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His Seer Mate

His Seer Mate

Autor: Rofemheart



His Seer Mate PDF Free Download


Its Always Easy to envision your forever based on the present, For Claire the future couldn't possibly go wrong, that was until she had lost her Father, life had become miserable, along with secrets she couldn't believe Dealing with the cruelty shown her by her pack, family and friends she thought it couldn't possibly be any worse than that, learning the path to self discovery, using her powers as a white wolf, and also a Seer, who knew that these gifts could bring good tidings especially if it was her Mate.. Join her in her spectacular journey

Chapter 1

  Hey guys, first off I wanna say a huge thanks to you for even opening this book at all, when I started this book on Wattpad I was just trying to try something new, but seen as it's gone a long way I'm astonished, please this book is gonna have a bit of slow updates cause I'm actually a busy person out here so I hope you can bear with me...

  Secondly I'd love for y'all to keep the comments positive, I'd love for us to be able to converse and share opinions, it's also fine to input your thoughts and criticism, but let's be clear about something, I'm not a professional writer or author as y'all would say, I'm just a girl who has a whole lot of imagination and I love been able to share it to the world....

  Thanks again, I appreciate the read


  It was obviously a new day if my alarm was already beeping so loudly, I groaned and lifted my hands, tapping and patting the top in hopes of finding that depressing agent of disturbance

       "Believe me I will never get why the gods and goddesses saw the need for mornings, I mean we could just keep sleeping till we felt the need to wake up"

  i  groaned into my pillow, still holding it to my face,.

  "They created the mornings so that lazy bitches like you will rise and shine and get on with whatever activities the day held for them" ". Moon said so casually,

  " Moon you are the worst wolf in the world, you never agree with me on anything, we are supposed to be a team regardless of our beliefs Remember that always"" I said to her.

  " " Not when a lazy ass alpha's daughter is your human side, damn Clair you freak even I out with how much you sleep, that's disgusting for an alpha female with gifts that match powerful entities in the higher realms" "she said.

  " Bye moon, it was unnecessary speaking to you Today, "". I said cutting our link..

  Moon is actually my wolf, and although we tend to disagree on a thousand and one things, we still have the strongest bond, and sometimes when we disagree we tend to find a common ground

  I woke up this morning like every other day in the pack feeling refreshed from my sleep, though it isn't just any other day in the Park, it's Cole's birthday today.

  Cole is actually my elder brother, and regardless of how rude and a bit of a bully he tends to be I still love him regardless, with his thought in mind I rushed into my bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and here again trying to brush my  precious hip length hair, I only attempted cutting it ones and that didn't end well so I never did again..

  I finished my routine and started out for the day.

  "good morning dad, hey  Mom" I greeted each with a kiss in the cheek

  " aww guess who thought it wise to finally get outta bed today, really I thought you died Silv. Guess some people really do die and come back to life" Cole Said

  "Ha-ha-ha Cole, ever so classic and funny " I replied , Yeah note the sarcasm..

  "Good morning baby girl" dad said kissing my head.

  "Good morning my doll" mom said pulling me into one of those bone crushing hugs..

  "Ever so beautiful Silv, baby you look exceptionally beautiful today, it's Cole's birthday honey not yours"..

       "Hahaha mom, thought we was a team really" .. I said to my mom, pulling away and heading to the fridge.

     "Anyways happy birthday Cole, you know I love you deeper than the ocean, hopefully I see you ruling better as alpha soon"

  I said pulling him into a long hug..

  "Thanks Silv," ...

  "You welcome douche" .. I say pulling away...

  I proceeded to sit in the island stool, while glancing over to the window that had a great view of the sky, getting lost in my thoughts, Ever since I turned 17 I'd always wake up feeling weird, with this intense headache like my brain had been put on override, after the headaches it would suddenly become foggy and I'll start seen things moving in motion, never understood them in the beginning but eventually they became clearer and I realized I'd see certain events if I may call it that, told my mom whom in turn told my dad, hence every morning they'd call me to tell them all I had seen... At first it was cool especially knowing what other people's day would be like, but sadly I never saw whatever related to me and I never understood why, I guess sometimes were just never meant to happen, I finished my meal and looked up only to realize that I had been left alone in the kitchen, I finished washing my plate and started making my way to the Alpha's office.

  As usual today I had been called into the Office by parents so they could enquire exactly what I might have seen, it was actually really important considering the event of the day,  since it was my brother's birthday.. Now that I was actually thinking about it I had seen absolutely nothing as regards today,

     "Sorry dad, I didn't see anything today"

        "Baby I'm sure it might be because you didn't focus much since you were so excited about your brother's birthday" Dad said casually

       "Okay dad.......

  I replied getting up and leaving the office.

  I was on my way upstairs when I bumped into my best friend, girl was one of a kind, and I loved every single thing about her, we ran up to my room to help me get prepared since we were expecting alpha's from all over the region..

  He would be made alpha' in the next full moon so it was important to meet those he hadn't met before.,   I was gonna miss all the times we'd duel and I'd beat his ass real bad, once he got the Alpha position, surely he would beat the hell outta me if I even thought of dueling with him, sometimes it felt like he didn't like me because of the way he would act towards me, but I would always dismiss it to the fact that maybe he found me annoying, I would hear the girls in the pack talk about how their brothers tend to bully them because they found them quite annoying, butg they would always laugh about it, it was on the basis of that,     had I decided to believe that was all It was when it came to Cole..


moon scoffs

only you would think so Claire, He does not bully you because he finds you annoying as every other elder brother feels about their younger siblings, he straight up doesn't like you, accept it or leave it love"

       "you always disliked Cole, I do not understand your reasons but I won't bother correcting you any further"

  I replied, it was times like this that we couldn't agree with each other, she had a deep rooted hatred for Cole and I couldn't change her mind..

            "Suite yourself Claire, but for his sake I hope a day never comes when he does anything to hurt you, because then there will be nothing holding me back"     she replied retiring to the bottom of my mind..