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Love You Till The End

Love You Till The End

Autor: Jyoti Trivefi



Love You Till The End PDF Free Download


She has worked in a company. She has worked in a hotel. To fill her stomach, she was also working in a mall. But, she was chasing the man she hated the most. In public, he only prefers action, rarely speaks. He was aloof, cold hearted with a dominant personality. After the first meeting with Urvashi, the CEO kept ignoring her. He was known to run the business on his fingers, the business tycoon of Moon City. But that city has a dark secret. A city where every once a month, a person disappears mysteriously and never comes back. One day, Urvashi fulfilled the CEO's wish. She not only stopped pestering him but also disappeared from his life without giving any trace. The CEO got furious after her sudden disappearance. Where did she go? Why was she pestering him? This gonna be a super mystery and suspense... Now who is gonna ready for it?

Chapter 1

Moon City

//He met with an accident.//

It was 9:45 in the evening on a full moon night. The city was bustling, and traffic was heavy on the roads. Vehicles moved in all directions, and among them was a black Mercedes Maybach, driving at a moderate speed, aimlessly roaming the streets. Though there were many cars, this one stood out, drawing attention.

Inside the car, the driver, a handsome man with an aloof expression, was steering the Mercedes without any clear destination. Even from the outside, it was clear he was in a foul mood.

Yes! He was indeed in a bad mood.

As he drove, Arjun’s mind replayed the events of the day, making his face darker and his aura more intense. In an attempt to distract himself, he turned the car onto a deserted road and switched on the radio.

After listening to 5-6 songs and driving several kilometers down the empty road, his mood began to settle. He changed the station to a news channel, though he had no real interest in the news—he just wanted to occupy his mind.

Suddenly, a panicked voice came through the speakers: "BREAKING NEWS!! Our scientists have discovered an unusual object near Earth! It appeared for just 3 seconds and then vanished."

Arjun wasn’t in the mood to hear anything more. His bad mood was returning, and the more he tried to forget, the more the memories resurfaced. Frustrated, he switched back to a music station and hummed along, trying to relax.

Just as he was beginning to forget his worries, his phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He considered ignoring the call, but then glanced at the screen. The caller was "Secretary Rahul." After a few rings, he decided to answer.

Before he could say "hello," a frantic voice on the other end yelled, "Boss, for God's sake, please come home! I’ve checked the weather report—it’s going to rain tonight! Please, come back!"


"Sir, please! I beg you. If something happens to you... no, no, nothing can happen to you. I have to protect you. Boss, please come back!"

After a long silence, Arjun finally spoke. "If I weren’t your boss, would you still protect me?"

"Bastard! You're my best friend! Do you think anyone could survive a week as your secretary? I've been dealing with you for six years, and I’m still here because I’m your best friend, and I understand you. Arjun, remember this—when no one else is there for you, I always will be. Don’t run from your responsibilities. You’re not alone in this world. I’m with you. If anything happens to you, do you know what would happen to me? I’d go mad and cry in the streets. Do you want that?"


"Are you ignoring me again?" Rahul asked anxiously when Arjun didn’t respond.

On the other end, Arjun listened to his best friend's pleas and suddenly burst into laughter. A memory flashed in his mind—he remembered how Rahul had always protected him, from their childhood up until today, keeping all his secrets. If he did something reckless, would Rahul ever forgive him, even in seven lifetimes? No, he couldn’t be that cruel. He wasn’t alone! He still had someone he could trust.

Hearing Arjun laugh, Rahul shouted, "Are you crazy? I’m asking you something! Where are you? When are you coming back?"

A reply finally came from Arjun. "Haha, Rahul, you know what? I’m really stupid."

Rahul muttered, "Yeah, I’ve known that since the day we met. Now hurry up and come back."

"What did you just say? Say that again if you dare!" Arjun roared.

"No, no, I’m just saying come back as soon as possible," Rahul quickly corrected himself.

The call ended. Arjun smiled. How could he have forgotten that Rahul was always there for him? What was there to fear now?

He turned the radio back on. Though he didn’t need to lift his spirits anymore, listening to his favorite music was always a comfort. With a contented smile, he steered the car.

