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The Twin Mafia Boss

The Twin Mafia Boss

Autor: Biabarbie2



The Twin Mafia Boss PDF Free Download


ONE girl but TWO mafia bosses. When secrets starts to unravel... betrayal seeps in... danger lurks around every corner... And two possessive, handsome and dangerous men are brought into the picture Who will get chosen in the end? This story contains: Explicit contents/ mature content Violence/triggering contents READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!

Chapter 1

"Hurry Carissa, we are already late you're making it worst!" yelled my father from the living room. Irritation poured out of his voice as rain would from a dark cloud. He got invited to this Gala about a week ago; hence we had enough time to prepare, but long story short I'm a horrible procrastinator. Now here I am, half ready with a fuming dad waiting downstairs.

Finishing my makeup took longer than I anticipated. I knew I should've dismissed the thought of doing something I'm not good at but I decided to give it a try once again, now I'm sitting here like an idiot trying not to smear mascara all over my eyelash and forehead.

A sigh escaped the confinement of my pursed lips as I eyed my shaking hands, with anxiety eating me alive, it's hard to keep them from trembling this much. For the first time ever, I truly felt like a hot mess. If anyone was in the room with me they would definitely know how anxious I am without even have to glance at me.

Well, who wouldn't be anxious? Considering we will be surrounded by so many people, not to mention they are filthy rich and have immense power in our society. If they somehow felt like you were insulting them in the slightest, I strongly believe they would have had your head on a silver platter with the snap of their golden fingers.

Relax, exaggerating is a trait of mine, they aren't so cruel.

Being surrounded by famous and glamorous people isn't my favorite thing in the world. The fancy life isn't for me and I admit, I hate cocky rich people, especially the ones who think they're better than every and anyone around them. They are the ones you could never get a genuine smile or compliment from, the ones who are always disrespectful to the poor and needy.

Not because someone isn't wealthy as you mean they should be treated any less of a human being, plus I definitely don't want to wear a tight elegant gown to fit in with everyone as if I'm some sort of queen or princess, who is always pampered. To be honest I knew deep down I didn't want to go.

But, it was my dad's first invitation to a gala and he wanted to bring me along, I was his last option, well, unless he wanted to go alone. Mom couldn't make it as a result of her still working in the city. She wouldn't be able to make it on time... or so she claimed.

I hate to admit it, but I think my parents are losing the spark they once had, the mere thought of that makes my eyes water a little, from a young age I always admire the love they had for each other. I always dreamt of a love like that and I still do.

I still hope I find the love they once had; the only difference is we won't leave each other in the end. And instead of losing the bond or love we have for each other we will fight through the hard times and continue to love each other until the very end.

Dad waited years for this opportunity, would it be right for me to have ditched him at this very moment? What kind of daughter would that make me?

He finally got what he waited patiently for and the least I can do as a daughter is to be there by his side.

"Bloody hell Carissa, Why are you taking so long up there? You're making us late for Christ's sake" said my dad, his thick British accent heavily present in his voice, it tends to get like that when he's either frustrated or angry, and right now my mind is telling me he is both.

Fortunately for me, I got his accent along with his piercing green eyes, his jet black hair, and his perfectly sculpted nose, I basically have my dad's entire face.

To me, the only thing I got from my mom is her curves which I must say fitted my gown nicely in the right places, and of course, I got her attitude which most of the time gets me in a lot of trouble

"Sorry dad, I'm ready and coming down now!" I yelled, trying to loosen him up so he won't be mad at me when I meet him

He sighed loudly, "that's what you said five minutes ago" my eyes widen like that of a frightened cartoon character. Whelp he is right. I didn't realize time was moving so fast though.

I grabbed my purse from my dresser and turn to look in my floor-length mirror. For once I'm very pleased with the lady I saw staring back at me, neither is her hair in knots on the top of her head nor she looks like a zombie who was just awakened.

Instead, she's dressed in an elegant red dress with very little cleavage on show and a split at the side of her dress showcasing her long-shaven legs, which are covered in a pair of stiletto heels. Her makeup is just great, it's not perfect as if it was done by a great makeup artist but it was still good despite her not being professional at it

A smile graced my lips as I thought, I'm proud to say the girl in the mirror is the one and only Carissa Jones, Me.

Would you believe me if I told you she was only eighteen? A young lady about to go off to college?

Looking at her now she looks like a grown woman who got her life figured out. I mean who would really think outside of this lovely gown and nice makeup she's just a single child who loves painting and drawing?

Speaking of being an only child, oh shit, I got to go before my dad dies from impatience.

I left my room and slowly descended the stairs making sure I didn't trip over anything in the way, for that would be embarrassing even if there isn't anybody around except father.

When I finally reached the living room I almost laughed at the sight of my dad's impatient face.

I could tell he was ready to curse me out in many different languages as I forced myself not to burst out in laughter but as soon as he saw how elegant his little Carissa looked he changed his mind which I'm very grateful for.

"You really did clean up well kiddo I still can't believe how much you have grown," He said slightly glaringly playfully at me for making us extra late. He took my hand and led me outside the door and into a black sleek limousine.

That's the way he compliments me, always calling me kiddo or some other word to remind me I'm still his little girl I don't mind though I love being his daughter for he is an awesome dad.

I smiled and polietly thank him

He's dressed in a black suit which clung to his body like a second skin it had me wondering if he's breathing properly. I would hate for him to be uncomfortable just because he wanted to make a good impression on these people.

The best way to give a good impression is being yourself or maybe some of us really shouldn't if you know what I mean, he also has a red tie on to match my dress which I think is really nice; it brings me back to prom night.

