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The Look In Your Eyes

The Look In Your Eyes

Autor: Taristerious



The Look In Your Eyes PDF Free Download


Violet's world turns upside down when she gets married to the man she fell deeply in love with, now violet finds herself in a situation she can neither run away from nor endure. In a story of love, betrayal, murder, adultery, and redemption, Violet has no choice but to fight for her freedom, she soon realizes her disability is her own source of strength. "You were at dinner the whole time?" She laughs "Yup, and I am glad I stayed, makes you seem more pitiful" I wear a smirk "You seem like the pitiful one here though" "Really?" she said with a higher pitch "We know the only reason Jesse is keeping you around is because you are pregnant" "You think?, You were there the day I suggested divorce, what was that he said about you guys affair?, oh that's right, there's no emotion, I am the one he loves, you are just a pleasure puppet , a prostitute that does her work for free" She slaps me, pushes me to the bed and starts pulling my hair

Chapter 1

William Shakespeare once said, “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”.

Falling in love was one mistake I made, I fell in love with a monster, the devil himself. Face to face with death, yet the only voice I hear in my head is his. I guess to understand my story, We have to start from the beginning.

My mother and father longed for a child, despite the dangers my mother never gave up. She was ready to sacrifice everything, and so she did. On the day of my birth she told the doctors to save me instead of her, the toughest decision my Father had to endure. I was born blind with bright violet eyes. My blindness wasn't caused by anything or what anyone knows of, it wasn't a problem they could solve either. Trust me my father has tried everything, even for a billionaire to give up meant it was impossible.

The color of my eyes eventually led to my name, my father took very good care of me, he made sure I had the best and owned the best, anyone could tell how precious I was to him. I grew up with two bodyguards Stella and Luther. Stella followed me everywhere, especially in private places like the restrooms. At home I had close to 10 help, all just for me, indeed I was treated like a rare gem by my father.

But I hated how helpless my father thought of me. Yes, I am his only child, Yes I am blind, but that doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. I have pretty good hearing and an amazing sense of smell, I can sense when someone is with me, I've been taught the best survival instincts that can help me manage on my own, thanks to all the teachers my father provided for me.

But for some reason, he still treated me like I was too fragile. I didn't have friends growing up "shocker" the only girls that came to play with me were either forced to by their parents so they could be on my father's good side or those who saw me as a connection. I still didn't care, I enjoyed having people around me whether they were forced to or not.

I was 21years old when I first met Jesse. I remember it like it was yesterday

I was at the painting studio at home when someone leaned close, his scent was the first thing I noticed then his warmth.''This is a very beautiful painting, I love how the colors blend, so beautifully done, are you one of the exclusive painters for Mr. Chad?'' I was speechless, this was the first time someone complimented me without knowing my condition ''May I know your name?, my cousin has been looking into these-'' I turn to him, and I noticed he didn't speak, I know his still right in front of me, I can feel his breath on my face, he's very close.

"Wow," he gasped, "I haven't seen anyone with those kinds of-are they contacts?'' I was about to answer his question when I hear the door open, my father walks In. I can tell by the sound of his footsteps alone, and my father has this habit of snapping his fingers when he walks In a room I was in, he developed this habit when I was little, so I would be able to know when he was around.

"Ah Jesse'' my father said with an exciting tone in his voice ''I see you are here, I was wondering who was making that noise in Violet's studio'' he chuckles.

''Sir I have to admit, you have such an amazing artist''.

I hear my dad chuckle ''Violet takes after her mother'' My dad snaps his fingers and a bunch of men rushes towards me trying to assist me off my chair, handing me my staff, even though I clearly don't need the assistance. that's when Jesse realizes

''Your daughter?, Shes-''

''Blind'' I responded

''I'm sorry, I didn't realize, you must be offended that I mistook you for an employee, my apologies'' His voice sounded so comforting, I don't know why but the idea he took me as a normal person for just that few minutes made my heart flutter. I didn't pay too much attention, He was obviously here to talk business with my father, so I left my studio.

My father owns a lot of businesses and shares in a lot of places. Art is my thing, and my father has been able to open an art gallery just for me, he calls my gift a rare talent the world has to see.

I got into painting when I was five years old, I just played around with paint, even tho I could never see what it looked like, for some reason I would smile at my work looking satisfied, that's when my father noticed it, he got me special paint, each color had their particular scent, red smelled like cherries, Yellow smelled like lemons, blue smelled like berries, I always paint according to how I feel and it shows.

There's this artwork I admire, I love it so much because I could feel it, I heard the artist who made it was blind as well, it wasn't a painting, it was made of something that felt like tiny beads, and tracing it I can tell it was a portrait of a woman. Maybe, someone he loved, this artwork has a special place in my studio. People often visit my gallery, I love it when they ask what inspired me, that way I can show them my feelings and how it became that beautiful painting they love. Do I feel bad because I don't get to see my paintings? the fact I can create something out of my world and people seem to love it, is more than enough.

