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The Player Next Door

The Player Next Door

Autor: Tyna Williams



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After having her heart broken by her childhood friend turned boyfriend, Rylie Myers was convinced that love wasn't for her. The arrival of Blake Weston, a hot teen model and playboy who coincidentally turned out to be her new next door neighbor only added to her conviction that all boys were the same. After getting off on a bad foot, a feud ensued between the two with no particular end in sight. Things however took a turn when they accidentally shared a kiss. Both Rylie and Blake were determined to put the incident behind them until circumstances forced them to keep up a charade that involved them being something more than enemies. As fake feelings gradually become real, will Rylie fall for the player next door? Or is she just in for another heartbreak?

Chapter 1


My eyes peeled open as a full blast of sunshine hit me in the face. I groaned as I turned over, trying to get some sleep when my brother suddenly sauntered into the room.

"Rylie! Wake up!"

I ignored him trying to act as though I was still asleep. He called me a few more times but eventually left when I didn't budge only to return a few moments later and before I knew what was going on, he was pouring a bucket of icy cold water all over me.

"Myles!!!" I yelled frigidly.

He smirked and said "Good morning to you, sis."

"I am so going to kill you," I yelled running after him.

"Guys! Guys! What is it now?" my mom asked, Myles hiding behind her.

"Myles poured cold water all over me."

"Only because she wouldn't wake up," Myles yelled back and I growled.

"Rylie, go get ready for school. Myles, go up to Rylie's room and clean up the mess the mess you made."

"But Mom…" He tried arguing but one look from my mom stopped him.

Instead he sighed and groaned out a "Yes Ma'am."

As he passed by me, I stuck out my tongue.

"You're such a child."

"And you're such a jerk," I replied, heading up the stairs to the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and took off all my clothes before heading to the shower and turning it on. It felt good as the warm water cascaded down my body. I was done in no time and I came out to find my room sparkling clean. 

I headed towards my closet and picked out the clothes to wear which were a white tank top, blue ripped jeans and white sneakers. 

Once I was done dressing, I packed all my necessities into my backpack and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Mom. Morning Dad. Morning butthead brother of mine."

"Morning to you too, fish face," Myles retorted but before I could reply, my mom jumped in and said "That's enough you two. Eat your breakfast."

"Yes mom," we replied in unison, still giving each other the stink eye.

"So Mom, what's with the noise next door?" I asked, halfway through my sandwich.

"Well we have new neighbors."

"New neighbors!?" I asked, louder than I intended.

"Yeah, new neighbors."

"Who are they?" I tried to ask as casually as I could.

"I haven't had time to meet them yet but they got here late yesterday. You were already asleep."

"Oh okay," I replied going back to my food as I took a trip down memory lane.

The house next door had belonged to my boyfriend, or rather ex boyfriend. He and his family had to move away during the summer and despite all my hopes that we could do it long distance, it didn't work out.

A few weeks after they moved, he uploaded a picture of himself and a girl kissing. I tried calling him to talk it out but he didn't pick my calls…and basically ruined my summer. 

I told myself I was over it but it's hard to get over something like that.

"Thanks for the excellent food, Mom. Now I gotta go," I said standing up from my chair and heading to the kitchen sink where I dumped my plate.

"Bye Mom. Bye Dad. Bye butthead," I said as I headed out of the house, not waiting to hear my brother's response.

I made my way to my car and went in. I closed the door, started the car and reversed out of the drive way before heading in the direction of my school. 

Rylie Myers is my name. I'm nineteen and I live in Los Angeles, California with my mom, dad and my dumb twin brother, Myles. We live a pretty comfortable life and I really couldn't be happier. I also have two best friends, Olivia and Mason but you'll get to meet them later.

And that's basically all you need to know about me. There's more but you'll find those out later on. 


"Hey Liv."

"Hey Ry. How goes it?" Olivia asked as we both stepped out of our cars. 

"It's okay, I guess. I have a new neighbor."

"Someone moved in Asher's apartment? Who?"

"No clue. Haven't met them yet but I probably will soon enough. My mom's probably gonna have them over for lunch or something."

"Yeah. You're right." 

We continued talking as we made our way to our lockers where Mason caught up with us. 

"Hey girls."

"Hi Mace," Olivia and I replied in unison. 

"How was your summer?" I asked. 

"Totally amazing!"

"Of course it was. Not everyone is lucky enough to win a lottery to go to The Bahamas," Olivia said with a mocking flair. 

"Well I did ask you to come with me…"

"Yeah right. In your dreams, lover boy," Olivia snorted then laughed. 

Mason joined in but his was an awkward chuckle. He's had a crush on Olivia for years but Olivia has always seen him as a friend, nothing more. Poor Mason! 

Anyways I was able to shift the topic and soon we were all laughing together.

Suddenly a high pitched scream suddenly rent the air. I was about checking to see if someone was in trouble when several girls began to scream as well. 

I took one look and sighed immediately upon recognizing the source of their screams. It was simple. 

There was a new hottie in school!

eye roll


This happened nearly ever year and judging by their screams. This guy had to be Shawn Mendes cute. The screams increased, there were giggles and chuckling and some girls even began fainting, all of which was comical to me as I stood, patiently waiting to see the cause of everyone's excitement. 

I finally did and even I had to admit… The guy was hot! Very hot if I'm to say the truth but for some reason, as soon as I saw him, I instantly disliked him.

Maybe it had something to do with the swagger with which he carried himself or the air if arrogance that surrounded him or the look on his face as he basked in all the attention he was receiving… Whatever it was, I just decided I didn't like the guy.

I've never been one to judge people based on appearances but something about this guy just didn't sit right with me. He just seemed too polished, too perfect… 

Something about him just didn't settle well with me. I know it's weird considering the fact that I don't know the guy but something about him didn't feel right. 

Anyways, it may not be anything serious. It could just possibly be because of what happened with my ex. 

"Oh my gosh Rylie! Are you seeing this?" Olivia said tugging on my arm, her eyes fixed on the new guy. 

"I'm seeing it. I'm seeing," I managed to reply as casually as I could. 

Sure he was hot but no one needed to know that I felt that way. 

"Oh wow! Who is that guy?" Olivia asked after he moved on. 

"How would I know? I've standing right here with you since."

"Oh please! He's not even that hot," Mason butted in, obviously annoyed at all the attention the new guy was getting but even I had to arch an eyebrow at him. 

"You're kidding right?"

"No. He is not that hot!" 

Olivia stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. 

"Oh my gosh Mace! Are you jealous?" she asked in between laughs. 

"Of course not!" Mason retorted, obviously embarrassed and annoyed but Olivia didn't notice and kept laughing. 

"Oh my gosh! You totes are! I can't believe this!" she said as she continued laughing. 

Thankfully, the bell rang and I watched as Mason stormed off, leaving Olivia and I alone. 

"What's his deal?" Olivia asked and I contemplated telling her the true reason but I decided against it. 

"He probably isn't feeling too well. Come on, let's get to class. We don't wanna be late on the first day no less."

"Yeah. You're right."

Our first class went by as uneventful as could be. It was Maths and it was extremely boring. Nevertheless we pulled through and went on to our next class: History. 

However, just before class, I made a visit to the toilet where I ran into an unexpected visitor.