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Autor: Kim Robhyn



Enchanted PDF Free Download


Andrea Knowles, a fil-am photographer will find her peace on an Island in the Philippines. Her mom chose to send her to an Island instead of her going to the Amazon forest to fulfill her dreams to take photos of the wild. She will then meet Ibrahil, an Encantado who is disguised as a human who will enchant her into his realm. She will then discover that she's a half-blooded Encantada and that they are rivals by race. As a prince and a princess, duty comes first before desire. Will they be able to fight for their destiny or they will end up killing each other?

Chapter 1

"Are you sure you want to go alone, Andie?" ask her worried mom.

"Oh, Mom c'mon, I'm not a baby anymore you see? I can handle myself." Andrea looks at her mom while packing her things.

"Of all places why is it Amazon forest that you want to go to just for mere photos? Andie, don't you know how dangerous that place is?" said her mom while walking back and forth in front of her.

She smiled at her mom, walk towards her and hold her hand. "Ok ok, then suggest a nice place to go, Mom. If it's gonna make you any happier."

She saw how her mom's face brighten up upon hearing what she just said. "That's my girl!" she said while pinching her cheeks. "Wait for me here, let me just get the map," she said excitedly while she walked through the door.

She just rolled her eyeballs and let out a sigh.

"There will be a next time Amazon." She started packing up her things again when her mom entered her room.

"I bet you should include some swimsuits in their sweetheart. And some tanning lotion," she said while grinning. "You are going to the beautiful Island of Biri!" she said while waving the map in front of her.

She smiled looking at her mom. "Island? Is that from the Philippines?"

She then handed out the map. "Yes, that Island is way better than Amazon whatsoever. If you want some beautiful pictures then that's the perfect place, and you will get to visit our country again" she said with shining eyes.

"Mom, you are more excited than I am. Do you want to come with me? Ask dad so that we can all have a vacation then."

Her mom's face saddened for a while but then quickly looked at her smiling. "No dear! You know your Dad. He doesn't want me to go back there, and please keep this a secret from him ok?."

Her dad is an American businessman who was once fond of nature. I guess that was the attitude she got from him. That's why she became a photographer of nature. She's wondering why her parents are not telling her stories about their past like their love story and how they met?

"Ok!" she just shrugged her shoulder and took a closer look at the map.

Her mom sat at the edge of her bed while watching her. "Don't forget to visit your Grandma and the entire family. I'm sure they'll be so much happy to see you."

Her mom originally came from the Philippines. A waraynon that resides in Leyte. They are rich in culture with the nicest people. She still remembers the last time they visited the place they only lasted for two weeks for some reason. She was too young to understand things at that time but, she remembered her cousins talking about "engkanto". Can't even understand their language because her dad doesn't want her to learn. But now she knows some words as her mom taught her secretly.

"Of course Mom! Now that you said that I'm getting too excited. I hope we'll get to visit them together. I know Grandma misses you a lot." she looks at her mom walk towards her and hugged her tight.

"I love you!" she uttered.

"Make sure you take care of yourself okay?" she caresses her hair smoothly.

"Book your ticket for the next day. I'll go shopping tomorrow so that you have something to give to your cousins."

She just nod for approval.


She read the banner from afar from her grandma's house.

"Oh, c'mon Mom. You are such a spoiler. This is supposed to be a surprise but I guess it's the other way around now!" she murmured while taking down her luggage from the car she rented.

"Grandma!" she called her grandmom from the outside.

"Grandma!" she called again and try to open that small gate. "Ok, let me just get in. I thought they already knew I was coming but why is it that nobody's answering?" she talked to herself while knocking.

She's about to knock again when the door swung open.

"Welcome home Andrea!" everyone shouted from the inside. Someone just grabbed her hand and pulled her in.

"Oh my gosh!" she giggled as she saw everyone's happy face while they clap and some are showering her confetti.

"Welcome home ija!" her grandma slowly walks towards her. She reached her hand and hugged her.

"Hi, Gran!" she hugged her tight. " I have missed you so much. Thank you for this surprise for me," she said teary-eyed. She looked at her cousins and aunties. "Thank you so much guys" she then hugged everyone in the room.

"Ija, you might be hungry from the long travel, come I have cooked your favorite dishes. Here, just pick! And your favorite local food chocolate moron!" her grandma excitedly showed her every food from the table.

"Yes Gran, I will eat every dish you prepare, after all, you're the best cook," she said giggling while she rested her head from her grandma's shoulder.