I was sited outside, where I often feed pigeons. I come every afternoon, had a bag full of bread crumbs.

I throw some on the ground, the noises the birds make when gathering always put a smile on my face.

"Birds might know you by now". Luther said taking a seat next to me. Luther has been with me since I was 11years old, he didn't go to college, I believe when he first came he was 18, his athletic and martial skills surprised my father that he didn't think twice when he assigned him as my guard.

"Are they more today?". I asked wearing a smile on my face.

"Yes, they are actually, seems like they invited some friends". He scoffs

I giggle "That makes me so happy".

"Tell me, my young lady, why do you enjoy things like this?".

I shrug "I don't know, for some reason it makes me happy".

"Ah, I see... I get to learn a lot of things thanks to you, makes me love my job more".

I laugh "We both know you love it because of the pay".

He gasp "Ah she got me, what can I say?, I'm only human".

Suddenly I hear someone approach us "Who's that?". I muttered

Luther gets up "State your business sir".

I suddenly scent something familiar, I come to the realization of who the person was "Luther it's okay". I get up from the bench "You are Mr. Jesse right? we met at my studio in the house".

"Yes, indeed we did, how could you tell?".

I smile at him "I have my way, please have a sit".

Luther leans in and whispers in my ears " I'll leave you guys to talk, I'll be watching you from afar". He walks away.

"Is that your bodyguard?". Jesse ask

I seat "Yes he is, his name is Luther, has been with me for years now".

he asks curiously "I see, how old is he?, if I may ask?".

"I believe he's 28years old".

He gasps "Wow, doesn't look it, is he married?".

"No, he isn't, he's spent his life dedicated to me, I believe that must be part of the reason why he hasn't settled down yet".

"I see, he's such a handsome lad that it bothers me".

I become confused "Really? people tell me that a lot, why does it bother you tho?". He doesn't speak "Uhm, hello?".

"He makes me feel like I got some competition, you know".

I sigh "Forgive me but, I do not understand".

He chuckles "What am trying to say is, I would love to get to know you".

I blush a little "Really?".

"Want to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime?, but I have to warn you, I am not nearly as handsome as your bodyguard, I might even say I look like a troll". He laughs

I couldn't hold my laugh in for long, I could feel tears roll down my cheeks, I take in deep breathes so I could calm myself down "Well, in that case, you are in luck, because I won't be able to tell, I would love to get coffee with you sometime".

That's how Jesse and I started getting close, the more I hung out with him the more my feelings for him grew, he was an amazing person, and I loved how he saw me.

I remember when my father invited him for dinner, I was so excited, that even he could tell.

"Will you like the blue dress your father got you recently miss?". One of the maids asked.

"Yes, I will, hmm, but give me your honest opinion, does it look good on me?".

"Of course it does, everything looks good on you". She helps me put it on, and then she gets my makeup and hair done. She gasps "Wow, you look lovely miss violet".

"Do I really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, you look like a princess". Suddenly my door opens, I hear a finger snap, my father.

"Father". I stand up excitedly

"Wow, you look great violet, don't tell me you put in this much effort because you are trying to impress Jesse". I don't say anything and smile sheepishly "Ah, seems like my daughter has found a liking in this young master aye"

I laugh "Don't talk so old school father"

My father takes my hand "Why don't we go stunn our guest with your beauty". We both laugh

Dinner was great, and when my maids told me that Jesse couldn't get his eyes off me the whole night, it made me even happier.

"Are you sure you love him?". My father asked me. I remember this day clearly, this was when I took it upon myself to confess to my father and hopefully get his blessing,

"Yes, more than anything father". I said without hesitating

"You're really sure about that?". His voice sounded very serious and strict at the same time


My father lets out a sigh "Violet, you know how much I love you, and how much I want to protect you. Listen, you are more capable than people think you are, your disability should be what makes you stand out, should be your strength, don't let anyone tell you your place". I didn't know why my father was telling me any of these, all I know is, I did keep his word to heart. While I was going on and on about Jesse, I didn't know father was already taking steps ahead of me.

"Do you love my daughter Jesse?". My father asked

Jesse nervously laughs "uhmm, well sir i-".

"My daughter seems to have fallen in love with you, hope she didn't mistake your kindness for something else. Listen boy, I don't trust anyone with my daughter, and I am very sure you know that". My father snaps his fingers and a guard hands him a paper "Let's make a deal, you will marry my daughter, and I will make you director" Jesse's eyes widen "but if you let anything happen to her, if you dare make her cry, even one tear, you are done for, do you understand?".

He nods "Yes sir, I promise you, I will never hurt your daughter, you can trust me" he gets on his knees and bows.

And like that, Jesse and I got married.