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Autor: Temmy pen





Standing on a top mountain that was adjacent to the kingdom below. "I have to save them from their enemy,"he whispered. He dived down the mountain with lightning streaming out of his body into the battlefield. Because he is the legendary lightning beast. A werebeast ,being the last of it's kind due to the hatred he have for human because the humans had destroyed them decided to reside in the forest of a kingdom called Persia. He has been living in the forest for many years until the kingdom"persia" send a invitation to him in order to help them in winning a life threatening war that aroused against them .After much persuading from the kingdom he help them in winning the battle .Not long after the war ends he got betrayed by the kingdom king. But as a supernatural being that has lived for thousand years.He predicted the betrayal so he made arrangements so that the lightning beast will not cease to exist. He gave his child to someone he trust to be taken care of.Before he died,he transfer his power into a orb to be absorb by the chosen one. Mirabella,the daughter of the beast,a teenager who was presumed to be 16 years but she was around 300 years old. She was always bored at home because her parents were very busy and they didn't have time for her, so she didn't have true happiness despite being the richest man's daughter. She felt home when she was with her friends. She felt the greatest betrayal when she knew her adopted father was her greatest enemy.

Chapter 1

The sun came out from its rising place as it Shone brightly on the kingdom of Persia.

People are seen walking around the kingdom to their respective place of work while some are talking about random stuff.

A white horse with a man on it rode through the kingdom to the palace.

At the palace...

The king and his officials; the warlords and the Commander are seen making arrangements on the welfare of the kingdom.

Suddenly a guard ran into the throne room where the king and his officials are.

"How dare you barge into my throne room"the king said angrily from his throne.

"Am sorry my king,"the guard said, bowing down his head.

"If you don't have a good reason for barging in,I will make sure I slice off your throat with my bloodlusted sword"one of the warlords said, bringing out his sword,the guard on seeing the sword shivered fearfully.

"A man said he wanted to see you,he said he wanted to pass a message to you.We told him that you are in a meeting ,so he should deliver the message to us ,but he insisted on see you. That is the reason I had to come in"the guard explained.

"What did the messenger have to say that is very important"the king thinks within him.

"Bring him in"the king commanded.The guard hurried out to bring the messenger in.

Few minutes later...

The guard walks in with the messenger and steps out immediately,the messenger happened to be the same man that rode a white horse into the kingdom.

"What do you have to say?"the king asked.

The messenger passed a written scroll to the king,the king expression changed into a fearful mix with sad expression.

"My lord, what is happening?"the commander asked.

The king ordered the messenger to stay outside

"The king of Tryus is declaring war on us"the king answered.

From king Xavier'

"Am sure you have heard my tales. I have many kingdoms who bow and pay tributes to me but destroy kingdoms which tried to rebel or failed to bow to me .You are the only major kingdom that is not under my authority .King Agon,in three days,I want your reply . Either you bow to me or I show you and your kingdom the gateway to Hades, "the king known as king Agon said as he read out the content of the written scroll.

"My king,the king of Tyrus is biting what he couldn't finish,"one of the warlords said with more hatred in his voice.

"The best way is to surrender to him,to safeguard the kingdom" another warlord said.

"What are you saying? you know that we Persians are not coward"the third warlord said sternly, rebuking his unwise opinion.

" Persians do not run from a battle .We will make sure to fight with all our power and strategies"the Commander said with venom etched in his voice.

"Yes,what the Commander said is right. We are not a coward who runs away from war,I believe we will conquer that motherfucker that calls himself a king,I am not bowing to any king. We will make sure we defeat the king of Tyrus and its kingdom,"the king said, finalizing the meeting.

They called in the messenger and gave him another written scroll which contained their reply .

The messenger rode out of the kingdom back to his own kingdom.

Back at the Palace after the messenger had gone...

"To you, my officials, I hand over the war welfare to you."

"Make sure you train the knights to the greatest level"the king said to the Commander.

"To you the warlords,make sure you provide enough weapons for the war"the king said to the warlords.

"Make sure you all train because we are all participating in this war,good day to you all"the king said as he dismissed the meeting.