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Please Don't Suck

Please Don't Suck

Autor: Heather gold



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As a 'computer whiz' as they put it, I don't have like human interactions. I'd rather communicate with machines than humans. Relieved was I when my 3 months boyfriend decided he was too bored to move forward. Having been let down enough I had grown accustomed to some pains. With the designing of new softwares, catching the hacker who has made it his life mission to destroy the company, Love is the last thing on my mind. In rushed this sexy chef like a boomerang in my life. I can tolerate him, just hopes he is not like rest.

Chapter 1

"let's break up", was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

   He had texted, coaxing me to believe it was something important. I thought his dog has died or something not knowing it was for this time wasting nonsense: I mean I could be watching sleepy hallow by this time. I had chosen this cute cafe shop decorated with blue and white which gave it a homely feeling on purpose. But now I'm getting anything but a homely vibe.

    Having a curly blonde hair, striking blue eyes, pointed nose, full lips, Pedro Martinez is a very good looking man - main reason why I dated him.

"Okay" I responded nonchalantly,even shrugged.

He stared at me wide eyes as if shocked to see me not on my knees begging.

I rolled my eyes internally at his reaction, gosh he is so cocky.

"Wait that's it?" , He said sounding perplexed.

"Yep" with emphasis on the p.

"Don't you at least want an explanation?". He was practically begging at this stage.

"Nope. That was why you texted".

With a puzzled expression he nodded. Seriously these men are getting more and more predictable.

Dating me has some connections with my dad, his money and influence. At this rate they should just date him instead.

"If that's all, I'll be on my way then."I stood up from my seat ready to get out this ridiculously pretty dress, wasted on this stupid occasion.

"I can't believe I dated such a cold bitch."

That stopped me in my tracks. Turn my head to face him.

"You are just like the robots that you invent. cold, emotionless, intelligent but boring as fuck". Oh intelligent I will take that as a compliment. He continued

"No wonder your boyfriends don't last. If it were not for that stupid bet I wouldn't have wasted my time like this. You should thank your daddy  for his riches cause there wouldn't have been boyfriends to begin with. Is your friend still single?,the June one." He crossed his hands over his blue tailored shirt - self customized by me- and leaned back in his chair.

With a disgusted expression I said, " first of , screw you for June's name leaving your fucking mouth. By the way, how is the apartment I bought with my money, or the company I invested with my money  doing.And of course my privileged ass is thankful for my daddy's riches, ... and talking about money, you should probably get your sorry ass self a new investor since well ... you know" I smiled sweetly at him.

"Have a nice leech-filled life. Oh and p.s , Pedro, the credit card will be cancelled too, Ciao." I winked and waved at his frustrated face. I stepped outside and opened my baby- the newly exquisite blue Ferrari- with home a destination on my mind.

At home, I had long ago replaced the green sundress for a more comfy well-worn blue jeans with a pink and white crop hoody.

"it's over, again" I texted in the group chat.

June: finally!, I've been praying for this day.

Me: since when do u know how to pray. Who's been teaching.

June: The when and who doesn't matter. what is really important is that my prayers have been ANSWERED!.WE should party.

Jodie : seriously June seriously

June : yes Jodie yes

Jodie : are u okay? no wait will he be okay

Me : kinda maybe

June : I want details on the revenge plan

Jodie : I'm going over there now

June : fuck , I'm in a meeting but I'll be there

Jodie : madam superstar u are not needed

June : madam designer I didn't fucking ask, I'm coming Jade

Jodie: can u go a day without cursing

I saw June about to reply. She would probably curse even more to annoy here. Some friends I have, with a smile on my face I placed the phone down.

Sucking on a cherry flavored lollipop, I pulled on my mauve headset about to end somebody's career.