As expected he is wearing his signature leather shoes, he seemed to love this pair more for some odd reason

The drive to the event was nice in a peaceful and relaxing way. We had some champagne and snacks, and of course, dad didn't like the idea of me drinking but guess what?

I'm legal so he can't stop me; I bet he hates that, but me? I completely love it. This is one perk of being eighteen that I know I will love. The others I know aren't so much likable, like paying your bills...

You could tell the champagne was expensive due to just the taste of it and this makes it quite obvious the person or persons who are hosting this gala are some rich folks, this little information causes stirring in the pit of my stomach.

When the limousine came to a stop in front of this humongous mansion I felt like throwing up last night's pizza and the drink I just had; seeing other fancy-looking ladies around didn't help either.

I am going to make a fool out of myself in front of these rich people and they are going to laugh at m-

"Hey, what's going on inside that head of yours?" Dad asked once he noticed how uneasy I am. I waited until we got out of the car to tell him

"I feel nervous dad these people are obviously rich and i- "

"Whoa slow down, everything's ok and will be fine, I'm here with you remember that, "he said trying to calm me down which worked, for now.

I just have this gut feeling that everything won't be fine but I could only hope for the best, besides it's probably my anxiety flashing its ugly head like it always does.

Smiling up at my father I said" ok dad I believe you. Let's go inside, shall we?" He took my hand and together we ventured to the entrance of the building


"Carissa, meet my business partner Jonathan; Jonathan this is my daughter Carissa," my dad said introducing me to his hundredth business partner since we entered the building.

"Hello," We greeted each other and he and my dad got into a discussion about projects and what's not right after.

Looking around I admired how beautiful the inside of the building is. The golden exterior just made it even more luxurious not to mention the dazzling chandeliers. I only ever saw these things in movies I can't help but feel like a celebrity.

Waiters walked around with appetizers and drinks I took another glass of champagne. This one tasted even better than the one we had on the ride here, the appetizers were very delicious too but not wanting to appear as greedy I only had three.

Everyone here dressed nicely especially the males, their suits were well-tailored to perfection, and for the ladies, they were all dressed so elegantly as if they just modeled out of a blazing magazine.

I wondered if the rest of the mansion is as beautiful as here, curiosity got the better of me and I excused myself to go and explore this beautiful almost magical place

I was lucky to creep up the gold and peach-looking stairs and into a hall unnoticed. I look at the walls which only had a few pictures here and there. I did not really pay attention to people in the frame, it wasn't important to me anyways.

I passed a lot of doors but there is this one in particular that caught my attention, unlike the others painted in white, this one was in red with a shiny golden handle. It looks beautiful but also mysterious

I put my hand on the handle and push the door open.

What I saw was definitely unexpected.

A girl I would most definitely describe as a bimbo was on top of a guy, and there I say it riding the hell out of him, her moan and his grunts could be heard all over the room. I am no saint but this is something else.

I stood there frozen in the doorway my mouth suddenly dry. I tried moving but it was like sleep paralysis all over again.

Pushing the girl off of him my eyes made contact with intense blue ones and I must give compliments were given he is truly handsome. His perfectly shaped face and his firm body was the only thing on display...unfortunately.

"What the fuck are you looking at? Close the fucking door!" he roared stirring me from my thoughts

I opened my mouth to say something but not a word escaped, my eyes drift to the girl beside him only to see her eyeing me with disgust.

I hurriedly closed the door and walked away, not long after I found my way on a balcony. I clutched my heart which felt like it was going to explode I don't know why I felt so hurt and it's not only because of the way that man spoke to me but more like what he was doing.

The cold wind whipped across my face blowing my hair behind me; tears sprung my eyes and for whatever reason, I felt like crying. That was until a loud bell rang which clearly demanded attention

I raced down the corridor past his door and down the stairs. I somehow made it back downstairs without being noticed. I guess I wasn't that important for anyone to be looking at. I quickly made my way towards my dad, who was looking around for me.

"Where did you go? I was looking everywhere for you?" My dad asked worriedly, in which I told him I just went for some fresh air and luckily he bought it but he didn't forget to tell me if I needed fresh here I should inform him before rushing off to god knows where.

"Good evening to you all. I'm glad that everyone could make it" said a man who could be no older than seventy. He continued to talk and I just zoned him out. The scene that I witnessed upstairs replayed in my head, her moans, his grunts, him shouting at me.

I was once again dragged out of my thought from excessive clapping and hollering, lifting my head up my heart skip a beat; It's the same guy I saw earlier, the one who spoke harshly to me.

His eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on me then he started to talk. I didn't hear a word he said I was too captivated by his eyes which were piercing mines or was, until she showed up and clearly smirked with him and I knew what that 'smirk' meant, we all do.

Turning to my dad I told him I wasn't feeling well and if I could go home. He was concerned as any father should be, when he kept asking what's wrong I got annoyed.

I told him I had a headache which I can tell he didn't believe. He was ready to leave with me but I didn't want him to miss out on anything important that this event could offer him and besides this is his first time at a big event like this, he could meet new business people and form plans and deals with them, his business could grow larger.

I couldn't be selfish and robbed this opportunity from him because I suddenly wasn't feeling the gala.

It took quite a while to convince him to stay but it was worth it. I quickly but quietly exit the mansion and let the same limousine dropped me off at home, I'm glad this ride is free and sponsored by the people keeping the event for I probably would have had to take the cab or something.

I shut the car door and walked towards my house, taking the spear key from under the flower pot we keep nearby I unlock the door.

I was surprised to find the house was in darkness I specifically remembered dad and I forget to turn the lights off before we left, not thinking much of it I walked further in and closed the door behind me when I clicked the lock shut. I felt warm breathing on the back of my neck before I heard.