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History Of Sub Roman Britain

History Of Sub Roman Britain

Autor: Zoomi



History Of Sub Roman Britain PDF Free Download


In the year 410 AD, Roman empire left Britain and never return again in the future. A man call Aurelius Ambrosias Constantinus wish to reunified Britain under single monarch. Who is he? Will he succeed accomplishing his Wish? What will happen after he succeed? You will know it after ready my E-novel

Chapter 1

In the year 410 AD, the land of the Briton succumbs to anarchy. Many former Roman generals turned warlords try to grab pieces of Britain and war is a frequent matter. Bodies piling up on the battlefield. Vultures consume the flesh of the soulless body. The Folk cry for their dear ones to pass away.

On the Romano-British soil, there are 4 Warlords. They are Polabius of Londinium; Marcianus of Eboracum; Valentinian of Dumonia; Julius of Mamucium. These warlords are very cruel to their subjects, they use to torture and execute anyone they dislike. Britain becomes the land of the lawless and every commoner live in fear.

In this dark age, a general unlike others raised a knight of 5000 men in his hometown at Camelot in northern England. With these men, he went to war with other Warlords and slain them and their army on the battlefield. He is liked by many but also hated by some. His name is Aurelius Ambrosias Constantinus also known as Aurelian.

In the dawn of summer, there was a strong rain on the road, and Aurelian's soldiers continue marching to meet Marcianus on the battlefield. Suddenly an unknown creature that is scaly attacks the soldiers. Everyone freaked out and it turns into chaos very fast. The creature's skin is impenetrable and smells like a rotten egg, ''run for your life this is not human these are the wraith of GOD'' the soldier yelled. Aurelian pulls out his sword and charge at the creature and he shouted ''don't be afraid your future king and GOD the author of this world is with us''. some soldiers fled and some stood with the general.

Sometime later, many soldiers die from the claw attack of the creature, and Aurelian seems saddened by this scene and prays to GOD ALMIGHTY: ''O GOD ruler of heaven, earth, and underworld lend me your strength I to fight these unholy beasts only you will I request''. He was knocked out by the creature and he went into a dream. Aurelian open his eye and see a creature shining with light in front of him, he asks the creature ''who are you and why I'm here'', the creature stand there silent for a moment, and then the creature replies:'' I am the GOD ALMIGHTY''.

Aurelian bows down in fear and asks for forgiveness. GOD then laugh and said: ''wuahaha don't be afraid I am not here to harm you but I have made my decision to help you to become King of Britain''. Aurelian was confused and asks:''why is that my LORD? What is so special about me?" GOD reply:''only you ask for my help and worship me, you are selfless and caring for your people, other warlords only care about themselves and don't worship me. So why should I help them?''. Aurelian then thanks GOD with full of gratitude. ''Now I will give you a weapon that looks like a broom and you should take good care of it'' said GOD. Aurelian nods his head and grabs the weapon.

Aurelian wakes up from the dream and grabs the weapon in his chest and smites the creature with it. The creature exploded into many pieces. everyone was relieved and continued marching to the battlefield to fight a war. On the battlefield, the

enemy numbering around 6000 men seems to have very high morale. One of the soldiers asks Aurelian: ''can we defeat them they are outnumbering us?''. ''Don't worry don't you see the weapon I just used to fight the creature with this I am sure we can defeat them'' said Aurelian.

The battle started and both armies charged into the battlefield, soldiers with enemy uniforms were killed brutally. Aurelian also fighting in the middle of the battle, he holds two-weapon one slashing the enemy and one smiting. The explosion was heard and Marcianus's army was terrified. ''what kind of weapon is this is Aurelian really the chosen one'' the enemy said in their heart. After Marcianus sees the power of Aurelian's weapon, he retreated to his home base at Eboracum. Some of his unfortunate soldiers were captured by Aurelian Army. Aurelian wins this battle and Aurelian's men return to their base happily.