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The Lost Girl And Alfa Mate

The Lost Girl And Alfa Mate

Autor: Jasmines stories



The Lost Girl And Alfa Mate PDF Free Download


Rose ran away from her home to an unknown wild and got lost And on the athet side crown prince of Alfa wondering whether he will find his mate in this life or not Alfa brown sense a strang smell as if he found an intruder and got alert . Rose on the other was scared and don't know where to .she set on the ground helpless and cruled her lags and let her self clam Down . But she did not lose hope .she Is brave and knows how to solve her problems . That how the story beginning They met each other fall in love but not so early . at first they don't trust each other .then gradually become closer . He got mirred to her and become a king But things does not stoped here .best part is going to gana reveal ...

Chapter 1

Heavy breathing and running footsteps can be heard in a fogy wild .seems like Rose is hiding and some people in black are looking and searching for her but in this fog .it's difficult for them to find her . But Rose can't stay there for long she catch her breath before escaping from there.

"I have to hid some where else " rose side to herself.

"Where did she gone , we must find her before boss will kill us ." The man seems the head ho the other guys .

That nodded .

Hurry up find her and bring her to me " he shouted in angar and panic .

Other man started searching for Rose .

"Sorry boss we are looking for her .I will insure that we will find her and bring her to you" he side to the other party on his phone that seems angar ',

That all start to look for more hurrydly .

Rose already escaped ..... From there .

she hids in a cave ....

"Oh god plz help me ". While she was crying what had happened while ago . She is frighten when she saw her parents being killed by his own uncle .

She run away from there .

" Now I am all alone " and cry's her heart out but not so loud .it's getting darker and darker but she doesn't care due to her crying she slept in that position.while sobing and sniffing ....

The man's which were still looking for her but due to dark aura of this wild they are afraid that they might encounter anycreepy creature around here and .... They hear howling of wolf's which give them shivers and chill in there whole body ....

"Bo--bos-boss "he stutter and " what " man side

"Boss we should head back . She won't servive if she stay in these woods but we needed to report back ."

He side "do you think if we servive from here our boss is going to gonna kill us any way if we did not bring what he wants " he shouted in his end sentence .and gleared at the man ...

And one of them got courage and side " we ca--can

ff-- ind her in the morning ."

After thinking a bit the all man got agree and they went back ... But seems like this night is really going to be long

For them ... There are eyes that are watching them .

Blue bright eyes as if the brightest stars in the eyes ....

"He growled and making the man's go in panic ..

As if they heared there death voice ..

They started to look around anxiously. fear is visible in there eyes ..

Then what they face next was unexpected .in a blink of an eye one of them got missing .......

And a strange figure in dark came in front of them ...

Only they can see to pairs of eyes ...

Staring at them with angar and cold Sharpe aura they were facing......

" LEAVE " he side with growled in his deep voice

More like a warning to them

" wh--o--who aa-rre yy-ou " a man side with gaining some courage ..

And in split of second that man's head chopped off from his body ....

Scaring the creepout of All the other guys and they started to run away in fear

"Aaahhhaahjha '

He scoffed " sooo noisy "

"My poor ears " he side and then laugh

Like a divel " hahahahahahaha"

"What are you doing" a voice came from behind .

Getting his attention for a moment..

But then he ignored that person ..." Non of your business"

And was about to walk away ."I'm your father so your business is my business" ....he side in little upset tone ..

"Forgive me my son Brown " father side

"......... "

Brown didn't side anything and left from there .

"I hope we get back how we use to " he signed with heavy heart ..

"Honey , " a beautiful voice came from behind .

" Don't worry he will get use to us " she side .

"We should -- " he got cut off by the howls

"It's time for hunting ". He side and she nodded.

All gethered for hunting but except Brown .

"Hey why isn't Brown came ". His father side .

He is the king the pact the most powerful in all the groups

Of Warewolves.the "Alfa gray " his wife Alfa green " and his only son the crown prince "Alfa Brown" ..

"May be he already hunt someone ," she side and his got angar .he use His father and king status to bring his son ...

And bhoom his son can't resist his father call this time he has to come.....

"Dad you call me at wrong timee" brown side

"What" his father side ...

Then a moment of realizetion hit Brown .

"..... Nervous"..