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Destiny Of Love, My High School Lover

Destiny Of Love, My High School Lover

Autor: Hassy



Destiny Of Love, My High School Lover PDF Free Download


Emma and Ben, Two High school Lover whose Only wish was to get Married after graduating from College. But The path to their dream was a tough one, With Many obstacles along the way. Her Mum didn’t Like Ben who was just a poor Boy. She didn’t know what life has in store for Ben after they graduated from College. But Did that changed anything? Would Ben and Emma Got to see their dreams come true or it would fall apart?

Chapter 1

“ Baby!! Baby!!! Baby!!!” Emma turned on her bed and covered her ears with a pillow as her mum called her from the sitting room. “ Oh what is it again” she said grumpily. “ What’s wrong with this girl? Emma!!!!” Her mum yelled again and she sat upright on the bed. She hit her leg on the bed and Her door opened. “ What is it?” She asked a little boy who was about seven years. He came inside the room and started looking around. “ What do you want?” Emma asked again and he scoffed. “ Today is Monday, for Goodness sake” He said looking straight at her.

“ Emma, what are you still doing on the bed? Aren’t you going to the school today?” her mum,, who just entered the room asked and Emma Nodded her head. “ I wanna go” She said. “ then stand up from that bed and get ready, Your little brother is all dressed up for school. Why can’t you learn from him?” She asked and Emma turned to Nathan who was laughing at her.

“ get out of my room” She said pointing to the door but Nathan ignored her. “ out!!!” Emma yelled and Nathan ran beside their mum. “ mum, tell her to stop yelling at me” He said holding her skirt. “ Emma…” Emma interrupted her mum. “ it’s Emma Lillian, call me Emma Lillian” She said and Her mum Chuckled. “ I’ll call you whatever I want, so stand up and get ready for school. It’s already 7:30am” Her mum said and left the room with Nathan.

“ I hate Mondays” Emma Said entering the bathroom. She stumbled on a box and fell to the tile. “ ouch my leg!” She said in pain. “ What’s this thing doing here? I thought I discarded it yesterday” She said looking at the wooden box in front of her. “ oh my goodness, I’ll be late for school” She quickly Stood up from the floor and ran inside the bathroom.

Emma took almost a hour inside the bathroom, Washing her hair and scrubbing her body. According to her, She always wanted to look so perfect while in school. “ I’m the school Angel and I must look so pretty everyday” She said Admiring herself in the bathroom mirror. She came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped over her chest and another one wrapped on her hair. She Went to her closet, opened it, brought out her well ironed uniform and Put them down on the bed slowly while smiling.

Emma Walked to the mirror and applied some make-up, she dried her hair and then put on her uniform. “ Emma, This is already 8:30am. What do you think you are doing?” Her mum Shouted from the sitting room again and Emma chuckled. “ No one will question me” She said putting on her Sneakers. Emma picked up her school bag and then looked at the mirror for the last time. “ Today’s Monday, Be the perfect girl you always are” Saying that, Emma left the room and Bumped in to her mum who was about to enter Emma’s room.

“ Emma, why do you always like going to school late?” Her mum asked but Emma ignored her. She sat on a chair in the dining table and turned to the maid who was standing beside her. “ serve me” She said dropping her school bag on another chair. The maid served her a cup of hot tea and toasted bread. “ Your driver have been waiting for you Emma, Eat fast and go to school” Her mum said but that didn’t moved her as she was eating Slowly like a princess.

“ You know I don’t eat like Nathan do, I’m the school Angel” Emma said proudly and her mum Chuckled. “ Whatever” She said. “ finish your breakfast and go to school” Her mum said sitting on another chair. “ aren’t you going to the office today?” Emma asked her mum who was only wearing her pajamas. She packed her hair to one side and sighed. “ I’m taking a day off” She said and Emma smiled. “ What a good day, my Mum is taking a break today. I want to be like you when I grow up” Emma said and her mum laughed.

“ Of course my little baby must be like me when she grow up” Her mum joked and they both laughed. After finishing her meal, Emma stood up from the chair and put her bag on her back. “ I’m off to school” She said and pecked her mum on the cheek. “ Alright, Good luck and make sure you study well” Mum said touching Emma’s cheek. “ Yes mum, I love you” Emma said. “ I love you too baby, see you after school” She waved and Emma left the house Smiling happily.

She met her driver Pacing around the car and Emma chuckled. “ Mr. Mark” She called walking closer to the car. “ oh Emma Lillian, you kept me waiting” He said pointing to his wrist watch. “ I’m sorry about that, I over slept and didn’t know when the Alarm rang” She said and Mr. Mark shook his head. “ yea I know right, That’s always your excuse” He said and opened the back door from Emma. She entered and he closed it. “ Now, let’s take the princess to school” Mr. Mark said starting the car and He drove out of the house.

Emma Lillian an 18 year old girl, Average in height, fair in complexion with a long black hair that stopped on her shoulder. Her eyes so white with a brown pupil that Makes you want to look deep inside her eyes again and again. She was The first daughter of a wealthy woman Who was in her mid Forties. Emma Lillian , as she preferred to be called , got her second name from her mum whose name was Lillian Matt.

