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When I met you

When I met you



When I met you PDF Free Download


Alice a girl who falls in love with her bestfriend's brother who is her family friend's son and now presently ber business partner. Everything in her life was going smooth and fast as she had her love, friend's, family and a perfect job now just like a beautiful nightmare she had. But thinks started changing when she got kidnapped from a resort where she was enoying her happiness thinking its a happy ending. Ethan was a mafia leader which was a secret for her and comes out near her after she gets kidnapped. She discovers from her kidnapper many secrets and especially her moms death reason and starts trusting her kidnapper. Will she ever get out of this hostage and will still love Ethan? Or will find a true love in someone else which is her kidnapper?

Chapter 1


"Alice wake up you are running late"

"Ohh please more 5 minutes please"

"No you can't you are already late for your interview"




"Now run"

I'm late again. Why do I have to be late everytime God? Such an Af I am. Run Alice run otherwise you will lose your job and you need it for your earning.

When I reached the CAS company limited I found a bit relief there was 5 mins left for me to go for interview still.

I pressed the lift button and met with an handsome tall guy. His blue eyes were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. He was looking fucking handsome my eyes were just stuck on him.

"Hello!!! Which floor? Are you deaf?"

"Huhhhh... 7th floor"


He was giving me strange look and I was cursing myself under my breath for making embarrased myself. Am I looking mess or what? Why is he smiling with a smirk? Just because he caught ms staring him. Such an jerk.

Lifts get opened and I stared the floor in embarassement. Cursing myself too busy.

"You're floor came"

"Huhh.. hmmm.. sorry"

"What a crazy gurl?", he muttered.

Before I could reply him the gates got closed and my mind mocked Interview. Fuck!!.

I ran to the receptionist in 7th floor and she said to wait my turn is about to come. I smiled and thanked god for making me on time.

"Miss. Alice Smith, its your turn"

"Yes thank you"

I went inside the interview room and there were 5 people's to take my interview. I got tensed looking them at first but when I stepped in and took the seat. I composed myself and got some confidence after cheering up my own self.

They were shooting questions one by one and I was getting tired by it but I managed to answer everything.

"Miss you may go outside and we will let you know"

"Thank you"

Finally interview went good and they seemed quite impress too. But what if I don't get the job. I fucking need it. It's bery important for me.

I was busy with my own thoughts and entered lift. When I reached ground floor and the doors opened. I bumped again with someone.

"What the fuck?", he yelled.

"What the fu.., I'm sorry".

I don't know why but I said sorry to him. Yes it was again that blue eyes guy whom I met sometime before. He was in a phone call and I bumped again with him.

"Can't you come out of your thoughts for god sake"

"Sorry! I didn't see you"

"Yes of course. How will you if you keep on daydreaming"

"Excuse me. I said sorry already and now you are accusing me Mr. So shut the fuck up"

I lose my temper and he glared me which was scary but quite handsomely. God Alice stop thinking about him.

We crossed each other's part and he went inside the lift where else I went outiside the building.

I took an cab and went for college. Lectures must be start and if I got job I have to be quick with studies and give an application to principal too.

"God why my life is too messed up", I cursed myself.

I reached college and gave penny to the can driver. When I entered classroom one class was over already.

"How was your interview?", Lauren asked.

"It was good but my day got messed up"

"What? Why??"

"I met with a guy in lift and he was so handsome with blue eyes. But that asshore made me sick by embarassing me"

"What happened? Tell me clearly"

I explained her everything and she started laughing seriously am I joking her or what.

"Lauren why the fuck are you laughing?"

"Why the hell do you think it was his fault? You were staring him and lost in him is not his fault. And btw he guessed you right in first meet great"


"#daydreamer lost bird busy cursing her life everytime"

"You know what just concentrate on your study and stop taunting me. I am not in a mood"

"Guess if he is your boss or colleague?"

"Are you mad? He will kick me out of his company if he is the boss. He was so pissed off with my presence"

"May be he will not and will torture you or ..."

"Stop imagining. I need this job and pray that I get it."

"Ofcourse I did and you will get it okay. This is the last semester already and after 2 months college will be over. So you need not to worry about it."

