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Until She Left

Until She Left

Autor: Gina K



Until She Left PDF Free Download


Jane Scott. She was vibrant, happy and full of life. Engaged to the man of her dreams ever since she was in college and best friends with someone she's known and looked up to most of her life. Life was greater than she could imagine it to be and she was sure it couldn't get any better for her. . . . It could only get worse. One unfortunate night was all it took for everything she believed in to burn down. One door opened and all she believed in, all that her world was built upon, came crushing down. And who does she have to thank?

Chapter 1

Jane slowly turned the key and pushed the door open, stepping and closing it behind her. The house was so dark and quiet she wondered if he even was home as she strode further into the hallway of her fiance's house.

It was 11:30 p.m. and she decided to stop by him before going home. Work had been hectic all week and she missed him, being in his arms, kissing him. She got butterflies just thinking about him.

As she approached his bedroom, she realised it was left ajar and she could see a few clothing pieces scattered across the bedroom floor. He was never the type to just leave his clothes laying around. She wondered how tired he must have been to.

She skipped over the mess and peeked her head in his bathroom en-suite but he wasn't in there either. Now she was getting worried. She walked out and was about to call him. Her heart rate slowly increased as her call went to voicemail.

It was not like him to not be home by this time of the night that she started thinking maybe he got into an accident. But there's no way. His car was parked outside and he never took an Uber. He had to be here somewhere, her thoughts insisted.

Her feet shuffled to the passage that led to his office where he did his designs and client contracts. She narrowed her eyes when some strange muffled noises came from behind the door. Her first thought was that someone was struggling to breathe.

Again, the door was left ajar and she touched it lightly, letting it quietly revolve and open wider. She froze in her tracks and furrowed her eyebrows, her jaw on the floor as she registered what her eyes were seeing.

A large lump formed in her throat as she observed how a young lady was bent over the table and her fiance was over her. The lady was completely naked save for secret socks she cared to keep on.

She couldn't get a look at the face from where she stood because a shadow was cast over her. But that body, she couldn't mistake it even if she tried.

'Nadia,' the name went off in her mind like a red alert message. The type that comes off on aeroplanes to tell everyone to put their masks on because the plane was going down.

And oh, boy, was her world crashing down this very moment.

Her hand began to shake and her knees almost gave out. She put her hand over her mouth as she quietly moved out from the door and into the shadows. She didn't know why, but she continued to watch how he rummaged into her.

She couldn't stop staring into the dark at how Nadia, her best friend since high school, let out screams to represent her pain and pleasure.

The scene enthralled her and the fact that they hadn't noticed her yet made her a little more...sedated.

Her heart was in her throat and she was enraged. How could they? The two people she loved more than anything, the two people who she had placed on pedestals ever since meeting them. The two people she shared her life with.

How. Could. They?

A wicked idea came to mind and she moved a little to the left, where the lighting was better. Not as perfect as using a flash would have been, but better at this moment.

She pulled her phone out and silenced it before clicking the camera app. She then recorded the act on camera. She snapped multiple pictures too and placed her phone in her back pocket just as they screamed their orgasm in unison.

As they were getting down from their high, she discreetly moved beside the huge bookcase and watched them dress up. She listened to zippers being pulled up as the darkness surrounded her and filled her from the inside.