As he drove along the highway, he noticed there were no other vehicles around—he was completely alone in his Mercedes, driving carelessly.

Suddenly, a thunderstorm erupted, sending a cold sweat down Arjun’s forehead.

Fear gripped him. His hands began trembling. He knew he had to get home and meet Rahul before the rain started, or something terrible might happen.

With this thought in mind, he pressed down on the accelerator.

Yes, he didn’t want to repeat history—he had already been in too many accidents on rainy nights. He sped up again. As he reached the middle of a bridge, a bright flash of light appeared in the sky and then vanished. Reflexively, he shut his eyes tightly.

When he opened them, he realized he had lost control of the car. He tried to regain it, but all his efforts were in vain!

The car crashed through the highway barriers, and Arjun had no chance to escape. The Mercedes plummeted into the river below at high speed.

After the fall, his body felt numb. Fortunately, he was still alive. Not wearing his seatbelt, his head had slammed into the steering wheel, and blood was now pouring from his forehead. He could barely keep his eyes open. For a moment, he thought both his arms were paralyzed.

The car, once in good condition, was now sinking fast. His windows were open, allowing water to flood the vehicle.

Despite his injuries, he forced himself to think clearly. He knew how to swim. His head was still bleeding, but he decided to act. Opening the car window further, more water rushed in, but he was ready. He began swimming.

When he reached the shore, he saw a large rock embedded in the ground. Exhausted, he leaned against it to rest.

He soon realized that no one was around to help him, and his phone had been left in the car.

Arjun didn’t want to think about the car anymore. He resigned himself to fate—whatever happened now was in God’s hands.

Not far from him, in the darkness, a crocodile watched intently. It saw the man lying on the rock, and excitement filled the reptile—it had never eaten a human before. This would be its first.

The crocodile slithered silently toward its prey, careful not to make any noise. When it was just a meter away, it opened its jaws wide, ready to strike.

But before it could bite, a heavy punch landed on its body, causing it to yelp in pain.

Startled, the crocodile turned to see a beautiful girl with crystal-like eyes staring angrily at it. She had seen the car fall from the bridge and watched the man swim to safety... She thought he looked helpless, so she decided to help him.

When she reached him, she noticed his handsome face and strong build. The more she looked, the more attractive he seemed. He wore a torn white shirt and black pants, his tie still loosely hanging. The accident had ripped 2-3 buttons from his shirt, exposing his muscular chest.

Before she could ask him anything, she noticed the crocodile was trying to eat him, and it filled her with rage. She decided to teach it a lesson.

The crocodile, now furious, had never been challenged by another creature. It decided to attack the woman first.

How dare she!

It lunged at her with its mouth wide open, but before it could strike, she delivered another powerful punch to its eyes. Blood flowed from the reptile's wounds, and it fainted.

With her victory secured, the girl started dancing in excitement. Suddenly, a thought struck her:

"Idiot! What are you doing? Instead of helping, you’re dancing like a fool!"

"But it’s my first time on Earth, and I won a battle. How can I not celebrate?"

Her inner debate raged on, but she eventually calmed down, swallowing her excitement, and stopped dancing.

She immediately ran toward the man and looked him over from head to toe. He had numerous bruises, and blood was still flowing from different parts of his body, especially his forehead. After assessing his condition, she smiled, brought the fingers of her right hand together, and gently waved them over his cuts and bruises.

Immediately, all the wounds on his body healed. Not a single trace of blood remained. If someone were to pass by, they would think that a handsome man with long legs and a well-built figure was simply sleeping peacefully on the stone.

As his bruises disappeared, the pain in his body subsided. Though his energy was still low, he managed to open his eyes slightly. He saw a beautiful girl with curly hair, wearing a lovely frock. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds, and she looked like a fairy from a dream. But his eyelids felt so heavy that he quickly shut them again.

Suddenly, she noticed a group of crocodiles approaching. Her eyes widened. Despite the absence of streetlights, she could clearly see at least seven or eight crocodiles steadily advancing. Sensing danger, she quickly lifted the man into her arms and began to fly.

