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Autor: Winnie Amanda





The story follows the life of Jules Davis; of how she discerns the true meaning of love from her experiences and relationships with people: friends and family. Her father Nathan Davis is her first love. But, lying behind his mask of care, soft words, and deep affection is his self-seeking nature. How long will it take Jules to unmask him? Jules’s love for friend Penelope is tested when grades, positions, and boys sow a seed of envy between them. Then there is Jayden Iver, the proud and arrogant one who has his name on the school billboard, and in every classroom, poster, and sports outfit. Can a proud and arrogant fellow ever truly fall in love? And finally, Peter Clearwater, the timid one who passes unnoticed. Is his love for Jules enough to crack open his shell? Then there are lies, secrets, betrayals that either unite the families or destroy them. It’s therefore in place to say that you’re in for a ride.

Chapter 1

Location: The Iver family mansion

Jules could barely hear her footsteps when she approached the house. It was a chaos of music--- which could pass for noise--- and drunk teenagers. That wasn't her first time in the Iver house, but it was the first time seeing it in this state. She was never invited to parties like that one because most of the other students at Iver High thought her to be a prude. She was probably one because she studied hard and had excellent grades, but she also drank alcohol and was open to having teenage sex. No one knew about the later part anyways.

Moreover, it didn't matter anymore, not since she became the Iver heir's sweetheart. Well, she was a restraint to accepting that title at that moment because she was yet to set her eyes on the so-called heir.

She dialed a number as soon as she made it to the poolside and got no response. Where the hell is Jayden? The rest of the party was having fun. Someone stood on top of the swimming pool and jumped with a loud thud into the pool while the rest of the crowd yelled in excitement. Jules sighted a couple making out at a corner of the pool; their rhythmic movement gave them away.

Jules walked back to the living room, almost giving up on her search. She bumped into a guy carrying a glass of vodka, obviously drunk, and her frustration tripled. She dialed again; no response. She decided to sit for a while after struggling to wipe her dress clean. I knew it was risky wearing this. The dress was a gift from her best friend Penelope, who had also gone MIA after the student elections. It was a floral dress with some details on the hems, and its color suited Jules's skin tone perfectly. She had a very light skin tone, adorned with freckles on her cheeks and blue eyes that complimented it. She chose the dress because it was just perfect for the occasion, not too much and not too little. She was not going to show up as a mere Iver housemaid to her boyfriend's victory party, and neither was she going to show up like it was the met gala or something.

In as much as she fell out with her brother, Jamie, over some trivial issue months back, she was still a bit sad that he lost the elections, especially because she felt like she contributed it. Who would support someone who wasn't able to win the support of his own sister? But what was she to do? Jayden had already side-lined her before she could decide who to support? She knew Jamie was mad at her and thus avoided home.

She paused to look around. There were a lot of familiar faces, but she didn't talk to those people. How am I supposed to find Jayden now? Like he could read her mind, someone appeared from behind, carrying a red party cup with something inside, obviously alcohol. "Want some?" Nah. I'll pass". "Okay, so who are you looking for? Jayden?" "Yes, please," she replied, quickly reaching out to hold his hand. It was a bit muscular, and Jules guessed he was probably one of the guys on the football team. "I think he is in his room," he said, and Jules let go of him in sudden realization. Of course, he'd be in his room with his guys."Okay. Thanks a lot … uuhhm…." "Kevin," he cut her short.

He walked away; she noticed the other guys in the room shot her glances at her. They were probably assessing to check if she was worth all the hype. And a confident Jules was certain she'd pass the test. But she didn't think more of it.

At one corner of the room, Peter stood, with a party cup in his hands. His eyes were fixed on someone, Jules. Anyone observing how he looked at her could tell one thing easily --- he was in love. Though she had hurt him, he still felt the need to protect her. Something just didn’t feel right. Hence, he followed her all the way from school after the results of the elections were announced. He knew she was making a mistake, choosing the Iver heir over him, but he was ready to forgive; he just wanted her back.

Peter was the not so popular, yet good-looking guy. He wasn't the one to get lost in the crowd; a one-person squad. Even with his well-built body, he never considered football or any sport. He had a lot to bother about. A lot referred to his grades, which were really taking a huge dip, and his scholarship. That's was another major thing made a thing that made him not bother trying to fit in--- status. Unlike the other kids at Iver High that had a name that embodied generational wealth--- the Ivers, the Blossoms, the Shayne's--- Peter was just a Clearwater. There was no history of the name, no great grandpappy Clearwater in Glazen Town, a small town where everybody knew everybody.

But he understood why; he was not originally from Glazen, as his mother told him. He actually moved into the city from the countryside after his father died. He didn't really have many details about it, except all his mum told him. Neither she bore Clearwater.

Back at the party, Peter sipped the remaining liquid in the cup and his hands. Then someone approached him from behind. She wore a short and tightly fitted dress and laughed in a way that told Peter she was drunk. "Pretty boy, let's dance” she held on to his neck and tried to drag him to the center of the living room where the others were dancing. "No, I'll pass," he said, freeing himself from her grip. She spun herself away and fell into the hands of another guy Peter didn't know.

Peter returned to his stalking position to find out that Jules was gone. Shit! He dropped the red cup on the table beside the drinking fountain and walked through the crowd like he knew where she'd gone to.

