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Autor: Zyeesh



Heartbeats PDF Free Download


"Speak, why are you silent? Where have you been for so many years? Where have you been when I was thrown in the trash? Where have you been when I was orphaned? I was lying ?? Where were you when I was adopted? You claimed that you are my father, then tell me, at least who am I? What is my identity? What crime have I done that you both are punishing me? Say something. Rahab's eyes are red. They were turning red like embers ... as if there was blood in them.

Chapter 1

The teacher was asking everyone.

what will you become when you grow up?

When Rahab was asked, she stood up and said in a sad tone.

"Teacher, whose fate has already been decided, what can he become? I have to become a homemaker.

”His answer surprised the teacher and all the other students.

"What do you mean?"

She stared at him with a confused look.

"That's why I was adopted."

Said the eighth-grader very sadly.

The whole class was shocked and upset at his words.

Because he was not an ordinary boy.

He was the son of "Khatun Abrash Malik".

Abrash Malik whose business was spread both in the country and abroad had their islands, whose property could not be calculated.

Silah was shocked to hear him speak.

"Rahab, is your future husband?"

Sanaa was drowning in surprise.

"Anyways, this idiot has gone crazy." Ever since he found out that his parents had adopted him.

I will marry this orphan in exchange for Abrish Malik ... it has become yours. This thought.

"Looking at Rahab with contemptuous looks, as if in an arrogant manner.

***** ------ **** ------- *** ----- ***

Fifteen years ago:

"I'm pregnant ... and this baby is yours ..." Nadeem's sweat started as Haniya said.

Haniya must have planted a bomb on her head.

She looked very upset.

"What did you just say?"

"Nadeem, I'm pregnant"

Haniya said this time very loudly.

"Are you talking nonsense?

You know what you're talking about?"

He had made an insignificant mistake.

He started looking at the other students around him. They were both present in the canteen of the University at that time. He was immediately afraid that no one would listen to Haniya's words.

Delighted with his busy schedule, he turned to Haniya again. He gritted his teeth in a low voice and said angrily.

"I know ... what can I do?"

I am ... I don't understand anything myself ... since I found out ... I have gone crazy ... please marry me ... as soon as possible.

"She said softly in a soulful tone. "

How can I believe ... this is my child?"

I was seduced only once on Valentine's Day ... and that too you attracted me to you ... in those three months ... You spent your nights with an unknown number of people.

"Nadeem was a playboy. He belonged to a rich family. His father was a well-known actor in Pakistan. Was quite famous.

Ever since Haniya entered University I, Nadeem has been keeping an eye on her.

For three years he kept trying to ensnare Haniya in his love trap. His false claims of love had succeeded in attracting Haniya to him.

On Valentine's Day night, he played a whole plane with his friends. Under the pretext of partying he had brought Haniya to the guest house, where boys and girls were seen dancing to the beat of songs. Some were busy drawing some food and drink. and having some fun.

The girl's clothes were very ugly. Which made Haniya feel ashamed. She was repeatedly insisting on going to the hostel, but Nadeem forcibly stopped her. She was becoming a part of this party just to keep her heart unaware of his nefarious intentions. Nadeem brought drugs mixed in the juice for her.

As soon as she drank the juice, everything started to look blurry. Suddenly she started to feel dizzy. She started fighting and immediately Nadeem took care of her and took her to her room.

The next day when Haniya woke up in the morning, she was lying on the bed naked.

Seeing this, the ground had slipped from her feet.

"Ow ... did you get up?" Nadeem asked.

"What is all this? How did I get here? Where are my clothes?" She was going crazy with each passing moment.

His honour has been trampled on at night.

She started shouting and asking.

"Hey hey ... why are you screaming so much?

Those are your clothes, you were the one who threw them, and mine too." he said, shaking his head. And then there is a whole silent

"Shut up ... it can't happen ... What did you do to me last night ??" Her whole face was soaked with tears.

"I ... Wow ... Madam ... I didn't do anything with you. On the contrary, you did ... You invited me ... I'm a boy ..."

"I'm lost, now don't yell at me.

He threw the towel on the bed and angrily put on his shirt.

"Why can't I remember anything?" She was holding her head.

Listen to her sentences. A devilish smile spread on Nadeem's face.

