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His mafia queen

His mafia queen

Autor: Authoress Chinny



His mafia queen PDF Free Download


Audrey whitney is her name-Easy going but very crazy,loves partying and messing around a times. Perfect definition of a no nonsense bitch,she and her best friend deals with anyone that messes up with them. Never the love type but then things go wrong after a very wonderful night with the popular American mafian boss,Jared Hudson. The one night stand results to an unwanted thing led to another and she is forced to marry the cruel and cold-hearted Jared Hudson. Audrey gets entangled in the mafian web and is forced to takeover the leadership of her husband,when they kept receiving life threats from his enemies. She turns into a cold hearted killer set to destroy all those who tampers with her family but as time goes on things just keeps getting out of hand,how long will she continue to put her darling child in danger by fighting all this people? How long will she continue to stay strong when they keep trying all they could to break her? The fights from angry ex's,mobsters,mafian bosses who are trying to destroy her family? Read and find out how Jared's gorgeous wife who later becomes the devil in white,teams up with him to put their enemies in place,even while heavily pregnant with their first child.

Chapter 1

"You better tell your stupid daughter when she comes back that she's lucky i didn't see her today if n..." I watched from the tiny space in my window,as Steph's mum ranted on and on about how lucky i was today,because she didn't meet me at home.

If only she knew i was up here in my bedroom looking at her,she wouldn't be there jumping up and down like a frog. I just want to go down there and break whatever is left of her stupid daughter's hand. Useless family.

"Audrey so this is where you've been hiding all this while" I turned to look at the owner of the voice and just like i anticipated,it turned out to be no other person than that tiny little witch of a sister.

"Hey better keep your mouth shut unless you want me to help you shut it in my bathroom" I fired back at her. Very annoying girl that can never keep her annoying mouth to herself.

"You just called me tiny again,am not tiny. Stop calling me that" she made some baby faces


"Ouch!! Audrey you are hurting me" I quickly covered her mouth before she will scream and bring attention to this place. I kept squeezing her ear as she struggled to get out of my hold.

"Listen here Amanda,you better stop yelling because if you make Steph's mum find me here,am going to make sure you sleep on a bed filled with rats. Did you hear me? I whispered harshly to her ears,sounding as scary as i possible.

I smiled as she nodded tearfully. My tricks actually worked on her. Good for her.

"Thank you Audrey,i won't scream again" She promised. I smiled at her,knowing well that she was just saying that cause she's scared of sleeping with rats,very soon she'll come back to her senses and continue been her annoying self. Most times i wonder if she's actually 9 years old cause she's way too smart for her age. How did she even find me?

I was actually on my way to Skyler's house when i sighted Steph and her bitchy mum. I quickly made a u-turn and ran straight into the bush beside my house then climbed into my room through the window. If i had gone through the door my parents would have seen me and no doubts they will tell Steph's mum am in here.

The creaking of the door made me turn but i quickly made to hide behind the window curtains when i found out it was my dad. His voice stopped me. "Audrey if you don't get your crazy self out of there now,i'll personally come drag you out" His deep baritone voice rumbled round the room. There's no doubt am way in for it today,he is just not going to let me go easily.

"Umm dad! " I scratched my head looking for a way to escape but again his voice stopped me.

"You better not think of it because there's no way for escape this time" Urh! Urh! and there was once again another CAUGHT RED HANDED!!

"Dad i can explain what happened. Believe me she looked for my trouble dad. The bitch j_"

"Watch your mouth this stupid girl. I've you severally to quit this nonchalant attitude you developed. Audrey i've told you severally to stop getting into fights" He advises,taking a sit beside my mum.

I mentally rolled my eyes. There we go. I know this lecture is gonna last for the whole day.

"Umm dad,can you let me bring my jotter and pen" I asked,shifting from his side incase he tries to hit me.

For some minutes they seemed lost on what i meant by getting a book and pen.

Amanda was the first to realise what i was insinuating and she bursted into laughter but at one glare from me,she quickly shut her mouth up.

"Audrey can you at least behave for once? Mum asked,annoyed. "Your father was trying to talk to you and you had to make a joke out of it. Why can't you behave" She sounded like she was close to tears.

"Ok mum sorry for hitting her,tho i kinda regret why i didn't gauge out her eyes instead. She had it coming anyway,she called us poor church rats. I just had to beat up her sorry ass" I explained. Mum just shook her head.

"Audrey i know you never look for trouble,i know Steph must have annoyed you but then it doesn't justify the fact that you hit her. Most times they taunt you just to get a reaction from you,so they could use it against you. Please my child just learn to ignore whatever they say please" Mum spoke,holding me close to her.

I just want nothing else but to go after that girl and beat the crap out of her face. She just made me look bad in front of my parents.

"Okay mum,dad i promise to stop getting into fights again" I looked at the both of them. Their face brightened at once but sobered up immediately.

"This is like a thousand times you've said this but you never kept to your promise. You say it this minute the next minute we receive a complain concerning you. Just listen to us this once,we love you and we don't want you to get hurt" Dad pleaded. They are just making me feel bad.

I only retaliated cause she called family names,she didn't stop at insulting me but went ahead to insult my family. No one speaks to my family in a bad way and walks away.

"Okay this time i promise not to fight with anyone again,i mean it. The only thing is just to go stay with Sky. That way i won't see them again and they won't also see me again,unless i run into them in some other place" I tried to convince them.

Staying with Skyler is gonna be okay cause she knows me better,she's my best friend and will definitely help me screw up anyone who tries shit with me.

"You want to go stay with Sky? Dad asked.

"Yes dad,i think that place is better than this place where some ugly people get to say sh*ts to me all the time and i end up getting into fights with them" I explained. Praying silently they'll agree,tho i know they'll agree. They all love Skyler cause she's my best friend even when they know we are alike in everything.

"Alright,if that's what you want then that's fine. I just don't want to receive complaints from anyone again" He warned.

"Ok dad you won't receive any complaint again. I will just make sure i cut off their mouths so they won't be able to complain again" I gasped immediately the words left my mouth. What have i done?

I slowly raised my head to look at them,just like presumed they had the you-really-don't-want-to-change look on their face.

"Audrey Whitney!! mum shrieked. I only smiled at her in return. "I will change mum,you won't get any complain again" I promised,even when we all know is not possible. I just wanna get out of here.

"You better do cause if you don't am gonna get your ass down here and make sure i spank you real hard" Mum warned.

"Honey you just cursed" dad told mum,hitting her lightly.

"Oh yes dad,she behaves like she doesn't do this things i do when i obviously learnt them from her" She picked something to throw at me,i ran away giggling.

I just love my family,starting from my little sister-Danielle or rather tiny little witch as i normally call her,down to my dad-Mr Whitney and my mum-Hannah Whitney. They are just the best including Sky,my bestie.

My name is Audrey Whitney,am a black american,yea i have a brown skin and i know you've heard a lot about blacks. We cool but crazy too or should i say no nonsense people. We just hate been taken for granted.

I've lost count of how many noses i've broken cause of this issue. Most of them belong to men who can't keep their dicks in their pants,always looking for holes to put it into. Worst of all they thought i was one of those hoes but just like i always do,i made sure they got the opposite of what they came looking for.

This is just me. Am no saint neither am i Lucifer's daughter. Am just plain me who takes shit from no one.

To be continued.....