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Her Royal Higness Of Lu Zetonia

Her Royal Higness Of Lu Zetonia

Autor: Euphemia Crisantha



Her Royal Higness Of Lu Zetonia PDF Free Download


Lucillene, a 19-year-old Princess from a Kingdom called Lu Zetonia, found the man of her dreams during her 19th birthday. But little did the Princess now that meeting the Prince Imperial of the Philippines, Louis Dasheert, will be the start of her bittersweet love story. Everything seems so perfect that night! Big and beautiful chandeliers, a lot of royal guests and a very sophisticated hall. And when she was danced by Prince Dasheert, it feels so ethereal! A Prince is indeed suitable for a Princess but what if she's bound to marry his older brother instead?

Chapter 1

  May 21st of the Year 1876, everybody was so busy. Down from the kitchen where the cooks and servants are preparing for the food up until my room where my maids are carefully putting a very sophisticated dress for me. It is such a lovely day since this is the day I’m already turning 19. For ther other royals, their 19th birthday might not be special but for me, it is because today I will have an access to our beautiful garden!

  That is the favorite spot I like to watch from my window. It was so greeny and there’s a lot of flowers plus the stream that runs by the side. Actually when I was still at a very young age, I’m already picturing myself there, painting some beautiful, different kinds of sceneries. But during that time, I was really prohibited since in the very end of the garden is a path to a cliff which is actually connected to the river. Then the Queen promised me that when I turned 19, I can already wonder in that place.

  “How beautiful this day, isn’t it?” I excitedly said while looking at Marisol’s reflection in the body mirror while she’s adjusting my crinoline. She smiled at me when she already finished it and gave a very deep exhale and said,

  “Very well Princess, you seem to be in your most delightful mood. That adds up to your beauty.”

  “Oh come on! Have you forgotten? I can go to the garden now and have the different sceneries in my head painted there. I won’t be here anymore sitting on my window and just admiring the view of that garden,” I said and carefully run to my window where the garden’s view was visible. “What a sight.”

  “I’m so happy for you Princess!” I heard her say and then I look at her.

  “And since I’m already finish with my dress and hair, why don’t you visit the Queen in her room?” I told the other servants that are still in my room ang picking up the stuffs they used to fix me.

  The servants looked at each other and bowed to me before they left the room, except for Marisol. When the room of my door completely closed, I smirked at her and we began to jump in circles and silently scream.

  “Wait, wait! Don’t jump like that! Oh! Princess!” She stopped me while both of us were still laughing.

  “You’re so professional in front of them, ‘Very well Princess, I’m so happy for you Princess,” I said in my most sarcastic mimicking voice.

  “Of course, my mom is the Head of the Servants so I should be professional like her too but…” she suddenly silently screamed and hug me, “I’m really so happpy for you! Make sure to really draw a 10x more beautiful scenery painting!”

  “Now, if you would mind to release Your Highness since the crinoline might break any minute from now.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry! Hahaha! But I’m really excited for tonight! Don’t worry because if you’ll get bored, just find me in the kitchen,” she said and wink. I sighed and looked at her in dismay. If only she was born as a part of a royal class too maybe we won’t have a problem in our friendship and status. “I’m just kidding, I know you’re not allowed in the kitchen but if ever you’re bored, just yawn and tell them you’re sleepy.”

  “Hey! That would be rude!” I said and we burst into laughter but that happy moment suddenly stopped when we heard the door of my room clicked. Marisol hurriedly push me in front of the body mirror and re-arranged my hair.

  “I thought you’re already finished,” the Queen said as she enters my bedroom. Marisol and I pay our respect before she started to walk to the door, a sign that she’s implying to the Queen that she already finished her duty to attend me.

  “I just finished, mama. I told Marisol to stay for a while because the crinoline is very uncomfortable for me,” I told her and she just smiled.

  “We’ll be waiting for you at the hall sweetie. The servants will guide you.” I gave her my sweetest smile and and she gave me hers in return and walk out from my room.

  I’m here all alone again in my room and I just walked to my window and see the sun sets for today. As the gentle blew of the wind touches the skin of my cheeks, I let out a deep sigh and took up all the courage I have.

  When I already feel like it, I step out of the room and some servants attended me. This isn’t my first time but my heart is pounding so hard. Maybe because I’m too excited to step my foot on that garden?

  I didn’t notice that I was already in front of the big door and by the signal, Marisol that on my side gently tap me back to my senses and said,

  “Go dance, Princess.” And by that, the big door suddenly opened and all the guests were now in front of my eyes. The hall is so beautiful! From the big chandeliers, a very sophisticated designs of the walls and all the guests are staring at me. I feel very happy as I reached my father’s hand when I’m already at the last steps of the stairs.

  “Thank you Papa,” I said and he responded on my ear, wishing me a happy birthday and by that, the music started playing with one by one, the guests started dancing at the center.

  It looked very lively! My parents entertained some of their colleagues so I happily watch the royals around me having their own happiness in the hall. And as I roam my eyes across a wall, my interest was piqued by a gentleman standing beside a sculptured head tattoo and just minutes after staring at him, our eyes met.

  He gave me a sweet smile and I almost flinched when he decided to walk in my direction.

  “Oh! What should I do?” I whispered to myself. A lot of people in the palace already trained me for this situation but I didn’t know that this feeling would be different if it’s actually a gentleman that you already like.

  “Shall I have the honor to dance with you for a quadrille?” He held his hand and the moment that I touched it, it is the time where the ‘I-don’t-know-how-to-explain-this-thumping-feeling-inside-my-chest’ started.