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When two destinies cross, the latter as they say is the result. A story of a sea princess who was sent away from her kingdom just because she was said to be the next Goddess of the sea and given a law by her mum not to love or she will lose her life. Things happened over the years and she loses her life. Now a ghost she seeks rest for her soul and destiny leads her to a male who can see ghosts. And who also has a deep secret behind his existence. Will he accept to lead her through the journey to freedom and battle all that will face him? Who is the young boy? Will there come forth a relationship between them? A fight for love, throne, and power. A story full of mysteries and adventures. Sit back, grab your popcorn and enjoy.

Chapter 1

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The sky glistened in its uniqueness as I walked out of my bathroom with a scowl on my face.

It's nighttime and I've been trying to get some sleep after a hectic day but it tended to feel like I'm wasting my time. It felt like a force kept disrupting my sleep and it's been freaking me out.

It also felt like someone was watching me and yet I don't see anyone, that alone creeped me out and my head have been slamming heavily.

My cool body felt so hot immediately I laid my head on my bed that after tossing for several hours I decided to go bath cause I felt perhaps its heat and that's why I'm walking out of my bathroom now cause I'm done bathing.

Getting to my wardrobe I picked out a pair of shorts and got dressed then retired to bed.

I shut my eyes hoping to be taken by sleep this time around but it never came. I kept tossing and felt so uneasy. My headache increased drastically and I couldn't help but groan out in pain.

While still tossing and groaning in pain I started feeling heaviness down my loins but didn't want to stand cause I was so tired.

It got worse, and I had no other option than to grab my lazy self up and go use the toilet.

Sitting up, I didn't feel like using the toilet inside my room because of how broken it was, all thanks to my plumber who wasn't taking my calls since I informed him to come to repair my WC broken pipe. I had managed to bathe in the bathroom cause that was still a bit ok.

Actually, using the broken pipe WC is merely like pouring the urine on the floor so I went outside, feeling so pleased with the cool natural air blowing on my flawless shiny skin.

Yeah, I'm your definite male model spec. Tall, deep brown eyes, muscled not-so-fair skin, and mesmerizing pink lips. People often ask if I'm human due to my beauty but I just ignore them cause it's dumb to me to answer such a question.

I already freed my heavy weighted dick and was about to relieve myself when I glanced around just to admire the trees which were hovering around but my eyes widened to the utmost degree at the sight I saw instead.

Sitting on a stone at the far end of my house is a gorgeous lady clad in a short skimpy gown. Her skin glowed under the moon and was one with it. She had a charming smile playing on her lips and just a stare got me lost in it.

'Why is she smiling? I need to know and at least say hello.' Having decided that I restored my dick to its place and moved closer to her.

"Hey, beautiful" I whispered in all smiles when I got close to her and ruffled my hair.

She turned to me with her jaws hanging open and looked around her as if looking for something that I had to raise my brows at her.


"You are talking to me?" She asked pointing at herself and her eyes bulged out.

"Is there anyone else here?" I snapped and glared at her.

"You can see me?"

Now, that question is freaking me out and at the same time getting me pissed. How can she be asking me such a damn question? I stamped my feet and was about to bark at her but on second thought decided to take it easy. She's just so beautiful and fucking attractive.

"Yes, why do you ask such a question?" I asked staring at her while rubbing my jaw.

"Can you really see me?" She rubbed her eyes, ears and stared around once more before turning to me and a great wind began hovering around her. Her eyes and body began glowing and my head suddenly felt so heavy.

"Ahh!" I yelled out in pain clenching my head as it kept spinning immensely.

She suddenly stood up and began striding towards me with an evil grin plastered on her face but staring down I realized she wasn't walking but was floating in the air.

My breath hitched and hot beads of sweat appeared on my forehead as goosebumps rocked all over me. The hairs on my body all jerked up and I tried to run but couldn't.

She laughed and she kept floating to me.

Tears trickled down my cheeks and I rubbed my eyes and shut them tightly waiting for whatever she wanted to do but it never came.

I gently opened my eyes after a while to see her sitting where she sat so calmly and I was still standing where I was. Did I just imagine things? But it felt so real. I touched my skin and it was all dry and my head wasn't heavy. Rubbing my chest I breathed out and just then she glanced at me.

"I've been waiting for your reply. You're serious about seeing me?" She asked.

"Why are you behaving weirdly?" I implored ignoring her question cause as I said I don't answer dumb questions. "Or perhaps are you just trying to push me off by pulling such a stunt?"

She glanced at me with the cutest eyes I've ever seen and stared away without saying anything. I kept waiting for a reply but when it was obvious she wasn't gonna talk I turned and was about to walk out but she suddenly cleared her throat and I turned back to her.

