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Fearless Maid

Fearless Maid

Autor: Author Feathers



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Unlike many maid, Brenda was fearless as a newly employed maid in Scot's house. Scot thought that he would be able to send Brenda away like the other maids that his parents had sent him but her uniqueness made him grow interest in her. The more he challenges him, the more his interest in her arose.

Chapter 1

Scott's POV

"Hey! I'm not going to clean that place again, with your two eyes, you saw that I swept the place few minutes ago only for you to be stepping it." She said and hissed.

I sat upright and couldn't believe my ears. I had to face my beautiful little sister to confirm my thought. "Helen, isn't this the new maid that Dad just sent?"

"Yes, she is." Helen replied with her tiny little voice.

I smirked and still couldn't believe my ears. "Do you know who I am?"

"Sure, you are Scott, the only son of Sir Jones."Her ridiculous voice came around.

"You know my position in this house and you still have the gut to be speaking to me that way? " I asked.

"I don't understand, are you God? Oh! I should be licking your foot because you are the only son of the extremely wealthy Mr. Jones. My dear , that won't be possible." She said and eyed me.

It was like I was in a silly imagination. All my life, I have never been disrespected... Cause of the status of my father, I have always been treated with utmost respect anywhere I find myself.

But here is a silly lady addressing me ridiculously in my own house.

"Do you realize that a word from me can get you fired?"

"Hey calm down, proud rich kid. I checked your age and you are just 25 years old while I'm currently 23...just two years difference. Calm down and bring your head down. Your food is on that table, when you are ready, serve yourself." She said and walked away.

"Helen." I faced my little sister who just clocked 6 years old. "Tell me this is a dream."

"It's reality, uncle Scott."

This my third story and I'm completing all as long as you give me likes and comment. Like and comment if you want me to continue with this particular story.

I sat in my room, composing songs when I heard a very lousy knock on my door.

"Who the hell is that?" I yelled.

The person kept knocking instead without replying. This can not be Helen.

I stood from the bed and walked to the door, On opening the door, It was the rude maid.

"How can I help you?"

"You were saying you want to fire me the other time, have you come to conclusion?"

"Do you really want me to fire you? I thought you came here to work cause you needed money?"

"And so? Mr. If you want to fire me, better go ahead, I don't care."

I looked at her and shook my head. "Just leave, I'm not firing you anymore."

She tried to walk away and paused all of a sudden. "Hey! Look at me, do I look okay?"

"You mean beautiful?"

"Whatever, I'm going to a party this I look my best?"

"Wait! You are going out? Do you realize that you have works to do?"

"So, is it your work? If I'm not around, is it too big if you take the broom and sweep? Is it too big to pick the cleaners to clean the house?"

"But that's your work and that's clearly what you are employed for."

"Story for the gods, look at me young man, do I look beautiful?"

I ignored and angrily went inside.

This girl is just so rude and careless. So she is going out today despite having many works to do in this house.

What kind of maid goes to party. She doesn't even have any respect for me.

I'm firing her, I've had enough of her.

I walked out angrily in search for her. I found her at the edge of the stairs speaking with my sister: Helen!

"! You are..." I don't know what...but I couldn't utter the word 'fire'

She looked at me and grinned. She looked and my sister and asked. "What happen to this one?"

Helen looked at me and replied. "I don't know."

Gosh! Imagine this lady referring to me as 'this one'

Why can't I just fire her? I walked to the main door and locked it up.

Let me see how she will get out of the house. I sat at the living room watching how she will leave the house.

After exchanging few more words with Helen , she walked inside.

About few minutes later, she walked towards the door, she was dressing gorgeously. She look so elegant to the eyes, she's so promising in dressing up.

One would have thought she is a princess with her way of dressing, no one would ever know she is a mere maid.

She got to the door and noticed it has been closed.

"Hey!" She called out to me ; I was facing elsewhere but a side of my eye was monitoring her.

I pretended like I did not know she was calling me.

I watched her approach me. She stood before me like a model.

"Did you close that door?"

"I did."

"Can I have the key?"

"No, go back inside and do you job as a poor maid that you are."

She chuckled. "Okay sir."

I was surprised she walk inside without argument.

I was about walking inside when she approached me with a tray containing two drinks.

"Can we at least have he party at home?"

I hesitated for a while. "I? Party with an ordinary maid, No." I said and tried to walk away. Even though I a part of me really liked to dance with her.

How can a maid be this beautiful and rude at the same time?

She held my wrist as she walked to me. "Don't be angry at my past behaviors. I was just been childish. Yes, I'm a poor maid but make a poor slave happy. Please drink this." She said and gave me one of the drink.

I collected it from her and drank it. I turned from her ready to walk away when I suddenly felt heavy, I felt desperately sleepy, I fell to the floor and let sleep take It's full course.