Ma'am came in and we concentrated in study. The day was very tiring and hectic. But his blue eyes were not leaving my side. Everytime I close my eyes those blue eyes flash out near me. God please get me that job.

I headed to my apartment where I live with Lauren. She is so sweet, loving, caring and beautiful, fucking crazy girl and rich.

I always imagine and wonder how in this mean world. I got such an amazing fucking friend for me. Through her behaviour she doesn't seems mean or badass rich girl.

But if anyone pokes her up she is as bad as bitch or may be witch. She cares for me a lot. And while she has a big fucking mansion and a pretty big family she still stays in this apartment.

And letting me stay too. God you were kind atleast while giving me an badass bestfriend. She helps me out whenever I need and I have met with her family too.

They are so kind and loving. Still why she stays far is something which I always wonder.

I have an witch stepmom who is an blunder in my life. And my dad busy with his own fucking business. My stepbrother loves me a lot but I left my home when I got 18.

My stepmom is an asspain for me. She fucking loves to torture me and I hate her. My dad wants me to be with him and use his money too.

But I want to be independent and don't want to lean on his money. So that my stepmom doesn't taunts me around.

I losed my mom when I was 7 and my dad bring this bitch for me. But guess what she made my life hell. Tries to control my life. I am not a controllable toy I am fucking human.

Somehow you can say I ran away from them but only because my life my rules and I don't wnat to be ruled by anyone else. She is fucking witch who is just an showoff bloody woman.

She pretends near the world she loves me a lot but in reality she is so desperate to keep me under his feet. Sorry bitch but I can't ket you do this to me.

Whenever I feel to go home I visit my grandmother or else Lauren take me her house. She is my bestfriend and my dad and his dad are friends too.

But I know only her and her pretty mom, dad and grandpa who loves me and adores me a lot. I have never seen her rest family as I don't want to go. Meet their happy fucking family and curse myself that why I don't have a happy family.

Lauren hates family gathering or parties which seems so boring to us. I am really thankful to have her she and me makes a perfect friendship goal.

Dad sends money for my expenditure, adventures, tour, shopping, and basic needs. But now I want to earn too. How much will I be dependent to anyone.

I study hard score best in college and pretty good in most of the things. Then why to revolve here and there, use dad's money and waste it and not earn by my ownself.

Btw I spend my dad's money when I need it or when my stepmom gets on my nerves. Spending dad's money means pissing off her and I love it.

She is just so jealous from me that why I am allowed to do whatever I want. And dad says nothing to me. But poor witch I am his daughter and he loves me the most. After all I am his first wife daughter who was his first love and me is their love's proof. My face, heart and appearance and behaviour #goodsideones resembles to my mom.

Dad always says I make her remember his first love means my mom. And that witch gets so jealous just beacuse my mom is was ans will be the most beautiful girl in this world. Atleast to me and my dad and this fucking thing makes her so jealous.

My stepbrother Adam loves me a lot and honestly the more I hate his mom the more I love him. That fucking guy is so lovely and supportive that I can't help but love him.

"Alice wanna have some snacks"

"Ofcourse darling. Fucking hungry"

"Yeah I got it fucking bitch"

"Love you bitch"

We giggled at our own words and she bring some snacks as burgers and some cold drinks. We watched web series on Netflix.

"So for which company did you applied?"

I was about to tell her but my phone ringed.

"Hello? Who's it?"

"Hello, am I talking to Alice Smith."

"Yes you are."

"You have got the job and can join from Monday"



I ended the call and started jumping through happiness.

"Yeahhh....yess....yes...yes...thank you god thank you .....thank you veey much...."

"Hey why are so happy? Did you got the job?"

"Yes bitch I got it"

"Awesome lets go for party then. Celebration time!!???"

"Ofcourse lets get ready for the club"

We went to our room I was so so so happy that I was super excited to show that witch I got job. That also in good post without dad's help or anyone else.

Be ready for the shock witch I'm coming tomorrow. Can't wait to see that fucking face which will get pale after hearing this.

I wore an peach-pink glitter bodycon long sleeves short dress. With dazzling diamond earrings and silver high heels.

I invited my brother too and he said he will be reaching soon. But I made him clear that he doesn't utter a single word to anyone.

"Hey, Lauren hurry up".

