
Let’s Read The World

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Wolf of Stone by The Dark Side

Wolf of Stone by The Dark Side



The Dark Side
Ezmira Franchild was adopted at the age of eleven No one knew where this silent little girl originated from all they knew was that she was found under an old broken down bridge curled up into a ball and trembling with fear It took her an entire year befor
Chapter 1

  "Thank you for walking me home." I smile up at my boyfriend, Justin. He looks down at me, bright eyes connecting with mine. His eyebrows knit together, arm wrapped around my waist securely -

  "There's still a way to go. Are you sure you want me to leave you here?"

  I smile at how over-protective he is. It's one of the things I adore about him. I nod my head, my dark curls bobbing around my shoulders.

  "Of course, it's like a two minute walk up this road. It's late, you should go."

  I lean up and wrap my arms around his neck, pushing the back of his head so that his lips meet mine. He kisses me slowly, his hands resting against the waistband of my shorts. I pull back and rest my forehead against his, looking into his blue eyes.

  "Happy one year anniversary," I murmur, the smile permanently fixed on my face. Justin traces the skin that's exposed around my stomach, his fingers causing me to shiver in the dark night.

  "Happy one year baby," he whispers, pulling away from me. He kisses two of his fingers before reaching over and placing them on my lips . . . just like he does every time we say goodbye.

  "Catch you later." He smiles before turning around and sauntering off down the street. I watch him go for a few minutes, admiring his beauty from afar. I turn back around, my thoughts spinning with the memories we created tonight. My lips are set into a permanent smile as I continue the rest of the short walk home. It's past midnight, the tree's lining the street swaying softly to and fro from the light summer breeze. I can still smell the heat in the air and I inhale deeply, loving the scent.

  I'm only a few doors away from home, I can see my little red car parked in front. The curtains are drawn and I know Mum and Dad would be sleeping. There's was a little spring in my step as I hum to myself, bending down to tie my shoelace. It had become undone and I didn't fancy face planting the floor.

  The low rumble of a car engine can be heard coming up the road behind me but I ignore it, thinking it would pass. It continues to grow louder as it approaches, music blaring from inside. The car slows down, irritated voices coming from inside it. I turn my head briefly, glancing warily from the corner of my eye. It's a dark blue sedan, the windows completely blacked out. I feel my heart begin to race as the sound of male voices can be heard coming from the inside. The door suddenly swings open and I watch in horror as a figure is thrown out of it, onto the street.

  I quickly scurry to hide in the shadows, my heart thumping wildly against my chest. The figure groans loudly, hitting his head hard against the concrete as he falls. The car door immediately slams shut and speeds off down the road, leaving him rolling around the floor in pain. My eyes widen and I back further up into the wall, remaining hidden.

  The dark figure kneels onto his knees, coughing and spluttering. He doesn't know I'm watching him. I turn to see the distance between here and my door, a few seconds if I run. I don't want him to see me incase he's dangerous so I figure I'd wait until he's gone. The street lamp next to him illuminated his appearance and he stands to his knees, clutching his stomach tightly. My eyes widened further as I notice a deep cut on his forehead, bleeding down the side of his face.

  His face.

  His complexion is golden, tanned. Almost as if he's been on a three month holiday. My eyes widen like two saucers as I notice the structure of his sharp jawline. His eyes are large and the colour of hazelnut, complete with a set of thick lashes. Even with the pain on his face, he's not a bad sight to look at.

  He wavers a little on his feet, small sounds of discomfort coming from him. He's wearing a plain grey shirt, the fabric clinging to his shoulders and back. The rest of his look is all black, skinny jeans and trainers. A leather jacket is lying on the floor next to him. My eyes travel down his exposed inked arm, the skin covered in multiple dark tattoo's. The only ones I can make out are the detailing of skulls. . . I'm too far away to see any others.

  My grip on my house keys tighten and I position one between my fingers as self defence. You can't trust anyone these days.

  I realise as he stands up straight how tall this guy is. His broad shoulders and wide stance screams danger and I squeeze my eyes shut, praying that he doesn't find me lurking in the shadows. He doesn't make an attempt to move, groaning in pain as he lifts up his top to inspect the damage. My breathing hitches in my throat as my eyes scan over his body.

  Tanned, muscular, toned.

  His stomach ripples as he moves and I feel my mouth dry out, averting my gaze. It feels wrong. Another sound of discomfort comes from him and I turn back to find him leaning against the wall, inhaling deeply. He doesn't look too good. The blood on the side of his face is travelling down his neck and I chew on my lower lip, uncertain of what I should do.

  Should I call an ambulance?

  I slowly stand to my feet, the grip on my keys tightening. He doesn't hear me and I think about making a run for it now. I can feel my heart beating in my ears, adrenaline running through my body. As soon as I take a step forward, he freezes and spins around. I can't help but freeze on the spot, my eyes wide as if I've been caught in a lie. He simply stares at me, dark eyes narrowing.

  My heart stops beating for a moment and I blink several times, both of us staring at each other silently.

  "Who are you?" He asks, breaking the silence between us. His voice is a low rumble, smooth and velvety. I swallow the lump in my throat, glancing around for anyone who can save me. The street is deserted, no-one but him and I.

  "I have to go," I mutter, fear building up inside my stomach. I turn to walk away, walk those few steps until I can be safe.


  I immediately freeze, turning back around to find him taking slow steps towards me. My eyes widen further and I open my mouth to protest but no words come out. I'm frozen in fear, rooted to the spot. His steps are slow, his face contorting in pain as he drags himself towards me. I take a step back and he narrows his eyes further, one perfect eyebrow raising at my action.

  "Don't even think about running hermosa."

  I suck in a deep breath, the grip on my keys tightening.

  "I don't speak Spanish." I mutter dumbly, my thoughts buzzing inside my head. Why didn't I let Justin walk me straight home?

  He lets out a low chuckle, his eyes glinting in the dark night. His hand is still clutching onto his stomach and he stops approaching me once he's a few feet away.

  "You don't speak Spanish yet you know I was speaking Spanish."

  I drop my eyes to the floor, his burning gaze causing goosebumps to travel up my skin. The safety voice inside my head was screaming at me to run, my legs twitching to get away from the danger.

  "Look at me when I'm speaking to you."

  Despite his injuries, his voice is strong, confident. He reeks of self-love and arrogance.

  "Don't come any closer." I warn him, my voice trembling as I raise the key in my hand to show him I'm armed. He takes a look at the key wrapped tightly between my fingers before his eyes travel to meet mine. I start trembling, my hands shaking by my side. His lips begin to twitch before he lets out a low chuckle, wincing in pain as he does. I frown at him and take a step forward, showing him I'm not scared.

  I really am scared, I'm terrified.

  "You don't think I'll hurt you? Seriously, get away from me." I warn, firmer this time. He holds his free hand in the air, his features contorting in pain. I watch in awe as he lifts his shirt up, removing his hand that was clutching at his skin.

  "You're going to stab me hermosa? Someone's already beaten you to it." He murmurs, his eyes fluttering shut as he falls to the floor. That's when I notice the blood seeping it's way onto his shirt, staining deep inside the fabric. A small scream escapes from my mouth and I slap my hand over it.