"It won't even come ..." The dose was too high, baby ... " "Come on ... stop crying ... I can't see you crying.

He said in a stealthy tone of love, when he approached Haniya and extended his hand intending to wipe away her tears, she immediately shook his hand angrily.

"Don't touch me you ... you have defiled me ... you have made me a sinner ... what will I do when I see God? and my parents."

She cried in agony.

Her sentences.

"what will I do when I see God". had directly come to Nadeem's heart, for a second or two he too went into the depths of embarrassment. This is the first time there was a girl who was suffering so much in front of him. Otherwise, these colourful nights were not new to him. Then Nadeem did not dare to say anything more to him ... so he picked up her clothes from the chair and put them on the bed and left.

Since that day, Haniya has been holding on to the same stubbornness, "marry me Nadeem".

Nadeem started working from scratch. He had been consoling Haniya for three months since his father had gone abroad for shooting. As soon as they return. He will talk about marriage. He will make his bride by holding her hand in front of the whole world. But three months later, Haniya was informing him today that she was pregnant.

"One more word, I'll pull your tongue. I'm not such a girl, and you know that very well. You must have mixed something in my juice that night." Otherwise, it would never have happened.

Now marry me with dignity ... otherwise ... I will come to your house and tell your parents everything.”

That's it, Nadeem raised his finger and shouted angrily. He stood up and spoke. He didn't even care about the other students sitting around him. As soon as he shouted, everyone was attracted to both of them.

Seeing this Nadeem finally says to Haniya.

"Speak slowly. Everyone is watching. Take care of my honour if not yours. I am not the son of an ordinary tailor like you." He gritted his teeth and looked at Haniya angrily. He spoke softly in a tone of contempt.

"Come with me." He grabbed her arm in front of everyone and walked out.

"Leave me alone."She was constantly trying to free her arm, but the opponent's grip was strong enough that delicate quality could not free her hand from his grip.

"Where are you taking me? Leave me alone."

She was constantly protesting. But Nadeem was not paying attention to the protest of this delicate girl. He forced her to sit in his car.

"Sit quietly."

He said while sitting in the car.

"Where are you taking me? I am asking something. Answer me. Answer me or I will jump out of this car."

"Jump ... that's what I want too.

"He replied in a cold tone and Haniya looked at him in surprise.

"This car will stop only when you listen to me in silence." Otherwise, you jump, and if you don't, then I jump myself, well … The story will end. ”

As soon as Nadeem said angrily, she became silent.

Nadeem stopped the car on one side.

"Look, my dear. We have both made a mistake. we can't make any more mistakes ... so please ... listen to me patiently and understand ... Give me some time."

I'm still with my dad, I couldn't talk about the relationship between the two of us. Then what can I talk about this child?

He said in an explanatory manner, with false tears in his eyes.

"So what should I do now ??"

He said, holding his head and crying.

"Don't do anything ... just keep quiet for some time, please. And one thing I do is go to London.

Where Dad's shooting is going on right now. I have to go there, I will tell Dad about our relationship.

They love me very much. I am sure they will agree to accept you for me. Then I will come to your house with Dad. I will ask for a relationship with your family. Everything will be fine. We will be tied in a strong bond of marriage. Then I will be able to give my name to my children. We will be happy, We will live a lovely happy life. Just trust me a little.

"Nadeem assured her that everything will be fine. It was not easy for Haniya to trust him. Especially after she had been deceived once before by trusting this cunning man. but there was no other solution. She was walking on a dark path. On which traces of light could not be seen in the distance.

"You won't deceive me, will you?"

She asked, staring hopefully. Tears welled up in his eyes. And hopeful gazes that struck Nadeem's heart for a moment.

He stole the gaze and shook his head in affirmation.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Please don't worry. Just be patient. It may be ... it may take me a while to convince Dad. But you have to be patient. OK, my dear.

Raising his hand towards her face, he said in a loving tone"

What is meant by a short time? How long will it take?"

"Three or four months ..."

"Three or four months ??" She repeated Nadeem's sentence as if objecting.

"Yeah … because it's not going to be easy. "he said, pursing his lips.

"Remember ... I trust you ... this is your child ... only you can save him from being abused."

She said pointing out.

"Yes, yes, Baba. I know."

He said angrily. And starts the car again.

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