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Love through thick and thin

Love through thick and thin

Autor: Kizzy Cara



Love through thick and thin PDF Free Download


Desperate enough to marry Saleha asks the 1st person she meets. Although her request is granted her groom introduces himself as a swindler a rapist a philanderer. Immediately she wants to back out but couldn't do so as it seems it was a problem he was contemplating.Later on she discover what she wasn't told. How she coups and turn around to find her lost love

Chapter 1

  Will you marry me


  What no introduction required

  We'll get introduced on the way

  On the way

  Well to say our vows

  Just like that Pulled roughly by the man she had asked

  What do you mean

  I mean no courting or dating

  When you asked it didn't seem like you wanted courting or dating

  but I do now

  Let me introduce myself 1st I'm a swindler a rapist a black mailer and a philanderer.

  W..... .... What

  Next time think before you speak

  I .........I don't want to marry you ..........I don't want.... ..... And her eyes opened. For a moment she thought it was a dream a very bad one at that. She pinched herself ouch that hurt she removed the covers and sat up suddenly and looked around. The room was very luxurious the bed she was sleeping in was very soft what with soft cotton sheets a warm silk cover and a velvet eiderdown slightly folded . Facing her right on the wall was a 4D screen television on which an action packed flick of Tom Cruise was playing however the voice was down heavy velvet curtains were down so she couldn't be sure what time it was. Ommmmmm finally I'm in heaven she laid down and covered her self as the room was cold with an A. C but what about food her stomach growled .in heaven one didn't feel hungry.......... hungry. With a shriek she threw back every thing and came to her feet and looked around . It was then that she noticed a door that was opening and the man who came out one look at him she felt her legs giving way she sat on the bed and watched him .

  Hungry the man said she simply gawked

  Washroom is free

  Whooooo who are you


  What are you doing here

  Oh come on Saleha not again

  You you know my name

  Yes I do

  H......., How......... where am I what place is this

  You are in the one of the room in hotel where we met

  How did I ......... . Look it was a mistake I'm sorry it won't happen again


  Please leave me

  You are free to go where ever you want but don't you like this place I thought you do be happy to be here with me.

  Happy and why should I be

  Because you are married and married to me.

  But I told you I don't want to marry

  Well not all wishes can be granted

  Oh please please

  Alright alright go use the bathroom first

  Giving him a sad look she turned.

  When she came out the room was empty but a new dress was lying on the bed oh how she do love to wear it as her clothes were dirty she touched it tentatively it was pure chiffon and silk . Leaving it there she looked around there was no one in the room so she went to check the other door . This room told another tale it had seating arrangement for 5 guests apart from the dining table at a side which was laden with sumptuous foods . You didn't change . It was then she noticed Ibrahim sitting on a sofa . Where's my celI

  I don't know I'm not a thief

  It was in my bag

  Did you check

  Come take lunch,1st

  And she realized she was hungry.

  We need to talk. After first morsel of food in her mouth she said.

  Eat 1st

  Mr. Ibrahim

  Go and change 1st

  She was hungry and this she felt after the first bite and simply took what ever came her way now she felt no harm in changing she went inside and changed then she she simply tied up her hair in a ponytail and came out the leftover food was gone. She came in silently he was reading something sensed her raised his head and............. She knew the dress was beautiful it was blue with green embroidery and green sleeves green shalwar and blue dopatta with green embroidery,it was the look that Ibrahim gave she became conscious and stood frozen in the doorway then turned.

  Saleha ,Ibrahim called and she turned. How do you know my name forgetting everything she demanded . Come and sit here he patted a place beside him. She gathered all her courage and walked towards a nearby sofa but Ibrahim simply pulled her to him, she shrieked

  We are married remember

  That's what we need to talk about

  Did you find your phone

  Yes it's in my bag the battery is discharged

  One matter settled what other thing you want to talk about?

  Ah please leave me


  Please leave me

  Mean divorce you

  No no ! What?