They started eating when she saw a man standing from that big balete tree in front of her grandma's yard. She couldn't recognize if it's one of her uncle's or one of her cousin's. "Why does he have golden hair the same as mine?" She's about to ask her grandma when she saw her closed the door. Maybe she saw her looking outside strangely.

"Please don't look at that balete tree iha. You might see something strange." her grandmom told her.

"Gran, what do you mean by that?" she got curious about her grandma's tone of voice. It's like there's something that she needs to be scared of from that tree.

"Nothing just don't take it seriously dear. I just want you to enjoy your vacation here," she said while tapping her face. "Enjoy your food ok?" she said while smiling.

"Yes, Gran," she nods.

It was past seven in the evening. Andrea woke up from the noises downstairs. After the feast like lunch a while ago. She dozed herself off to sleep as she was so tired from the long journey.

She got up and opened her luggage to get all the gifts her mom bought for everyone.

She went downstairs and she can hardly see the stairs because she was carrying a lot. She carried it from her chest and it was like she was carrying a big fat kid. From what she saw downstairs, it seems like everyone was still around. They were excited about her. This is what she likes from her mom's family. They are all nice and kindhearted. They treat her as if she's a princess. They are all fond of her not only because she's the prettiest as she's half American. She has this perfect skin, not too dark not too white. Every hair that she has in her body is golden. There is something different that makes her extra special.

She put everything down on the sofa and called everyone's attention.

"Guys! Come over, I have something for you all," she shouted while clapping.

Everyone gathered around so excitedly. As people living in the province, this is one of the precious things they love when someones coming back from the city. The gift thing.

The kids were giggling with excitement.

"Mom bought this stuff for all of you. I hope you guys will like it," she said proudly as she distribute every piece of it. She was so happy seeing her family happy. "If only mom was here, she'll be so happy too," she murmured as she looked at the busy opening of their gifts.

One week has gone fast. It's time for her to leave the place. Her grandma was crying when she told her she needs to leave soon. She has this strange reaction when she told her she needs to go to Biri Island.

"Are you sure your mom wants you to go there?" she asked angrily.

"Yes, Gran! Why? Is there something wrong? Mom told me the Island was so beautiful. You know I'm a photographer right Grandma? I need to go there for my vacation and also for work on the other hand." Andrea said trying to calm her down.

"Maybe she has reasons" Grandma murmured almost unclear for Andrea. " Anyway Ija, just make sure you will take care of yourself ok? Biri Island, yes it's so beautiful but it is also dangerous especially for young girls like you. Whenever you encounter a good-looking guy with brown hazel eyes, please Ija do not ever entertain those kinds." she said in a very serious tone.

She just chuckled and hug her grandma.

"Gran, I'm not a baby anymore ok? But, yes I won't entertain those kinds I promise you," she said smiling and kissed her cheeks. "Oh, Granⁿ you're so cute," she said giggling. She just thought her grandma was just afraid she might marry too soon. She giggled from that thought. She loves her more than anyone else.

WELCOME TO BIRI ISLAND! She read the arch sign before she jump off the boat. She has this excitement deep inside her. Seems like something nice will happen in here.

"Whenever you encounter a good-looking guy with brown hazel eyes, please Ija do not ever entertain those kinds." she tilts her head as she remembers those lines from her grandma.

"Gran, that makes me more excited you know," she laugh at that silly thought.

Andrea took her things from the boat's staff and handed him a small tip. "Thank you!" she smiled and wave bye.

"Thank you ma'am and enjoy your vacation," he said happily as he looked at the yellow bill in his hand.

She gasp as she saw how beautiful the Island is. Those amazing rock formations, beautiful trees, and flowers everywhere. Her mom was right. This is maybe way better than the Amazon forest.

While dragging her luggage she saw a minibar not too far away from the shore. She swallowed her saliva thinking about that super fresh coconut juice. She was so thirsty that she can't wait to have a drink.

"Excuse me, one fresh coconut juice please!" she said while breathing heavily. She put her luggage down and yelled again to the man in front of her.

"Excuse me," she now pokes his shoulder.

"One fresh-" she couldn't finish what she was about to say as he turned around and looked at her annoyed.

"Miss I'm not the bartender" he hissed at her.

"A---" she can't utter any word as he gazed at her.

"Oh, my Granny! He's gorgeous with those pairs of hazel brown eyes!