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Autor: Favour Rachel Rani





A declaration… A War… Millions of Deaths… Casting of Souls into Hades… The Satan… Terror of the whole universe… Has gone into eternal sleep… The War in the Celestial places was a terrible one. Thousands of angels were lost and millions of demons died. However, the victorious was the heavenly realm. But…, That wasn’t the end… A prophecy… That the Devil was going to be reborn… Amongst men… With the eyes of Blood… And shall rule the Earth with a iron hand… This shall come to pass in generations to come… He shall have a beloved… Who was born to destroy him and his reign or go down with him… To the depths of Hades… BEWARE!!! 2000 years later. “This night is the rebirth of the Lucifer. Any male child born with any special features should be killed,” the priest declared solemnly. “Keep watch over all female children.” Lucifer.., even if you escape, you’re going back to hell. But it seems you all have forgotten Lucifer’s best skill: MANIPULATION…

Chapter 1

WARNING: This book contains some level of violence, disturbing contents and horror. Some facts and ideologies are gotten from religious and spiritual beliefs. Some others are from the author’s imaginations. Also, some descriptions of demons may not be in line with the real ones. Read at your own risk. Rated 13+…

…6 days prior…

Priestess Celeste sat cross legged counting her prayer beads. The remaining seven priests surrounded her not daring to make a single noise. Priestess Celeste was a revered. No one dares to go against her word because she was seen as the saviour of the nations by many.

“The angel of death shall be visiting soon. Send word to all the peoples. No one is allowed to lay with his wife. All should abstain from sin and wash their clothes. Avoid the places of so many vegetation and purify their hearts from evil thoughts. No one should be executed this period and every fornicator should be burnt with fire on the seventh day.”

“The heavenly war shall soon begin,” she completed with a grim look on her face.

Melody had never had the chance to leave her home. As far as she could remember, she was always called the ‘daughter of the priestess'. It was said that her real father was a notable scientist but he and her mother died when they tried to find clues on the dead body of a person who committed suicide. She was told that the priestess warned them but they never listened. No one knew how her parents died. All they saw was three dead bodies at the scene with the hearts of the couple clawed out.

She was already fifteen and ever since she was little, she knew that many girls were envious of her. All of them wanted to be friends with her, all the boys were over her and even the men and women treated her with utmost respect.

But she didn’t get it. She couldn’t perform exorcism and see visions like her adoptive ‘mother'. It wasn’t like she couldn’t see the envy and hate in some of the girls’ eyes. She had servants and maids who tended to her. It seemed her inabilities were being kept a secret. Besides, she has only seen her adoptive ‘mother' only twice in her life; When she was seven, and when she was fourteen.

“Daughter of the Priestess, your friend requests to see you,” a maid servant came to inform her.

“Ok,” she snapped out of her thoughts and followed her to the living room. Her friend Mariel was the only person she could accept into her house. It was her luck her ‘mother’ didn’t know about it. She prohibited her from seeing anyone, strictly restricted her movements to the school and the house.

“Hi Mariel. How’ve you been?”

“I’ve been great and I wouldn’t bother asking how you’ve been,” she replied.

“Yeah. Better not ask. So what brings you here?”

“After school tomorrow. We have somewhere to go. Tomorrow is the last day of school for now because of the Holy Priestess' announcement. So you don’t dare say no okay?”

“Yeah yeah I get it.”

“Ok I’ll get going now,” Mariel stood up.

“You’re not staying for dinner?”

“Nah. I actually lied I was going to buy noodles to leave the house. Gotta go now…,” Mariel replied and rushed out.

Mel went back to her room and checked the time. It was already seven, her friend visited her late. No wonder she had to lie. In this era, girls and young ladies weren’t allowed to leave their houses once it was 6pm.

Time passed slowly as she did her revision. She thought of her first crush, the one who was her sunshine. He made her happy in this dark world but mysteriously died. Witnesses say his heart was clawed out. Exactly the same process of death as her parents! It came as a shocker to her, she was sad and depressed, she dreamt about him hugging her for so many nights after his death. But slowly, all faded away. They all became dark memories that hunted her.