"You wanna say anything?"


I stared at her for a while still terrified about what I had imagined earlier and gently stared at her legs. I shrugged off and exhaled seeing that her legs were firmly placed on the ground and sat down on the little rock beside her still admiring her beauty.

Gosh! She's just so freakishly beautiful.

I couldn't say a word cause I didn't know what to say and she didn't too which made great silence dawn on us.

But even in the silence, she kept smiling and picking on her fingers that being so curious to know the secret behind her smiles I cleared my throat and she glanced at me. "You've been smiling, do you mind sharing why you're smiling with me?"

"OK" she responded smoothly. "But first of all, what's your name?" She added.

"I'm Prince but my fans call me Ghostwriter."

"You're a writer?" She asked and stared at me in all smiles and I couldn't help but ogle.

"Yes, I am" I answered after getting back myself and secretly parted my dick which kept jigging in my shorts.

An expression flashed in her eyes and she mumbled some incoherent words.

"Any problem?"

She shook her head and tousled her long silky hair. "You asked why I'm smiling right?"

"Yea" I groaned.

"I'll tell you."

I relaxed, cleaned off my ears for the gist, and smiled. "I'm listening."

"By this same time a month ago, under a full moon just like this I and my lover were on a picnic."

"In the middle of the night?" I implored wide-eyed interrupting her.

She smiled. "I've always loved the full moon and made Chris my lover accept for us to go on a picnic on any night there will be a full moon, close to a beach."

"That's weird though. Why not day? And why on a full moon? What's so special about it that you were so bent on it?"

"I just love full moons. I love how the moon glows and I also love the peace of the night."

"Hmm, continue, please. I'm so curious."

She chuckled, swatted my arm, and cleared her throat. "The picnic was going on so well and with the cool airbrushing on our skins, we made sweet love. The best I've ever had, it was the best feeling, but in between our hot romance after the first sex, Chris suddenly went down on a knee and brought out a diamond ring."

"That's so sweet" I smiled. "Go on."

"Dear Isabella, the love of my life. With you I found peace. I'll wanna live and die in your arms. Will you be my wife?" He asked. "Chris has always been a guy of little words and I knew it must have taken him a lot to say those words. I was sobbing already."

"Tears of joy right?" I enquired.

"No" She replied icily peeking at me.

A cold shiver ran down my spine and I glanced at her with raised brows. "Why then were you sobbing?"

There was silence to the extent I thought she wasn't going to answer. So I stared away thinking perhaps she's shy.

"Because that was the moment I was meant to die and that was the moment I died."

At first, what she said didn't dawn on me but when everything began flowing in my eyes widened and a jabbing shock course through me down to my bone marrow. "When you what?" I asked, my breaths intensifying but she was no longer there only her clothing.

I screamed and ran inside, my body full of sweat, and my head felt like it wanted to fall off. Right there I swore never to come outside to pee again. Gosh! I can't just believe she was a ghost! I can't stop shivering.

My blood keeps boiling in waves. I'm such a mess of myself right now!


After my encounter with the lady ghost, I couldn't stop thinking about what killed her.

But yet couldn't gather the courage to step out at night not knowing she had other plans installed for me.

On a heated afternoon, I came back from school so tired and slept off immediately my head landed on my bed, but in between my sleep, I felt a hand stroking my hair so sweetly.

I enjoyed the touch so much but in a swift remembered that I'm the only one at home and my door was locked.

I stood up abruptly in a panic to gape at the figure beside me on my bed and my jaw dropped. Sitting down comfortably on my bed was the moon lady.

I became light-headed and with a scream, landed on the floor in a loud thud feeling so much pain coursing through me.

"What do you want?" I whimpered.

"I'm sorry for what just happened. Please Ghostwriter I need your help."

"what!" My heartbeat hastened.

"Please calm down. I know you must have questions of what killed me and how I knew I was gonna die."

"Please leave me alone," I retorted pulling the sheet to cover myself.

She came closer to where I lay and touched my hair and all the pains I was feeling vanished.

"Thanks," I unconsciously mumbled feeling so relieved.

She chuckled. The most charming smile I've ever seen in my life and with a very low and sweet voice, she said. "Chris sit down."

I looked at her my eyes widening to the last degree and my heart flew into my belly.

"Don't forget I'm a ghost. I know everything about you" she said as if reading my thoughts.

"Who are you and what is your name?" I enquired with the little courage left in me.

"My name is Isabella and this is my story and what led to my death."

"Why do you want to tell me?" I sighed. "Shouldn't you be resting? And why bring me into your earthly life then?" I added gawking at her.

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