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Muse's Diary

Muse's Diary

Autor: fansou



Muse's Diary PDF Free Download


Muse's world changes overnight after the death of her father, who cherished her like the apple of his eye. She must then go and live thousands of kilometers away in an unknown city with her uncle. However, she is far from imagining the hard life that her aunt will endure her. Will she manage to get out of it? The marriage in which she engages, will she finally find happiness?

Chapter 1

Muse woke up very early this morning as usual. She is the first to get out of bed. She has been living in this house for two years to the day, far from the city where she was born and grew up. She often thinks about time spent with her siblings. How cheerful and happy she was then. These memories go back to a long time already, it seems like it has been more than a century ago. This is normal, because living here one day is like an eternity in her eyes. Muse goes back into her memories and remembers events of that day as if they had occurred just yesterday. Indeed, on the eve of this gloomy morning, she remembers chatting with her father. He was sitting there in the yard, his children and his wife around him. He told them anecdotes from his early youth and the whole little family laughed out loud. Muse's father was a funny man, who loved being surrounded by his family whom he cherished more than anything in the world. It was no secret that Muse was his favorite. He loved talking about her to his colleagues and friends. She was his pride and he said loud and clear that she would "lift his head in this country". He was not wrong, because Muse was endowed with an unparalleled intelligence. She excelled brilliantly in her studies and in all matters that seemed difficult for children of her age. Everything predicted that she would be a great woman in the society when she grows up.

Sadly, Muse's father died before she even succeeded in her first secondary school certificate. That lugubrious morning, Muse woke up as she used to. She had taken her container to go and fetch some water to bath before going to school. However, no sooner had she crossed the threshold of their gate, than she heard the sound of a shrill cry coming from inside. Her heart began pounding immediately. She rushed into the concession, throwing her container to the ground. "Why this cry? What's going on there ?" She asked herself while running into the house. She knew something very bad had happened. Their house is reputed to be the quietest in the neighborhood. What then can justify this cry? She walked all trembling towards the room where the tears came from. The more she walked, the more she could distinguish her mother's voice. As soon as she opened the door to her father's room, she found him lying on the bed unconscious. Her mother was sitting at his bedside shaking him vigorously, while he was not reacting at all. This gloomy scene had nailed her to the spot. She froze at the sight of her inert father, as neighbors and her brothers came running to see what had happened. It was a shock that will mark Muse forever. She attended the burial ceremony like a stranger, until the funeral. She just couldn't believe that it was her father who was buried and that they would never see each other again. She looked like she was in a daze. And as if it were nothing, her uncle, father's little brother took her to his house.

Muse, who had never traveled more than 100 km from her hometown, had been lugged overnight more than 1000 km from her home. Worse yet, she would have to separate from her mother, brothers and sisters.

It was on a Sunday afternoon that Muse arrived in the biggest city of her country, a noisy city unlike the one where she grew up. From day one, her uncle's wife did not hesitate to let her know that she was not welcome in this house. Her gaze was cold, not to mention her words that had frozen Muse at the same time. She had then clearly warned her:

"If you stay in quiet, you and I will not have an issue during your entire stay. Be careful not to encroach on my territory in which case you will have me on your back!"

Muse had said to herself in what direction could she encroach on her territory. What did this expression even mean? Without having had the time to understand what her uncle's wife was really talking about, she was going to experience what the latter meant by "having her on her back". From the first week, Muse experienced the mistreatments of that wicked woman. She was so fond of going back to her mother. Even though it was poverty there, she could still sleep peacefully and feel loved.

Standing in front of the sink doing the dishes, she forgot herself thinking about her sad life and let herself cry bitterly. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn't even realized that time was passing with great legs and that her stepmother had already woken up. It wasn't long before she arrived in the kitchen. Like hello, she gave her a resounding slap.

"Where do you think you are? Maybe in a novela? You're supposed to do the dishes and you're there crying like a madeleine. Just as a reminder, you have to wash all the plates and pots, not forgetting to polish the floor as it should!" She thundered without worrying about her pain.

"Sorry mom!" Said Muse, lowering her head.

"I'm sorry mom... Am I your mom? Is your mom as beautiful as me? Instead of hurrying you are there saying nonsense!" The stepmother replied leaving the kitchen.

Muse did not retort anything, except to cry inside and implore the grace of God so that this torment comes to an end. If at least her uncle were there, all of this wouldn't happen. But he is more absent than he is at home. He is the only one who stands up for himself against his nasty wife and naughty daughters. However, he was a thousand miles from imagining the mistreatment that they made her endure. Indeed, when her uncle is at home, his wife and children behaved nicely towards Muse. Her cousins ​​woke up at the same time as she and they shared the chores of the house. But as soon as he had his back turned, everything was allowed. They would wake up late, just eat breakfast and go to school. Muse knew that injustice, but she could say nothing except to obey.

Even today, Muse will be late for school. If at least she had enough money to take the cab. But her nasty stepmother always takes three-quarters of the sob money. If she makes the mistake of paying for a cab, she will have to go all day without a bite to eat. She is therefore obliged to make the long journey for school on foot. As soon as she crossed the threshold of her college gate, the supervisor assigned her a heavy task to perform as punishment. It had already become a habit for her because the whole school knows that she is always late. She has become accustomed to washing latrines before taking her first class. Having finished her task, she entered her classroom. Her morning teacher is already at the end of his today class. Muse went to sit down in her place. Her teacher interrupted class, looked at her puzzled then asked her.

"Miss Muse, why do you always miss my class?"

Like any answer, she lowered her head looking sorry and said nothing.