The second floor of the Iver family house seemed restricted to only special people, as only the boys Jules saw Jayden hang with were up there. What she didn't understand was why they were staring at her. She blamed Jayden for not officially introducing her to the squad. She looked frantically around for the door that led to Jayden's room, squinting so that the smoke from the guys' cigarettes wouldn't make her cry. The place looked different from what she knew it to be; was it the people? She could not tell. She felt lost. Of course, it was very easy to get lost in the Iver house.

The first time Jayden took her on tour around the house, they used a map. He, too wasn't abreast with all the rooms in the house, even after living there all his life. It was an edifice, and people visiting Glazen Town always made sure to drive past it, just to behold it.

Jules continued her search, looking for the door that bore a gold inscription, JAYDEN, on it, as she could remember. It seemed almost futile, and she tried to dial him again when one of the guys walked up to her. “What’s up Jules, are you okay?” he asked, then Jules realized that she was looking distressed. “Have you seen Jayden?” she asked almost immediately. “Oh, he’s uuhhm….” he hesitated. “What?” “He’s having a shower” Liam settled for. “By this time? Isn’t he supposed to be with his guests?" she retorted, making an air quote when she said his guests. "Comm'n, you know Jayden, loves to take his time," he said in a chuckle, but Jules wasn't buying it. "And why isn't he answering my calls?" "Same reason," he said with a slow shrug. Jules sighed. "Okay, how about you wait here for a second while I go call him?" Jules's face bore both surprise and disbelief. I’m his fucking girlfriend, I should be in the shower with him. But before she could relay her mind, Liam was gone.

“Face front bitch" Jayden yelled in the arrogant tone he was known for, spanking her on her bare but. Penelope moaned, both in pain and pleasure. Even though she knew he didn't regard her, she was grateful to have him inside of her.

"I said face front bitch!" He yelled again. This time she replied him, "but it hurts". "You should have thought about that before deciding to become a two-faced bitch.” Her moans became louder. After what seemed like forever, he pulled out. Penelope fell on the bed; the white sheets were covered in cream-slimy substance from the both of them. She loosened her grip on the sheets and fell to her side on the bed.

There she was, naked and cold, on the bed of a boy that didn't love her. Pleasure immediately changed to regret. She could feel a teardrop from the corner of her eyes. I'm sorry Jules. Meanwhile, Jayden was on the other side of the bed on both his knees, with his phone in his hand. A message notification popped up. Jay, she's here. His initially stern face slithered into a grin. He texted back: let her in and make it real.

Then rushed over to Penelope. "Come here bitch, we ain't done yet." "My name is Penelope". "Whatever". He proceeded to squeeze her rock-hard nipples and she moaned again. And with no second thought, he was inside her again. There was a knock on the door. A soft knock and he knew who instantly. "Come on in bitch". "Jayden?"

She hesitated and knocked again. She was trying to make out something from the noise she heard behind the door. Is he watching a movie?

"Jayden is super cold in here. What's going on.... Ahh!" Her hands covered her mouth instantly. "P..... How could?" The two had let loose of each other then. Penelope rolled down from the bed, dragging the large white duvet with her.

"You whore! What have I ever done to you? How? What?!" She started crying. Her black mascara was ruined; the rest of her face was covered in sweat, even though the room was cold. "I just knew you were too good to be true." Then there was laughter. A loud, deep laughter that basked in mockery."You know I thought you were smarter. Like you'd be hard to get through. But all bitches are the same yo!" He laughed again, this time stroking his long hard dick. "You're a good boy. Two bitches!" Jules Came at him in a weak attack. "You son of a bitch! I hate you!" But he was too strong for her. He pulled her hair and pushed her to the wall opposite his king-size bed; then he walked into the bathroom. Her head hit the wall. She sat still for a moment.

"Oh my! Jules!" That was Penelope. She ran wrapped in the duvet to get to her friend. "Jules! Jules! Can you hear me? Talk to me". And as though, premeditated, Jules opened her eyes and came for her hair. "You traitor. How dare you ask me that? What do you care if I die?!" Jules hit her hard and they bought started fighting. Oh, you think I’ll let it go after you betrayed me?" That was Penelope. "How the hell did I betray you? All I've ever done is be a good friend to you." "Don't you dare play that card with me. You knew I liked Jayden, yet you went after him. Everything I wanted you always took. Guess what sweetheart, I'm going to take everything back!" Jules hit her again and she fell to the floor. Jules was short of words so she just cried. "But I asked you if you were okay with it and you said you were. Why this? " "Of course, I'd be fine with it. What was I supposed to say? If you were really the good friend that you claimed you would have stayed clear of him." "But I liked him too. You should have been happy for me." "Oh, shut up! We both know you're in love with Peter, you just wanted the attention, you attention-seeking bitch! "Wow, I can't believe this is happening." Jules sobbed again. "You better save those tears; cause I’m not done with you yet".

Jules looked up at her in awe. She was about to say another word when Jayden popped out from the bathroom; this time with a towel covering his bottom. "It's okay bitches, you can get out now. I'm done with both of you. Out!" "Even if I Jayden?" Penelope asked, in a tone that attempted to sound seductive. "Especially you bitch. Get out" Jules looked at him in the eyes, like that would melt his heart. "But why this? Why go to this length just to hurt me?" "No one, I mean no one," he bent to her height to return her look, but fiercely, "no one stands up to Jayden Iver and gets away with it. Get out".