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Just A Night

Just A Night

Autor: Sassyjen



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Just a night, lots of things are bound to happen, as it did to Dorothy, a beautiful and pure loving girl who always dreamt of having a true love with a handsome guy, turns out to lose her virginity on a nightstand to meet up for some personal needs. What happens when Dorothy finds out the company she got a job with, the CEO is the same person she had a night with? What awaits her? Is it love or coldness? Let's find out.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Doctor please save my mother, do everything in your power to save her please, I beg you in God's name, I don't want to lose my mother, she is the only one I have left." Tears flowed down my eyes as I begged the doctor kneeling at his office.

"Oh, Dorothy, yes I can save your mother but the thing is that we can't save your mother with those usual medications we give to her to suppress it, it's worst right now and a proper treatment is needed, I can't do this without you depositing money." The doctor said to me without pity at all, not even moved by my tears.

"Doctor, you are a lifesaver right?" I asked still on my knees.

"Yes that's my duty, that's what I am paid for." He replied with boldness.

"Then life first, save my mother then I promise to do all kinds of job to raise the money, I will pay the bills, just save her first please." I kept pleading and crying out loud.

"Dorothy, you are not helping matters, the rules here are strict, deposit half of the money then we can commence the treatment and after that, you complete the remaining money, is that simple, you are so cute to be begging, make use of your beauty to make money but if you don't mind, I can make you my fourth wife." He said with a smirk.

"With all due respect sir, I am your child's age mate, meaning you are as a dad to me." I stood up wiping off my tears and getting angry as I faced him.

"How dare you? Don't you ever say these silly words of been your wife, start the treatment and I am saving my mother, will raise the money and I will deposit it tomorrow, I will take my leave?" I said with all seriousness and it was so hard holding back more tears from rolling out.

"Please when you do the right thing, we commence treatment, so get lost." The doctor said to me.

I would have given him a dirty slap if not for some reason.

I stepped out from his office walking slowly as I let the tears out from my eyes, "Why is the worst happening to me?" I asked myself a rhetorical question I couldn't answer.

I had to compose myself when I stood at the front door leading to my mother's ward, my mother doesn't like to see me cry, so I put up a fake smile as I went in.

My mother was still sleeping and looking so thin by the minute, I sat close to her, holding her hands.

"My beautiful mother, how are you feeling? I know you can fight this? Please use all you got to overcome this, I won't let you die, father left me already, you are just the only hope I have, I will raise the bills no matter what and pay the bills tomorrow for the treatment to commence." I assured my mother.

"Mom, I will be taking my leave now to put the words I say into action."

A test message pop up on my phone, checking it out with full excitement that I got a job but to my great disappointment, I wasn't accepted into the company I applied for, seems luck is not on my side.

I decided to take my leave from the hospital and go home.

Taking a walk to my home, I was thinking about my life, how useless I am with nothing to show for after struggling to finish high school and college, yet nothing at all to show for.

My name is Dorothy Caleb, the only child of Caleb, I lost my father to a strange illness at the age of 10, I was left all alone with my mother as we got chased out of my father's house by his family saying my mother brought the misfortune to the family.

We suffered both rain and sun, till we got a little place to stay, my mom did everything to make sure I grow up without lacking even if I didn't get the best life as other kids did, but I got the best mom and a true love and care from her.

Now it's my turn to take care of her, people say I am damn beautiful that a model profession will suit me but whenever I try applying, there is someone always after my body in bed, life has turned to,' I rub your back and you rub my back, how unfair?

I never knew I was in the middle of the road already when an expensive white car almost hit me then I ran off the road.

"He is so crazy, I hate these rich people, can't he hold his break? What if he kills me just now." I said angrily to myself.

I was still complaining, when I got to my little apartment, I got frustrated seeing a notice from my landlord using a white sheet of paper.

I tore them angrily saying," You don't have to embarrass me like this, why are you announcing me, landlord? I will pay my rent in no time, just give me more time to take care of my mom bills first then the house, please." I got exhausted and sat on the floor close to my doorstep.

Then I heard a footstep approaching my directions, "Oh Daniella." I said.

Daniella is my best friend, but she is the club type that thinks hanging out with different guys will punish them for the heartbreak she experiences during college graduation.

"Yes girlfriend, do you miss me? I got food for two." She said smiling.

We both entered my apartment, "Girl, when will you grow up and arrange your room as a girl hum." She teased.

"Apart from you, no one is coming in here," I said.

"Whatever let's eat." She added.



"Stop crying Dorothy, everything will be fine, you will get the money to pay your mother's bill okay?" She encouraged.

"But how?" I asked in tears.

"No companies are accepting me, no one wants to lend me money, soon I will be thrown out from this apartment," I said out loud.

"Then my option I gave you before, take it, it's just a night." She said.

To be continued.