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Where Is She

Where Is She



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I am the president of the Wolf Mc. We are werewolves. My road name is Beast. No woman will want me because of the scar on my face. I was excited to be going to my friend's brothers MC. We had planned on me arriving today. I am headed to Wolf MC in Arizona. I was making good time until something went wrong with my bike. I did not know it but I was about 10 miles from the clubhouse when I had to pull over. As I was checking my bike out I heard the rumble of motorcycles coming down the road. I thought good it must be Tammy's brother's members. As I stood up the bikes stopped. I looked at the patches and knew this was not The Wolf MC. The president said leaning on his bike. Boys this is our lucky day. I started to back away and knew I was in trouble. I started to run but didn't get far when my hair was grabbed. I fought as hard as I could. I was slammed to the ground. I kicked, scratched, and bit them trying to get away. I was punched in the face and kicked in my sides. Then I felt

Chapter 1

Sara headed to her best friend Tammy's brother's compound, but the most horrible thing happened. She was in so much pain and could not see out of one eye, almost have passed out.

She didn't know how long she lay there before some bikes came down the road.

"Pres. What the hell is a bike doing out here with no one around?" Someone said casually.

The other voice began, "Those are women's boots… shit! Come quick! There is a woman over here!"

"She sure is a tiny thing," a prospect asked, "what she is doing out here by herself."

"Don't know, but right now if she is going to live, I need to get her to my office," Someone who seems like a doctor said.

Just then a club van pulled up.

The prospect jumped out as he said, "fuck! Who would do that to a woman?"

Mayhem, the president of the Freedom Rider MC, looked down at the woman for a while and said, "I have no idea who did this, but I sure as the hell am going to find out."

— The Freedom Rider MC —

A prospect carried Sara inside wrapped in a blanket, several of the club members stopped drinking and looked over at her.

"A woman?" one of the members asked, "Where did you find her?"

"In the place about 25 feet off the road," The prospect added, "She is in bad shape."

The doctor cleaned the blood off Sara, gave her a shot and stitched up some of her wounds, then examined her. She had broken nails and there’re skin under her fingernails. She had a concussion, a broken right arm, a broken right ankle, one punctured lung, and four broken ribs. On top of that, she had been choked and raped repeatedly. So many bruises on her body in different places which were hard to count. Fortunately, the doctor noticed that she had struggled to survive.

The prospect frowned, "those people who treated her like a toy was left her for dead, and if I didn't have to piss we would not have found her."

"I’m afraid she would not last the night," Doc sighed, "even if she makes it through the night, I'm not sure she will remember who she is, let alone who did this to her."

It was quiet and everyone was waiting to hear about the woman, it appeared that there’s no more things they can do for her.

Suddenly, Mayhem remembered something, "Did you bring the woman’s bike back with you?" he looked at his VP Hunter and asked.

"Yes, but I haven't gone through the saddlebags yet," Hunter answered.

"Go see if there is anything that will help us identify her."

After a few minutes, Hunter walked in with a cell phone, letters, and her wallet, he handed them to Mayhem. As Mayhem opened her phone and looked through the numbers, he found in surprise, "this girl knows Tammy."

"What?" now it’s Hunter’s turn to be surprised.

"This is Tammy's phone number. We should call her brother Beast right now, and they may know something."

— The Wolf MC —

Tammy and Donna were pacing the clubhouse floor.

"Sara should have been here five hours ago," Tammy said, "Why hasn’t she come yet?"

As Sara’s other best friend, Donna was also anxious, "If she was going to stay at a motel she would have called. She also would have called if she was having trouble with her bike or lost."

Tammy’s brother Beast, the president of the Wolf MC, has been looking for Sara for hours with his club members. They walked into the house frustrated.

"Still no sign of Sara?" Tammy asked.

Beast shook his head.

"You don't think she ran into trouble, do you?"

Beast knew what she meant and felt guilty, "Damn, we should not have let her ride here alone."

Just then his phone rang.

"Hey, Beast, it’s Mayhem. Are you expecting a woman at your club?"

"How do you know that?"

"Is her name Sara?"

"Yes, she was supposed to be over 10 hours ago."

"You may need to come to my clubhouse, she is here… in bad shape."