Emma loved her mum so much and According to her, no one can compete For the love she has For her dear mum. Emma and Her little brother, Nathan grew up with her mum and Lillian has been the one doing everything for her two kids because their father Abandoned them when he took in a new wife.. Life at Lillian’s house is everything everyone could wish for. She made sure her two kids lack nothing, She employed Maids and driver’s for each of them to make everything so easier for them.

They arrived at the school and Mr. Mark parked the car in front of the school gate. “ it looks like everyone is in the classroom. Are you sure you will not be punish for coming late?” He asked Emma who was sitting comfortably in the back seat Worriedly. Emma Giggled and opened the door. “ Do you want me to speak to the teacher over there?” Mr. Mark asked pointing to the teacher Standing beside the gate. Emma turned to Mr. Mark and smiled. “ Don’t Worry Mr. Mark, I’ve got everything under control” She said Stepping out of the car.

“ Okay, let’s see how you are going to handle this” Mr. Mark said with his hands folded. Emma Approached the school gate walking majestically and her hair dangled on her back as she walked. The teacher Quickly opened the gate and let her in. “ isn’t this Emma Lillian, our school Angel?” The teacher said opening the gate. Emma stepped in smiling. “ Hi Mr. Andrew” She said Smiling at the teacher. “ You are late again Emma Lillian” Mr. Andrew said and Emma sighed. “ I slept off, I’m sorry” She said and the teacher smiled. “ it’s okay, Go to the class” He said and Emma turned to the gate. She waved at Her driver and continued going inside the school.

“ Emma Lillian” Mr. Mark said looking at her in Surprise. “ She’s a spoilt child and also sweet” He said smiling. “ oh well, She’s so nice like her mum” Mr. Make said and left the school.

Inside the classroom, Students were chattering and laughing on their Seats. Some were playing around while some were Going through their books. Two Boys were sitting on the last row beside the window which was on the left side of the Class room. “ Where is Emma Lillian?” one asked and the other one just smiled. “ Hey, I’m talking to you” Said the first one and the second one Smiled again. “ You know she doesn’t come to school early” He checked the watch on his wrist. “ She’s already in school and will enter the classroom now” He said and before the other one could say anything, Emma Lillian entered the classroom.

Her Perfume filled the air as she walked inside the classroom and all the students Turned to the front. “ Hey Emma Lillian!” A group of boys said smiling to her. “ our Angel!!” Another group of girls said and Emma smiled. She waved to them and walked past the two boys who were talking about her earlier. She sat down on the last seat and hanged her bag on the side of the seat. “ Hi Emma Lillian, you look so pretty as always” A guy said and Emma smiled to him. “ Thanks” She said.

The first Boy turned to the second one who wasn’t even looking at Emma as everyone did. “ How did you knew she was About to enter the class?” He asked surprisingly. “ Emma Lillian always Enters the classroom when it is exactly 9:00am, so it’s nothing to be surprised about” He said Going through the book in front of him. “ wow!!” The first one Exclaimed.

“ you even know when she Enters the class, You are really serious about that” He said and the Second guy smiled.

After some minutes, The teacher entered the classroom and the students became silent. “ Good morning Class and..” He looked at Emma who wasn’t looking at him. “ And Good morning to our school Angel” He said and Emma looked up. She smiled at the Teacher as he brought out a paper from his briefcase. “ So, As you all know, Every last Monday of the month, we Award two people from each class. Today as usual, I have two names on my list and I’ll like it if you all listen to me attentively.” The teacher said and All eyes were on him.

“ first, The most obedient and well behaved student of the month is…..” The teacher said and Everyone knew who he was going to call. “ Emma Lillian out Angel!!!” The teacher said and Everyone started clapping happily. “ Emma Lillian!!” the students Called her name as she walked to the front of the class to receive her gift as always. Emma smiled to the class and went back to her seat smiling and walking majestically. “ And The most Loudest and Trouble maker of the month goes to….” Everyone became silent and prayed that the teacher shouldn’t call their names.

Among them was a Boy Who Has a crush on Emma, He always avoid everything that Could embarrass him in front of the class and especially Emma. “ Benjamin Desmond!!” The teacher called and all the students burst in to Laughter. Ben, as everyone called him buried his head to the ground in shame. “ Benjamin!” the teacher called again but he didn’t look up. “ Hey, Benjamin!!” the teacher Yelled and he sprang to his feet. “ Come out here” The teacher said and he started walking to the front of the class.

“ can’t you learn from your friends?” the teacher asked and Benjamin ignored him. He wished the ground could open and swallow him because the shame was too much for him to handle. His crush was present in the classroom and that was what he hated most. The teacher handed him a paper and Ben went back to his seat trying to avoid eye contact with Emma. “ Don’t feel bad dude” His friend said and Ben frowned at him. “ Alright class, that’s all for this month and make sure you all learn to be Good like Emma Lillian” The teacher said and looked at Ben. He shook his head and left the classroom.

Immediately the bell rang for Recess, Ben Left the class before any one does and his friend Ran after him. “ Oh Come on, that teacher really hate me” He said Disappointedly. “ Hey, He doesn’t hate you, stop saying that” Luka said tapping his shoulder. “ Luka, you don’t know how I feel. He should have given it to another person but he chose to disgrace me in front of the whole class, Emma Lillian was there!!” Ben said pointing to the classroom.