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Wild Curiosity

Wild Curiosity

Autor: Sapphire_nation



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Wild Curiosity is a story about a young girl's self discovery journey. She discovers how different she was from her breed cause of her gifts and connection to nature. In the part of the world where she lives, the gifted are stigmatized and even killed. She begins a quest to putting an end to the killing of the gifted.

Chapter 1

** It all began with a dream**

The atmosphere was misty. I was running like there was something in the mist I needed to get. I had a strange feeling that my sister was there in the cloud of mist ahead. I could feel that she was in danger but it was an endless journey. Every single step I took seemed like I was getting further away from her. Our gifts were as perfect as ever, I could hear her thoughts but faintly, which implied that I was miles away from her.

 Then I ran into a snow land, two big balls of ice slapped me hard on my back. Since it was unavoidable, I continued to run. The snow rained mercilessly, somehow extraordinarily.

I stumbled on a pile of snow, tried to get back on my feet but could not. I began to crawl through snow. I needed to safe Arkishair, my only sister. It was real hell crawling through snow. I tried to catch my breath at intervals, tried to get her thoughts again but this time I got nothing. I realised that it would be a waste of time crawling further when I can't feel her thoughts anymore. I needed to leave this snow island or i'll freeze to death but i felt this strong urge to scream her name and  I did.


Just then  I realized that I had used up all the energy I had. I fell face down into snow falling in and out of consciousness.

 Just some moments after. I felt another thought, a new and strange thought.

[my sister]. The voice sent. 

I got it very clearly, like she was speaking into me.

[who are you?]. I sent back. It was strange enough that she could speak to me like Arkishair, with our thoughts

only few people have gifts like ours

but more strange that she called me her sister . She's not Arkishair, I know Arkishair's thoughts and this isn't like hers.

[Rise up, Arkishair is here]. She sent back.

This time I felt more seriousness and sadness in her thoughts. I felt her hands around my waist and slowly I was pulled out of the snow. I felt warmed, her hands were warm even in the snow

too weird

. One look upon her face, I was mesmerized. She looks exactly like me, my golden hair, green eyes, pointed nose, even the mysterious scar beneath my nose, all the same.  I could not stop staring into her like I was looking into my reflection. I got distracted by a push at the back of my leg, someone else was there then. I swung around to take a look. I was completed shocked by what I saw. My frozen blue sister!

“ Oh my God, Arkishair! ” I gasped. I reached for her, swung her out of the snow. She was cold, frozen, pale blue, her eyes sealed with snow. She was...dead


I sat straight up in bed, breathing hard, beads of sweat dripping off from my face. I looked around disoriented. It was a dream. A dream that looked too real. I tried to control my breath. It was a dream, a very bad one.

 I walked to my bathroom, sprinkled warm water from the sink on my face. I could see the atmosphere outside through the window, it was snowing. My dream came back to taunt me. A hot bath would help.

 I slipped into the bath tub, switched on the warm water tap and washed myself. Slowly, I began to understand real life. I was the only one in the house. My father walked out angrily yesterday, promised not to sleep in the house because--Oh my God. Mum--mum is dead and Arkishair --in an accident. Tears rushed out of my eye. I needed it. I needed something more than tears. He promised to kill me. He accused me of killing my mother--his wife. It's ridiculous, they died in a road accident. Truly, I feel very guilty for their death, they had gone out to buy my drugs. I can't live without them. My asthma--my  weakness, ending my life would be as easy as killing a mosquito.

“ NO ” I could hear my voice in my head.

“I will not die by his hands. I can't be a weakling even in my death".

I've always been perceived as weak. Though I don't have a bad stature, I'm tall and lean and smart but I'm one of the rare kind of Caucasian. Well, I use to love my own little perfect life but now, I have nothing else to live for.

I disconnected the heater from the socket and rolled its cord around my neck as tight as i could. I tightened it desperately hoping I would be gone by my own hands. It was hell painful but I didn't care. I heard sudden movements in my room, yet I didn't care. If there's a person in my room then I should be dead before the person finds me here.

I could have sworn with my life that I heard a voice--that same voice in my dream. She was there in my bedroom. What does she want? Get me killed also?... No. Did she kill Arkishair? No! That was a dream but if she's right there in my room then I need to see her. I've got a million questions for her.

Slowly, I loosened the wire around my neck, rushed out of the tub and tiptoed to my room. I searched every nook and cranny of the room but no one was there.

She's scared of me, I thought. A slight smile forming at the corners of my lip. It was a smile of hope. A hope that someone can be scared of me, that the girl who called me 'sister' in my dream is mortal and I need to find her. I found something I could live for -- “answers”. I'll find her with every inch of my being.

I sat by my dress table, I could see myself in the mirror across the table. My neck--full of red stripes, I can't believe I did this to myself. One look upon my innocent face, I remembered my dream. Is she my clone? She looks exactly like me. For hell's sake, I must find her. My head ached. I swallowed hard, examining myself. A weird fourteen year old, weak and vulnerable

severe asthmatic patient

. Arkishair has  been my backbone all these while and now she's gone. It's now me, Katty, my monster of a father and Emiliar, a mysterious friend.

Oops,I almost forgot. School exams, I would be expelled if I miss it. It's an overpopulated state school and the government is trying to reduce its population. I can't imagine my life without school. Though,I might not pass the exam

because I'm not prepared

but I must attend at least.

I was dressed in minutes. If I would live, then I'll live well and school is my first priority. Then I'll find that girl. I brushed my hair at the mirror, glared at my image more awkwardly than ever.

“ You little bitch, show up now. Let's have a talk. I command you!” I screamed at her  -- my image. My voice echoed through the room. I was calmed a little by the realisation that I was still alone in the house. I wish I could see her right now. We need to have a talk. She owes me a lot of explanations.

“ please speak to me, who are you?” I continued

It was certain that I'd ignored the fact that the image on the mirror was my reflection.


I waited for sometime seething silently. Then I glanced at the clock-- almost time for school.

“Damn you! I'll be back I promise”

I grabbed my backpack and left.

Really, I was going crazy. I needed to see Emiliar. I'll learn to trust her. She's got magic that can help me with the ghost.