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Autor: Shortcke





He's the man I shouldn't want. A good-looking and powerful man like him shouldn't make me feel this way. He is rude, selfish, and is fucking incapable of reciprocating my feelings. Gray Westmore...that's his name. And I couldn't fucking unlove him now that I know he's trying to save his family from his psychotic twin.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“Meredith...We should break up” It was Zachary who uttered those words with no remorse or a hint of guilt to accompany his horrible five words. Meanwhile Meredith couldn't quite believe if the words she heard were a nightmare or a reality; if she were to blink, the water works wouldn't be far away but she had to maintain her dignity but she was finding it hard to do so.

“Why? Did I do something wrong? Can’t we just try to talk it out?” Her miserable pleas were pitiful even to her own ears, She was having a hard time breathing and she knew Zachary wasn't the kind of person to fool around, throwing the word 'breakup' carelessly.

“Meredith...No… it's not working out for us. Baby,listen We are just so different,I’m always busy with my work and you..” Zachary trailed off, a flicker of guilt crossing over his face.

The ugly, choking sob racked out of her chest, regretfully and resentful. Meredith wiped her cheeks, her tears falling uncontrollably like the waterfall of Niagara. She knows Why her model boyfriend is breaking up with her. She is aware of the difference between them but they have been going strong for almost two years now. Getting dumped by her first boyfriend is a very humiliating and a heart wrenching experience. However,she walked away from there with the little amount of dignity left with her.

Meredith browses through the tv channel alternating between the sad and saddest cliche Romance with swollen eyes and popcorn on her lap. Her small, fat body is reduced to a curling ball while she tended to her wounded heart with the best form of therapy. Movies and crying with a whole lot of food.

That is how Ruth found her best friend curled up in her couch that afternoon; eyes swollen like the bee sting and hair greasier than the pork fat. Her scent is worse than the dumpster that can send the smell of dead frogs to Shame. In short, Ruth almost lost her sense of smell.

“Lord Have Mercy, What happened to you? Did you live with the stray cats for a year!?” Exclaimed Ruth,crunching up her nose in disgust.

“I think I should go and dunk my head in the toilet seat” mumbled Meredith.

“I’m afraid you smelled worse than the toilet,dear. Maybe it's time you take a bath” On hearing Ruth's words, the heartbroken lady starts sniffing and some minutes later, the sounds of wailing echoed through the small apartment.


Heartbroken and freshed out of the shower, Meredith decided to step out of her apartment and head down to the club,either to drown her misery with alcohol or hopefully meet a hot man that could give her a hot, wild sex to the point of erasing the memories of heartaches caused by her douchbag excuse of a boyfriend.

How dare he dump me! echoed her prideful soul. When her eyes landed on her fat belly,she cringed.

Of course, a handsome man like Zachary wouldn't be into a girl with a potbelly.

However she was determined to head down the Club, she's a twenty four year old woman with a dream : Get a job.

Urghh! She pulled the ends of her black, wavy hair.

Might as well sleep with stray cats if she couldn't find a man at the club.

Determined to heal her wounded heart, She throws on a dark brown hoodie along with black shorts that made it look like she wasn't wearing any pants underneath the large hoodie. This would do! Hmm…

It was the third glass of whiskey, her visions were almost blurry while her eyes roved over the club where there were blasting loud booming unknown music and people dancing and grinding on the dance floor. So far, she's still miserable with no man on sight. The only person who flirted with her is the silly old man with crooked teeth,who sat at the corner to her left.

“Oi! Look away” her words slurred and her fingers waving carelessly.

She fumed when he refused to look away, instead he seemed to be more interested in staring.

The bartender didn't interfere,even after hearing her,probably used to seeing strange things in a club.

Getting tired of sitting, She stepped down from her seat and headed over the dance floor. She got tangled up among the throngs of crowds, grinding and dry humping. She almost regretted ditching Ruth's plan of a girls' sleepover at her place. However, she was ashamed of herself.

Lost in thought, She didn't realise that her hips were now enclosed by a warm pair of hands, a hard,broad body pressed against her back. She stepped away as if she had been burnt.

Her head whipped towards the body and alas! She almost cried. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating or if her visions were playing tricks on her because she didn't believe this kind of man with the Greek-God looks existed.

“Calm your tits!” She said, and pressed her palms against her chest. It wasn't meant to be heard but the man narrowed his eyes at her action but didn't comment on it. However, the twitch of his lips doesn't go unnoticed by Meredith hawked eyes.

“Get out of the dance floor if you are drunk” The man ordered, his voice sounding cold and powerful. Her ears perked up and legs wobbled a little. She had never met someone who treated this way, as if she was a kid.

“None of your business” She tried to walk away but was hauled back by the angry, Greek God.

Her arms flailed and tried to kick his knee, but failed miserably.

To her horror, she was carried out of the club and was dumped on the sidewalk. How many times would she get dumped in a span of a week?

“Yo-” The rest of her words got caught in her throat when a cold, liquid was splashed on her face and her hoodie, the coldness seeping through the fabric easily because of the material.

My God! She thought.

“It’s dangerous to get drunk in a club if you are alone. Do you want to get raped?” She couldn't believe her ears. The stranger had no right to be scolding her but surprise, surprise, He's in the flesh, standing next to her with a deep frown on his face as he waits for her to process his words.

She shivered a little when the wind picked up and the man took notice of it. “Take your shirt off” He Ordered,yet again.

“Not happening,dude”

Meredith shook her head, her mind and body cleared of the confusion and dizziness, thanks to the cold water and the argument that had yet to happen.

There is so much hostility between them but they weren't blind to not acknowledge the sexual tension radiating off their body while they stared at each other. She was the one to look away first, not used to being openly stared at.

“What would you say if I asked you to come to my place tonight?” Meredith's mouth hangs open, not expecting the man to be so direct.

Just what is up with this man, she wondered.

“I- Are you serious!?” he nodded, his eyes unblinking and lips set in a frown. “Do you seriously think that after you dragged me out here, I will follow you?”

“I don't see why you can't” he shrugged and put his hands on his pocket. He turned his body as if to go back to leave but at that moment, Meredith stretched her hands out and tugged the end of his black shirt. She looked up into the pool of blue eyes, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Something about the man pulls her in as if he was a magnet. She couldn't understand why they were screaming one second and the next second they were having this conversation.

“Let’s go to my place,” She says instead, determined to get what she wants.

With an agreement,they hailed a cab.