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His Ex Lover

His Ex Lover

Autor: Violet Smart



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"Vaxel Jericho, do you take Clarissa Vicente to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony?" The priest asked. He bends to her ear, his face showing nothing but hate. "I vow to live together in hate, making you spend the rest of your life in agony and pain, and making you pay for the sins of your mother" he whispered to her ear. "To love her, to comfort her, to honor her and to cherish her?" "To hate you, punish you, to break you and get you fucked up" "In good health and in sickness, forsaking all others, until death do you part”? The priest asked. "In depression and in sickness, through tears and even at death we part not" his vows whisper to the ears of his bride. Fear written all over her face, she let the tear drop. This was just the beginning. ~~~ The war between both families, Vicente's and Jericho's, had started years before the heir's were born. Both families would never be seen in the same place at the same time, the mere mention of the name was a problem and caused a rise of anger. But something crazy happens and the heir and heiress of both families fall in love, as they say love happens. Falling in love was a crime and when both families find out about the little love affair between Vaxel and Clarissa the two are separated. Five years later, an accident occurs in Vaxel's welcome party, an accident that forces him to do the forbidden thing. He forcefully marries Clarissa in order to make her pay for the sin she never committed. The sins of her mother.

Chapter 1

"You guys have been seeing each other secretly? For how long" Dad's angry voice asked, making me get more scared.

Dad and mom have never been this angry with me, but I don't think I can give up now, I've gone too far to give up.


"Speak to me Clarissa"


"How long have you been seeing that Vaxel, you've brought shame to our family, how dare you?"

"Dad please, mom, let's just end this fued, can't we make peace with the Jericho's" I couldn't even complete my statement when I felt Dad's hard hand leaving a print on my face the moment I said that.

Dad just slapped me. He freaking did, this is so intense.

"Mom" I held my cheeks and looked at her.

"Raymond!" Mom called dad out then pushed me to stay behind her.

"Clarissa, you are not to see that boy again" he growled.

"But dad I love him"

"What did you just say?" He questioned starring widely yet angrily at me.

"Dad, I love Vaxel and I'm not leaving him"

"Wow, what nerve you've got, you will end things up with him or I'll disown you"

"I don't care dad, do whatever you want to do, I'll still love Vaxel, you guys haven't gotten to know him and you hate him."

I've never spoken this way to dad but I have to fight, fight for the love I and Vaxel share.

I swallowed hard and stared widely at mom and dad. I was already crying, I could feel everything I had going, I was gradually loosing everything I had.

"Clarissa don't you dare speak to me in that tune, remember I'm still your father"

"No your not, cause if you were, you would have understood that I can't live nor cope without Vaxel, your not my dad, I've promised to stand by Vaxel and I'm breaking every bond I have with you, you're no longer my father" my broken heart and mind spelt those words out of my mouth, I wish I don't regret this.

Vaxel and I shouldn't be punished for the sins of our parents.

My parents have never been the strict parent, they always understand me but they don't anymore, I'm in love with Vaxel, I don't know how, when and why the feelings started, maybe it's because he wasn't the boy who bullied me for having big glasses, for having braces, for having this stupid hair and being naive, maybe because, he never for once treated me the way boys in school treated me, maybe because he made me feel I wasn't a dork.

My whole life I've been bullied in school and then I meet my prince charming who never thought of me less than a human, my prince charming who happened to be the only son of the Jericho's, my family's long time rival and enemy, yes I was stupid enough to fall in love when I knew things would never work out well.

But love happens, we fell in love and we've been keeping it a secret, all so suddenly, dad finds out and wants me to end things with him, no way!

I ran out of the house even as mom's voice kept calling me.

Mom's voice trailed behind me as I ran to the road, I ran faster and faster, so dad's men would keep up with me.

I stopped a taxi and hopped into it.

The moment I got rested, I took my phone and made a call to Vaxel.

He picked almost immediately.

"Rissa how are you? Hope you aren't hurt?"

"I'm fine Vaxel, can we meet, let's elope Vaxel, mom and dad will never want us to be together"

"Rissa.." his voice become so low.

Vaxel is the only heir and his father is a really stern man, he can't even look his dad straight in the eyes.

"I'll be waiting for you Vaxel, this is the time to fight for our love"


"I'll be waiting at our secret place" I didn't have much time, I ended the call.

It's just an hour.

In an hour all this will be over.


When I got to our secret place, I sat on the bench, the cold breeze perched my skin.

Everywhere was dark, my body was becoming so cold since it had rained earlier.

I looked at the time on my phone and gave a sigh, he'll be here any moment.

I kept reassuring myself.

Droplets of rain dripped down my body as I sat on the cold empty chair, I was beginning to shiver since it was raining again.

The cold wind messed with my hair and made me even cold, I called him but he didn't take his call.

This shouldn't be the last, I kept calling him but hell no, it wasn't going through.

I'll wait until he comes, I know something must be wrong some where.

"Vaxel, please come, we have to leave here"

Just like all odds were against me, my phone battery died and the rain began heavily, the wind kept messing with me.

Standing from the beach I looked at the time on my wrist watch, hell two hours had gone.

I tried walking but I couldn't, it felt as tho something held unto me, my chest was becoming frozen because of how cold it was.

Throwing my legs futher to the road, I clinged unto my chest.

I could feel myself going down.

I was growing weak every passing second, I was loosing strength, life was gradually going away from my body.

I managed to walk to the road.

I've made a mistake but what if Vaxel isn't fine either, what if he couldn't make it because of his father. Nah Rissa, Vaxel is ninteen, he can make decisions for himself, he freaking didn't come to get me.

No Rissa don't say that, he loves you and you know in your heart hat he does.

I was too confused to think rightly.

Vaxel never really loved me, dad was right, I'm only going to get hurt.


I blinked my heavy eyes slowly.

"Rissa hunny, your awake?" Mom's voice was the first I heard.

"Nurse, she's awake now".

The nurse walked to me and did what ever she did before raising the bed up.

"She's fine now ma'am"

"Thank you"

"Mom..." I tried to look her in the eyes but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry mom, I shouldn't have"

"Baby, please don't stress yourself, you're just waking up after three days"

"What three days, how did that happen" my voice was unexpectedly really low and cracked.

"A story for another day, but I'm glad your back to me" she cleaned her tears.

"Mom where's dad"

"He's mad at me I know, I was so rude, I don't know what came over me"

"Dear it's nothing, people do crazy things for love I'm glad you're out of that phase now" Dad's voice barged into the room.

I looked up to him and I couldn't help but want to cry more.

"Dad I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I wasn't thinking straight"

"I know you weren't, love makes people go wide and crazy, you don't even want to know the things I did when I was in love it's okay, your forgiven" Dad's calm voice reassured me.

He walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm so sorry dad"my voice was in a whisperer as I wrapped my hand around his back warmly.

"Rissa, you should know your the only one your mom and I have"

"I know dad" I gave a smile.

"Dad can I ask you something?"

"Sure you can?"

"Where's Vaxel, didn't he come to see me”

"Vaxel" dad cracked.

"The fool, who put you in such mess? Well he's in Australia, his dad flew him out"

"What!" I tried to act normal.

Vaxel didn't fight, he's a weakling. He didn't come for me

He never really loved me.

Love isn't real as people say.

I stared at mom, she looked sad, and I really don't want her to look that way.

I stared at dad and gave a smile.

"Well I guess that's over now, my exams will be coming real soon, I can't wait to get into Harvard" I smiled.

Dad looked at me, I'm sure he's pretty scared, I mean I should be crying but no.

I'm not going to cry, Vaxel is my past, and he's going to be my past forever.