The sudden movement jolted Arjun, and he somehow managed to open his eyes again. To his astonishment, he found himself flying through the sky with the woman.

Who is she? Is she not human? If she’s not human, then what is she? A ghost? A ghost?! D*mn! That means I’m dead! Sh*t!!

Convinced that he was dead, Arjun closed his eyes and cursed himself. In reality, the girl wasn’t a ghost; she was using all her strength to save him from the crocodiles. But after some time, she could no longer bear his weight. Her energy was fading fast.

She immediately landed in an unknown location, this time near a large natural lake. She placed the man on the ground, but in the process, her brooch accidentally slipped from her hand and fell onto him. Before she could think about it, she realized her leg was halfway submerged in the water, and she lost her balance, tumbling into the lake.

Arjun saw the mysterious girl fall into the water. In his hand, he still held the beautiful brooch that belonged to the woman who had saved him. But with his energy depleted, all he could do was pray that someone would come and rescue her. Then, he closed his eyes.

One week later.

X Groups Hospital.

In a VIP ward, a man lay on a large king-sized bed. If it weren’t for the hospital setting, one might have mistaken the room for a luxurious bedroom. The room was decorated with artificial red roses, filling the air with a sweet fragrance. Across from the bed were French windows with the curtains drawn, leaving the room in near darkness. Only the lights from the air conditioner and hospital machines provided illumination.

Suddenly, the man’s eyelids began to flutter, and slowly, he opened his eyes. Before he could figure out where he was, the door opened.

A young, beautiful nurse in her twenties entered the room. She had come to check if the prescribed medications were working, but when she approached the bed, she saw that the handsome man had already woken up. Realizing he was staring at her, she blushed.

"Mr. Sharma, how are you feeling now? Are you alright?"


"You've been unconscious for a week, but don't worry. I'll fill you in on all the headlines so you're up to date," she said coquettishly, daring to sit on the king-sized bed.

She dared to sit!

Arjun, lacking energy, didn’t respond. Otherwise, he would have had this woman fired immediately. He still managed to speak, though.


Hearing her name, Priya felt elated. She leaned in slightly and said, "Mr. Sharma, you know my name? OMG, you know my name! I’m so happy!"

"Your name is written on your nameplate." He wanted to say this, but his lack of energy left him merely pointing to her nameplate.

She understood and laughed awkwardly. "Oh, that’s what I was wondering. You never acknowledged me after treating you 3-4 times, and now suddenly, you know my name. Hehe."

"Get out!"

"What?" she gasped, shocked. "What happened?"

"Get out!" he repeated.

Immediately realizing her mistake, Priya started crying. "I’m sorry, sir. Please forgive me, please!"

"Call the doctor!"

"Yes, sir!" She quickly wiped her tears and rushed out to get the doctors.

Within 30 seconds, a group of doctors entered hurriedly. Upon seeing that Arjun was awake, they relaxed. One doctor opened the curtains, letting sunlight flood the room. The sun shone brightly in a clear sky, indicating it was around 9 or 10 a.m.

The head doctor approached and examined Arjun, checking his forehead, heart rate with a stethoscope, and pulse by holding his wrist. After a moment, he smiled, and the rest of the medical team sighed with relief.

Dr. Babu, the chief physician, asked, "How are you feeling now?"

"Better," Arjun replied.

"Okay, I have something to tell you. Since your car accident last week, we’ve conducted numerous tests, but we still haven’t found anything wrong."

"You mentioned earlier that something seemed strange about his body. Can you confirm the diagnosis?" It was Rahul Mishra, Arjun’s secretary, who asked this.

After a long pause, Dr. Babu turned slightly toward Rahul. "No abnormalities have been detected so far. We suspect it might be a hematocele."

Dr. Babu then shifted his gaze back to Arjun. "Do you remember anything else from that time?"

"Aside from crashing and ending up in a coma, I can’t recall anything," Arjun replied.

"Sir, please try to remember. You were in an accident, but not a single bruise was found on your body. Even if you were somehow saved without injuries, you still ended up in a week-long coma. How is that possible?" one of the doctors asked impatiently.

"I can’t remember anything."

"No recollections at all?"