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Her Twisted Life

Her Twisted Life

Autor: _imnathalie



Her Twisted Life PDF Free Download


After that incident, she woke up in the magical world. She didn't imagine that. There are so many questions in her head. Will she be able to answer all her questions? What if she finds out something about her identity? Come and join her to unfold all the mysteries in her life.

Chapter 1

  Queen's POV

       I fucking throw my alarm clock because it's so annoying. I'm 100% sure that Mom put it there. The alarm clock is disturbing my sleep. I'm lack sleep you know cause I did something important last night. Do you wanna know it? I'll tell you guys later after I take a bath.

       I'm almost ready to take a bath when someone knocks at my door. Tsk I guess it's Mom. Maybe she heard the noises earlier.

       "Baby did you destroy your alarm clock again?", mom said.

       "It's annoying Mom and I hate it," I said casually. Well, duh it's freaking true you know. Who the heck invented that f*cking alarm clock? Tsk, it's not helpful, it's bad very bad.

       "Poor alarm clock," mom said while looking at the scattered parts of the alarm clock. Tsk I didn't mean to destroy it. It's just that, it's annoying.

       "If your sad Mom because I destroyed that freaking alarm clock, then you should stop doing that. Putting alarm clock in my room if I'm sleeping," I said irritatingly. I know I sounded disrespectful, but who cares, this is how I really behave, especially since they woke me up too early.

       "Anyway let's eat baby. Your Dad is already waiting for us downstairs. And I put the alarm clock there because it's so difficult waking you up." Mom said almost laughing. Tsk well, Mom's kinda right. I woke up late every day. Well, I have tons of reasons why I always woke up late.

        "Okay Mom, just tell Dad that I'll take a bath first," I said.

    "Ok baby Just do it quickly okay. Your dad is waiting" Mom reminded me.

       After that Mom finally goes out. So I quickly go to my bathroom to take a bath. I don't want to keep my Dad waiting. Dad might leave early.

       After 10 minutes, I'm done. Well, I'm not like other girls you know. I took a bath as fast as I can Cause I almost forgot that I have some important details that I need to check.

       I quickly put my clothes on to start checking the details. I'm wearing jeans and black T-shirt guys. Anyway, while I'm combing my hair, I saw myself in the mirror. My eyes look different from other people's eyes.

       You want to know why? Well, my eyes don't have any emotion. It's because of my training not to show any hint of emotion. At first, it's very difficult cause I'm a jolly person and it's hard for me to stop showing emotions.

       But when days and months passed, I successfully did it. Do you want to know why they taught me that? It's because they said that your emotion will be your greatest downfall someday. Cause your enemies might use your emotion against you.

       When I'm done combing my hair, I immediately open my laptop. This laptop is not like other laptops. I'm the only one who has this laptop. It's because I'm the one who created it.

       This laptop contains many important information. But you can't open this laptop easily. You have to pass all the requirements needed to open the laptop successfully.

       If you think you can hack it, then your wrong. Nobody has successfully hacked it yet because before you can enter my laptop, your laptop will shut down automatically because of the viruses I planted.

       And I'm the one who programs all the security. Cool right? haha, I'm an expert. No, I'm a genius. Haha

       When I open my laptop I saw the invitation from Underground Arena. Someone challenge me into a fight. I wish she or he will give me a good fight.

       I hate weaklings they are just wasting my time. Time is Everything for me. Every move that I make is calculated and I don't like it if it didn't happen as I plan. 

       When I finally go downstairs, I found Dad seeping his coffee. My Dad is a workaholic man. So every morning and night is the time that I well see dad. That's the reason why I need to wake up early, but I'm so stubborn, I always wake up late haha.

       "Morning Dad," I greeted and kiss my Dad's cheek.

       "Morning too Sweetie", Dad greeted back.

       "Morning Mom," I greeted Mom too and kiss her cheek.

       "Good Morning too baby"

       "So how's your sleep sweetie?" Dad asked me.

       "It's good but kinda annoying," I said

       "Why sweetie? Don't tell me your Mom put an alarm clock in your room again? " Daddy always knows about it haha.

       "Exactly Daddy.", I exclaimed.

       "Haha, I knew it. Stop doing it honey, your disturbing her sleep." Dad said while scolding Mom.

       "Tsk okay, but she needs to wake up early. Anyway, let's eat before the food gets cold" Mom said.

       "It's okay if she doesn't wake up early Honey.", Dad said.

       "Anyway do you have plans for today sweetie?"

       "Yes, Dad. I need to go to Underground Arena because someone challenged me for a fight." I answered.

       "Okay sweetie but always remember to be careful." Dad reminded me. He always said that every time I fight in the Underground Arena.

       "Tsk Yes Dad."

       "Sweetie we're just worried about you. What if you got into an accident again? Just like what happens to you last year?"

  "True, don't you know how worried we are when we heard the news baby? I'm about to collapse that time for worrying too much."

       "Tsk I'm sorry Mom and Dad, but that was last year ago. I already learned my lesson that I need to be extra careful."

       "I'm done Mom and Dad, I'll just go upstairs."

       "Okay baby"

       "Okay sweetie"

       When I entered my room. I immediately change my clothes. I'm wearing a black T-shirt with a black leather jacket. Black pants, killer heels, and last but not least my signature mask. It's a half mask. The color is purple.

       It has gold linings around it, and a butterfly symbol, which is a sign that I am the Mafia Queen.