  Married remember

  Oh my God what am I going to tell my parents

  That you are married isn't that what they wanted

  Well yes


  But not like this

  You mean we shouldn't have asked Maulvi to say our Nikah

  Not that

  What then

  I mean am I not rich

  I.......... don't know

  What's the problem then


  Aaaaa ....... A rapist

  Oh please don't start again

  Serves you right for not looking before leaping

  I thought........

  You'd find an angel with lots and lots of money to spend coming from heaven directly so pure white washed and you to spend on your self and your family..... Isn't that so

  No not like that

  Alright so how was it you suppose tell me

  I....I don't know

  Till when you tell me you will be my wife you will live with me act and perform all the wifely duties as and when required in return I'll see to it that as you are my responsibility all your needs are fulfilled but if I find a hint of cuckolding at my back you will be sorry for the day you were born. Now let's go.


  To meet my in-laws

  Please please do stop this farce I said I'm sorry pleeeeease

  Come darling don't be afraid everything is gonna be fine or you want to go home with me 1st .I surely missed my wedding night as my young naive wife slept through it all.

  No no please no

  By the way where did you come from they only taught you one word no no and no.

  Please I and suddenly she couldn't utter another word as as a pair of lips were on her. Shocked she couldn't move then pushed him with all might .He finally released her but had to gather himself for some time before able to speak. God you are sweet what am I to do and Saleha.And then he groaned there she goes again.she spoilt my wedding night and the kiss too. She had fainted andwas a dead weight against him he simply picked her up brought in the bedroom and placed on the bed. Turning he took some water from the pitcher placed on the table and sprinkled on her face. This time she opened her eyes real quick but there was nothing in them she simply watched the ceiling for some moments then raised her hand and started touching her face gingerly .

  Hey hey Saleha what happened . Although she opened her eyes he noticed they were dazed. Saleha he tried to pat her and she cowered, Saleha he tried again and she pulled the covers and hid inside,S S S Saleha he tried pulling the covers back and she gave a small shriek, Saleha , this time she shrieked loudly then started sobbing. He was flabbergasted and left after some time the sobbing reduced and slowly she lifted the cover off her face and looked around. As if she remembered the room gingerly lifted her hand and touched her face her eyes removed the cover and slowly took off the bed. She went to the bathroom splashed her face with cold water and looked up.

  The door to the lounge opened silently although his back was turned he sensed her and turned. Ssss... sorry what was all that about.

  Nnn nothing

  Why did you faint

  I don't know .

  Tell me about your program

  Like ?

  Are you gonna announce to your parents



  Then let's go



  I suppose it will be better if I go and tell them myself



  Okay the driver will take you

  Don't be too late and came back

  Ib........Rahim about the other thing


  I mean

  Look what's done is done now be a good girl tell your parents that you have fulfilled your obligation and be back.

  What shall I tell them


  About you I mean how should I introduce you

  By telling the truth and that is,

  As she looked dubious he said helpfully that your husband is healthy enough to bore a child in a womb,as she lost color Ibrahim carried on, also that he is owner of multinational company that has subsideries abroad too and does businesses with many international reputable firms.

  But that's a lie

  You are most welcome tell them what is told by me to you. What ever you do where ever you go the driver will take you and he will bring you back at night.

  What if I have to stay for the night

  What for

  Mine is your true home now where you are going to live from now on

  What if they didn't allow

  That's why I'm saying let me come

  What will you do

  I'll make them understand

  No no Il be fine.





  Okay then go and be back before nightfall.

  As the car started she placed her head on the side window and thought what is life. She had spent a very happy childhood.In those days her mother used to laugh thre was ample money food on table clothes to wear, suddenly everything changed. She was young she didn't know why suddenly her mother's cheeks and eyes seemed red as she was very careful around Saleha. Her father stopped coming early he was coming late now then he stopped coming altogether for days.Although young she sensed something was wrong but her mother always tried to be cheerful around her and made sure not to offend her father who it seems was ready to explode

  so her mother tried to be careful rather as careful as she could be , somehow her father accepted this situation too.