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Autor: BTSJiminArmy





Roseanne got dumped from her boyfriend and wanted to die. She got kidnaped by a boy who was going to kill her but then fell in love with her. Roseanne lived with him and his friends but soon never thought that he was something more. She told her friends about him but still loves him for who he is.

Chapter 1

The morning had began with Roseanne favorite breakfast made by her boyfriend, V. He was always sweet to her and would wake her up on time before school. "Good morning princess." He said. " Good morning prince. It's time for me to go to school before it's late." She announced. She starts to get dress and a minute later her boyfriend came in and saw her body. He hugs her and kiss her neck, but Roseanne told him to stop because she isn't ready. " I told you that I'm not ready," she said. " Come on, I'm tired of being nothing." Then he left the room. Roseanne made it to school on time and saw her best friends, Jennie, Lalisa, and Jisoo! They all made it on time. Then, a boy came up to them and bullied Roseanne about how she dressed. But Roseanne ignored it because everyday it happens. After school Roseanne had to walk home at night because her boyfriend wouldn't pick her up, but at the same moment, she was kidnaped! When she opened her eyes, all she saw was 3 boys in front of her and the middle one looks like the leader. " Help," she yelled. "No one can hear you," he said. "Please let me go, I did nothing to you." "Just like everyone I brought here, you think your the lucky one?" Then a message came on her phone, it was her boyfriend. " Please let me get this" she said. " Why so you can escape? No way!" "No, before I die!" "Fine 2 minutes got it." He said. About the time she was typing, she read her boyfriend message, her eyes than start to become full of tears. Her phone than dropped and break. The three boys than thought that she ran away but the leader saw her crying. " Are you okay," he asked. "Just kill me if you want I would LOVE to die." She said. The two boys behind the leader picked up her phone and saw her boyfriend message. He began reading it out loud, " I am done with you, are relationship is over you understand that means don't show up again." " Just kill me" she said " every bit in the world is the same." The leader than understand that she was different from all the other girls, she was thinking the same but was about a boy. The leader than stands up and told her something that she was unable to believe...