"Done, bitch wait a sec"

"If you are done then why to wait for you"

"God be a little patient"

"No I can't"

"Then fucking get to know otherwise you're boss can get fucking angry on you. Btw my brother came yesterday from london and today he joined dad's one of the company as CEO"

"So what can I do"

"Nothing tomorrow is a party for him and you will drag your ass with me"

"Are you fucking serious"

"Yes damn serious now let's go for our party"

We went in my Red Ferrari and was racing with air. And it was just so damn amazing ride.

"God Alice break your excitement or we will meet the God soon. You crazy bitch slow down or we will die."

"Damn it please my bitch enjoy the ride and don't worry we will not die"

"Fucking ashore you are"

"Same to you"

We entered the club and it had loud music, shaking ass, some fucking people's in the corner and god damn liquors full. "Today I am going to be high and enjoy full night."

"Then who the fuck will take us home"

"Darling by troubling our dad's driver's"

"You really need to get your ass behave well"

"Who cares I am great and amazing being stubborn, crazy, irritating bitch."

"That's why I love you bitch"

"I love you too"

"Well get yourself full with liquors and I already asked dad's driver to come. And Adam is coming with him already."

"Hey sister"

"Look talk about devil and devil is here", we giggled and he gave a confused look.

Did you said anything about me", he said with furrowed brows.

"No my dear you are late just we were saying that", he nodded hearing me.

"Great so now I have got an job and not anymore dependent. For this great news cheers"

We did cheers with our glasses and grabbed shots as much as we wanted.

We all talked about our stuffs about our life. Laughed about random stuffs then I dragged them to the dance floor.

It was an suitable song for my mood and me and I dragged everyone.

[ This ain't build a bitch

a bitch

You don't get to pick and chooseDifferent ass and bigger boobsIf my eyes are brown or blue

This ain't build a bitch

a bitch

I'm filled with flaws and attitudeSo if you need perfect, I'm not built for you


Bob the Builder broke my heartTold me I need fixingSaid that I'm just nuts and boltsLot of parts were missing

Curvy like a cursive fontVirgin and a vixenThat's the kind of girl he wantsBut he forgot

This ain't build a bitch

a bitch

You don't get to pick and chooseDifferent ass and bigger boobsIf my eyes are brown or blue

This ain't build a bitch

a bitch

I'm filled with flaws and attitudeSo if you need perfect, I'm not built for you

one, two, three, ooh

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, laLa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

The boys are always playing dollsLooking for their BarbieThey don't look like Ken at allHardly have a heartbeat

Need someone who falls apartSo he can play Prince CharmingIf that's the kind of girl he wantsThen he forgot

This ain't build a bitch

a bitch

You don't get to pick and chooseDifferent ass and bigger boobsIf my eyes are brown or blue

This ain't build a bitch

a bitch

I'm filled with flaws and attitudeSo if you need perfect, I'm not built for you

one, two, three

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, laLa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, laLa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.]

I swayed my hips with my bestie and brother. Some unknown guys hit theirselves on me. But my protective brother was there for me to guard me and Lauren.

Then I went to grab some more drinks after telling them and they nodded.

I was grabbing my drinks one by one but my hands stopped. When I saw those blue hypnotizing eyes my heart skipped a beat. But then I felt I am hallucinating.

I shaked mysellf even slapped but those eyes were still there. I yelled "FUCK". And I saw those eyes focusing on me more but I shook my head and ran from there to crowdy dance floor.

In hurry I ran but couldn't see my friends. I stopped myself and stand straight as my vision was getting blurry.

Before some random guys could hit on me thank god they found me. "Fuck!! Where were you guys?"

"Where were you? You went to grab drinks and then disappeared"

"Let's take Sis home"

They took me home and Ianded my ass on my bed. After leaving me Adam kissed my forehead and I smiled looking his love to me.

Lauren changed my clothes as I was not able to stand properly. And my body was shaking and I was blabbering something.

"Sleep Alice you are too drunk"

"Yes....yess... I will ......laura...."

"Its lauren"


"Why I am so messed up." I muttered and went lost in my sleep. After she changed my clothes and made me covered with duvet. She set the AC temperature and laid beside me.

We had two different rooms for us but preferred to sleep with each other at night.