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Autor: Psycho.E





“Steve, what are you planning to do? No don't look at me like that I won't let you go.” A brown skinned woman with dirty long curls around her face and speck of dust on her toned jaw and cheeks said in a shaky tone as she clenched the left side of her chest pocket containing small tablets. “I- I w-won't, i won't-” “-Scarlet, stop being childish!” Yelled the ebony skinned young man with brown lips, underneath it a large opened cut that had blood forming on it. His large arms held Scarlet roughly and his bright red eyes gazed into her brown ones. “You know I have no choice. You know you don't have a choice. Now, the Orion sect is looking for me, It's best I go to them than they, come for me.” Scarlet eyes watered, and her lips wavered as she caught the look of determination in Steve's eyes. He was always like this, Ever-willing to sacrifice himself for his family and keeping his promises even though he would lose his life in the process. He was indeed a true man. The sky darkened with light strokes of thunder drawing light patterns amidst the sky. A gasp escaped Scarlet lips as she gazed up into the sky. They were getting closer. The wind whistled and blew gently into the deepest of the forest where Scarlet and Steve were talking. With an intake of air, Steve closed his eyes and listened to the wind. Scarlet sighed and remained silent while watching her husband feel the wind. It wasn't the first time he was doing this. Suddenly, Steve eyes snapped open. Flatly, he said, “Go to the human world for now-” “-Steve!” Scarlet yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks, “You can't do this to me! You can't do this to the Abeo's!” “You'll live a life of luxury with Lola. You will raise our daughter well,” The ebony skinned man smiled and held Scarlet against his body, kissing sadly on her dirty tresses which were blowing widely over her shoulder and Steve's face due to the wind.

Chapter 1

  “Mother? Why is it that I am a freak and you never do anything about it! My friends at school avoid me because I'm bad luck. Whatever I lay my hands on fail!” A whiny sixteen year old teenager complained to her mother who didn't look like she was listening. She must've heard the teen's complaint way too often that she got tired of pretending to listen. However, the savage teen with brown braids didn't seem to notice.

  “Someone at school called me a witch mother and I'm beginning to think I am! In jss3, when uncle Femi punished me to cut grasses and burn them. I set the whole field on fire mother, without actually making a fire! In ss1, that uncle that fixes the generator for us whenever it's faulty called me to a corner and started rubbing my shoulders, then his fingers snapped without me actually doing anything and now that I am in Ss3, my boyfriend is thinking of breaking up with me because anytime we want to kiss, his jeans zips up his penis without-”

  Before the teen could finish her complaint, the older woman stood up from the kitchen stool and landed a thunderous slap on the teen's cheek.

  She didn't stop there, she pulled on the teen's ears and said in a raged thunderous tone, “You spoilt rotten child! You- you - At your age, you already have your boyfriend!; Another slap landed on the now sobbing teen's right cheek, “When I was your age, I was studying hard and even making cool cash. How much have you brought into this house, ehn? All you know is eat! And now you're practicing how to be a prostitute?!”

  The teen pulled away from the older woman's grip while sobbing and hiccuping simultaneously, “I hate you mom! I didn't even sleep with Austin yet, we didn't even get to kiss because of this curse on my head-”

  The older woman laughed and clapped her hands in wonder, “Ah! Mogbe! Don't worry.” the teen's mom continued as she puts her hands on her head in regret. “It is me that caused it, I spoilt you too much.” Her eyes began to water now, “All because I wanted you to grow confidence and feel among. But now you-you're even practising how to be ashawo. Carry your rubbish out of my sight now!”

  The teen didn't need to hear anymore scolding, she ran to her room just across the living room and slammed the door shut. She didn't stop there, she locked the door and started scattering her things, starting from her books to her underwear. The only thing left untouched was the mirror and her favourite mug printed with a black happy dog on it.

  After scattering everywhere, a sad sob escaped the teen with brown braids, “You're so stupid Lola, you're a big fool. I swear! Why would you open your big mouth and tell your mom you have a boyfriend? You fucked up big time I swear!” Lola cursed herself after rethinking the conversations between her and her mother for the hundredth time.

  Just when she was about to burst into another fit of rage, her phone buzzed.

  After stumbling over the books and clothes and blankets on the ground, she picked her phone and frowned at the cracked screen. She was about to curse again when another text message popped on her screen.

  From Austin,

  I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry it has to end this way. But I like someone else now, her name is Stella. She makes me really happy. I hope you won't bother me or her at school. Have a nice life. With love, Austin.

  Lola let out a heart piercing scream and threw her phone against the wall, which shattered into a million pieces. She pulled on her hair and cried bitterly into her folded arms as she sat over the wall.

  “I hate you Austin! I hate you! How dare you do this to me? I'm way prettier than that bitch Stella. How dare you? How dare you?”

  “Lola! Are you okay?” A voice yelled frantically along with a swift knock on the door.

  “No.. I will not accept this!” Lola stood up on her feet. “I wish that bitch dies. She dares to take away Austin from me with that ugly face of hers!” With shaky hands, she wiped her tears and sniffed. “When i go to school tomorrow, I'll confront the both of them. Austin cannot leave me. I won't let that happen.”

  “Lola open the door! What the hell are you doing in your room? Don't tell me you broke your phone again!”

  A frown appeared on Lola's pretty face, “Leave me alone mom! Just go away!” With that, she settled into her unkempt bed and put the soft duvet on her body while closing her eyes, not giving a listening ear to her mother who was knocking frantically on her door.


  The next bright morning, celebrated by chirpy birds and warm sunrise, Lola was all dressed in her school uniform- Deep blue skirt and a long sleeved light blue shirt. She put her hair in a bun per one of St.James secondary school's acceptable hairstyles and slid on her black school bag.

  After making sure her eyebrows were well pluckered and lips, well moistured, she headed to the kitchen to have some bread and butter since her mother hadn't bother to make breakfast.

  Although Lola's mother didn't have a job, she was always tired and sleeping.

  As usual, when it was 7:30am, a yellow and green stripped taxi stopped by to pick Lola up.

  “Good morning sir” Lola greeted the driver who only grunted in response.

  Lola was used to the response by now, she stared out the window, constantly thinking of how to face Austin.

  Would it be with a pouty smile or a seductive look? What about a bossy look?