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Sins Of My Body

Sins Of My Body

Autor: Tatum Whispers



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Veronica James, better known as the Queen of Sex. She runs the largest female magazine, but behind the walls of Pandora, she also runs the largest escort agency. There is nothing she won't do to get what she wants, even if it means that she needs to use her body. In steps Joshua Hamilton, the man that is set to bring her to her knees, but he plays at the same game as Veronica. Ony he will go beyond to what Veronica will push her limits. Then Tom Hedford enters to make things even more complicated. Beyond his secrets and lies, he will open another side of Veronica. In this love triangle, who will be the man, Tom or Joshua, that will be her undoing?

Chapter 1

Dear Reader

Thank you for reading the first chapter of the book called, Sins Of My Body.

Sins Of My Body was originally written as an Interactive Story Game. I am in the process of adapting it into a novel form.

The original version contains a great deal of dialogue to fit the platform for which it was intended.

Though you can enjoy the story in its interactive format too as currently published.

eg when Veronica speaks, the format will be as this: Veronica ~ “Let me go, creep.”

Full adaptation is dependent on the popularity of the Interactive Story.

Let me know what you think, of Sins Of My Body.

Happy reading, Tatum Whispers


My name is Veronica James.

I love a high, and I love going beyond my ultimate desires. Nothing will stop me from getting what I want, and that means using what I have…my body.

Tonight I find myself in the same place that I find myself every night. It is a place between excitement and danger. It is a place where you live on the edge of pleasure, where pure adrenaline flows through your veins.

This is my playground.

I did not get to be where I am by playing it safe. I bend the rules, and I break them.

And tonight I am going to do it with great pleasure.

I am here to land a big client, and I am supposed to meet him here at the most exclusive club in the city.

So as I sit here and stare over the masses, I scan the floor to see if he has yet graced us with his presence. Yet there is no sign of the man of the hours.

Tonight as with every other, I am surrounded by more men than I feel comfortable with. I decided to rather make my way to the bar. I am very frustrated as I find myself pushing through the crowd. Then as I am about to reach my destination, I feel someone walking smack bang into my chest. The impact is so hard; I can only utter one word, “Ouch.”

Just then, a group of men forces themselves past us, which causes my body to push even further into this person. The moment I smell the scent of spice and musk, I know that it was a man. His scent is intoxicating. And as I listen to him breathe short, rapid breaths, I get tingles of pleasure running down my spine.

I softly moan deep in my throat; this is something I want. I want him, not just now, but I can find myself getting lost in her over and over again. And my first instinct is to run my hands over his chest, and I have to fight the desire to trail them down, further below.

But I soon realize that his hands are sitting at the small of my back and are making their way over my very tight ass. Then out of nowhere, the flat of my hand goes crashing into his cheek.

“Let me go, creep.”

And as he speaks, he sends those tingles up my spine again.

“Well, I have been called a few things, but I can honestly say that creep is not one of them.”

I cannot help but huff at him and spin on my heels to leave, but not before he calls after me, “Can I come to sit with you.”

“What makes you think that I want you to sit with me. And in any case, I am waiting for somebody.”

“Well, then I must come to sit with you.”

“I don’t know if you are deaf, but I said I am waiting for something, so unless you are Mr. Hamilton, I am not interested in you.”

I hear as he bursts out with such a burst of deep laughter from his chest; I swear it turns my knees week.

“Well, lucky for you then, I am Mr. Hamilton.”

“Sorry to burst that bubble, but the Mr. Hamilton I am meeting is much older than you.”

Then he steps back towards me. I feel seven sensations of pleasure as his fingers run down my arms to my trembling hands.

That frustration has now hit an all-time high, and high is what I want to find myself in every corner of his body.

Then he softly whispers in my ear, “Jake Hamilton is my father.”

I look at him in disbelief, “Why are you here?”

“My father cannot make it, so I am here to close the deal.”

I lean closer until my breath is lingering on the tips of his ear, “Well, Mr. Hamilton, let us go upstairs then.”

Now, if this Mr. Hamilton were not so goddamn gorgeous, I would have had Jake Hamilton on the phone. I hate surprises; I always need to be in control, whether it is in the bedroom or boardroom. You can definitely find yourself firmly rejected if you try to surprise me.

Just looking at this sight in front of me is near enough to drive me completely frustrated. So I try to compose myself and speak as normally as I can.

“Mr. Hamilton, glad to make the acquaintance.”

“Please call me Joshua.”

"Well, Joshua. I was expecting your father? Not that I am disappointed."

"My father is out of town. I want to come to oversee this arrangement myself. I am afraid that mother has had enough of his antics."

"I believe he has gone through six assistants in the past four months. He is quite insatiable; he puts me to shame."

"I find that quite hard to believe. What is it that the agency can do for you? Well, for your father? I doubt you would require the services we provide."

"He has to have unlimited access to whatever he wants."

"My girls are available around the clock. Each specializing in different areas of granting pleasure."

"I don’t doubt that your girls will satisfy him, Miss James. My concern is, will you?"

I am taken aback by his bold statement; well, what does this man think I am.

"Mr. Hamilton, I run the agency; I don’t partake in its services."

"Miss James, I don’t think that is the correct approach in acquiring a new client."

Being much insulted, firmly look him in the eye. I have always said my mind how it is. It does get me in very tight spots, and when it does, I use the best solution I have…my body.

 "If I can be brutally honest, Joshua?"

"By all means, do."

"I would rather have you than have your father."

I think I have basically just told Joshua that his dad, well, let us just say he is all worn-out. I want to land this contract. But seeing Mr. Hamilton’s son has me want something else.

"Miss James, do you want this contract?"

"I would not afford you my time if I did not."

"That is my terms."

I only but shake my head at him; this man is truly serious.

"Mr. Hamilton, I will consider your proposal if you do something for me."

"I will entertain you."

"I want you."

"I did not get that, Miss James."

"I want you. You need me. And right now, I want you."

"How is this going to benefit me, Veronica?"

"Do you practice celibacy, Joshua?"

"Do I look like someone that does?"

"Then show me."