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The Spark Of Decision

The Spark Of Decision

Autor: Teebae



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True love is always brave, and it never dies...that is the kind of love Angela and Bryan displayed in the book. This book, THE SPARK OF DECISION reveals different attributes of humans with different temparament and ways with which they deal with certain situations at different times. Find out how Bryan and Angela delt with their situation before and after their marriage. It was not easy for them, but due to the sincere love and affection they have for each other, they kept going...This Book also corrects certail ills in the society, in terms of human relationship.

Chapter 1

In the city of LoveStar, there lived Mr Anderson Lawson. He was a very strong, vibrant hardworking young man who was the most adorable and admirable of all his friends and folks. Mr Anderson is from a family of five, with two siblings, Amelia and Donald . Mr Anderson is the youngest of all Mr Lawson's children. He was the most pampered and spoilt child, but despite all that, he never allowed any of those love, care, and concern from family to get the best of him while growing up, and understanding the world around him. Rather, he applied wisdom in all he was doing, without hurting the feelings of anyone.

Anderson Lawson was born in the year 1982 into the family of Mr Bryan Lawson

Anderson Lawson's father

, a 36year old man, and his wife, Angela, a 33year old woman

Lawson's mother

Mr Bryan Lawson, a very active young man, good looking, though very hard and strict when it comes to his dealings with people around him. Mr Bryan is almost like the direct opposite of his son, Anderson. Though, with his own unique qualities as a man. He got married to Angela, the love of his life, at the age of 32, due to his extreme love for her. And because he did not want to loose her to any other man, for she is sooooo pretty, very fair in complexion,, and tall in height, about 4.5feet precisely.

Bryan Lawson was the only child of his parents, Mr Joey Lawson

Anderson Lawson's grandfather

, and Mrs Jane Lawson

Anderson Lawson's grandmother

. Before the marriage between Bryan Lawson and Angela, it was indeed a tough battle for them. They both faced a great challenge of Bryan's parents disapproval of their coming together as man and wife. There came a day when Lawson returned home from school to see his parents and spend some time with them, during his courtship days with Angela. Immediately he arrived home, his parents were so happy to see him. For they have really missed him. They hugged him like never before, gave him a very warm welcome with a huge hug that lasted for almost two minutes, accompanied with lots and lots of kisses from both left, right, and centre.

As his parents were hugging him, they cried as though they were beaten like children. Bryan was speechless because he knew why they were crying, for he is the only child they had got, and the only hope they had in life. And before he cried along side his parents, he didn't know because he just could not control the state and level of uncontrollable emotional disorder his parents were at that particular time. After all the welcoming hugs and kisses, they all went inside the house, and immediately, the mom went to the kitchen to get a very delicious meal for her son. She made the best and the favourite of Bryan's meals. Which was...'roasted chicken barbeque and freshly made Greek yogurt'.

After Bryan had finished eating, he rested for a while, and then, joined his parents in the garden of their compound. He sat with them for almost two hours, discussing and laughing... asking questions, and getting to familiarize with his environment again, because it's been a long time he visited home since he left for school. Afterwards, he told his parents that he was going out to see his long time friend who lives in the next street, that he had also missed since he left home. Bryan went straight to visit his then girlfriend, Angela. Though he never told his parents about her because, he wanted to take them by surprise when he is done with school. On reaching Angela's street, trying to locate her house because it's been a while

though they were seeing each other in school almost everyday

. She sighted him from afar, and ran straight to him to hug him. Both Bryan and Angela were so much exited to see each other, that they forgot people around may be watching them play romantically in the public.

After that great feeling of 'I am sooo happy to see you', they both went into her house to sit and discuss. Angela hurriedly prepared and offered Bryan a very chilled juice to go with pizza snack. He asked his girlfriend to join him, and they both ate and enjoyed themselves. It was a very wonderful moment for the both of them to relish. Awaiting the parents of Angela, Bryan decided to make his intentions towards her known. He went straight to the point and said, "we both have come a very long way, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, Angela". Right there, he proposed with a ring, even though he was just 23years of age. **That's the power of what love can do** . Angela was shocked for she wasn't expecting her boyfriend to propose that soon.

At first, she got confused, but after a while, she accepted with a loud voice...

" Yes! yes! I will....". Bryan became extremely joyful because he thought Angela would say "no, I am sorry, we are too young for marriage" .

Out of excitement in Bryan's heart, he immediately placed his ring on Angela's finger, and carried her, spinning her all around and saying..

"thank you veeeerrrry much my love...".

Angela then said to Bryan,

"I thought you were going to leave me for another woman after school".

Bryan then replied with a very loud voice,

"I just can't imagine living my life without you Angela" !

Honestly, finding true love in life is quite a challenging task for us humans.

Meanwhile....while they were giving accolades to each other's personalities, Angela's mother, Mrs Ryan walked in, and saw how happy and excited her daughter was. Angela, without delays, introduced Bryan to her mom, and told her his intentions for coming, and also, showed her her engagement ring. She was so happy for her daughter because she had found true love. Mr Ryan welcomed Bryan, and asked him to sit and feel relaxed. Shortly after, Angela's dad, Mr Ryan came in.