in her. Later, she got in serious trouble when she started breaking out and that was when she met Adrian, who she fell for, in a heartbeat, but Adrian never felt anything for her. Instead he hated her deeply, because she was the fiancée of the person who wanted all Inners dead. Alyssa is torn between her heart and duty. Will she fight alongside her fiancé or her kind?

Chapter 1




New York city, the home of the champions and the hot dogs, the Yankees, the rich and the poor, it was also the home to a secret society, where people with different unimaginable things were rumored to do things and it was said to be in a secret war with the other force who wanted them dead.

They were rumored to be called the Inners, a special group of people, who said to have powers that could start a war, they were rumored to be monsters who ate nothing but human flesh and drank human blood, just for the fun of it. And the Inners were also rumored to be so bad, that if anyone saw it, it was referred as an it, that they should inform the Force, who would come and get rid of them.

Rallies had been made, telling the people, pulling all sorts of tales in their minds, making them to dislike and abhor the special people and chase them out like the dogs, they were told they were.

But, the Inners, this itss,’ all they wanted was a normal life, a place where they belonged, a place they could call home, but they never got one, so they took to hiding in secrets tunnels, and underground subways, they were used to be so scared and alone of stepping out, until a day, they met someone, who could show them that they could live safely, a place where they could feel loved, a place they could call home, a family under one roof, different people filled with different unique abilities living happily ever after, hidden away from the world, just a place hidden in main plain sight, so that no matter how hard they looked, they would never find them.

And in this place, or mansion if you preferred to call it, was where they all lived, not eating human flesh, not drinking human blood, but eating normal food, maybe burnt due to a certain teenager who just cant seem to get the timer on the oven right. This is their story, their life.

Lisa smelled smoke coming out from the kitchen, she immediately raced downstairs, as she dashed in, and saw the kitchen was smoky and the smoke alarm was blaring. She immediately turned off the microwave, as she brought out a very burnt chicken and dropped it on the table.

Her boyfriend Adrian, came in laughing as Lisa turned to face him.

“Dont you dare? She said holding the gloves tightly, ready to beat him if he laughed at her.

“Sorry baby, it is just thatwell good bye to thanksgiving dinner. He said pointing at the chicken.

“It’s not my fault, I just forgot that I left something in the oven.” She said as she began to tear up.

“Dont cry, I am sure that Tracy and the rest will understand what happened.” Adrian said coming to hug her.

She burnt it again huh. Tracy said as she leaned on the door, looking at both of them.

“Oh come on, it was a mistake.” Adrian said looking at Tracy who rolled her eyes.

“It wasnt a mistake, she doesnt remember this kind of things, what am I going to tell the family huh, that thanksgiving is gone.” She said as she went to look at the chicken.

“Well we could always have meatloaf.” Aidan said walking in, bringing in groceries. He dropped it on the kitchen counter as he waved and nodded at the couple, before focusing on a very angry teenager who crossed her hands.

“And where do you think you are coming from eh?” Tracy asked tapping her foot impatiently as Aidan walked to her and kissed her.

“Come on babe, I told you, I just went for some grocery run, I got us pizza, and KFC and drinks and”

“I thought we agreed that no Inner goes running off on his own to avoid being captured. We made the rules, we have to lead by example.” Tracy said pulling him back.

Come on, Tracy, take a chill pill, will you? This is thanksgiving and we are all here, me, you, Aidan, Lisa, Miles, Myles, Dawn, Tina. Cant we just enjoy the moment and have a fun-tastic evening.

Adrian said as they all left the kitchen to the main room where about 30 teenagers laid huddled amongst themselves, having fun with their different abilities.

One was reading upside down hung from the wall, as Toni the youngest of them all, kept on jumping trying to touch her.

Well I guess, I could take a chill pill then. Tracy said smiling looking at everyone. After all, we are always going to be here, and there for one another. Tracy continued as Aidan kissed her on her forehead. Whats the worst that can happen. She reasoned.


The alarm rung urgently as Adrian walked into the computer room with Aidan tagging behind.

The room was filled with different computers showing locations of the city and beyond, the red dot beeping in one of the computer as a red haired girl wearing her headphones on her neck typed away on the keyboard.

"Yo, Tracy, whats the emergency?" Adrian asked staring at the screen showcasing the city.

"We got a new Inner guys, local CCTV shows she's located at the warehouse off route 135b.

" Route 135b, is not too far from here" Aidan said, eating a burger as he sat down beside her, and Adrian stood behind them, asking questions.

"Can you tell is anything about the Inner.

"Sure, her name is Sandy but recently changed it to siren. She's 17, was kicked out of her house when she was 10, went AWOL for a while and resurfaced a year ago. She's on the Force most wanted list."

" I don't get. She has been hidden for the past 7 years now, why did she resurface again?" Adrian asked.