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Rogue Luna

Rogue Luna



Rogue Luna PDF Free Download


"I never want to find my mate, that's not the way I live life. I would be a burden to my mate and all of those around me so it's better I stay alone. But how much longer can I truly run?” Iris has been a rogue for 6 years after escaping from home. She runs in fear and she runs from darkness. She has a dark past and she can't figure out why she is being hunted. Will she be able to escape the darkness around her and inside of her?

Chapter 1

I ran in a circle to make sure they wouldn't follow my smell. Once I was sure they wouldn't be able to track me down I shifted into my human form and quickly got changed. I grabbed my back pack and climbed up a tree. I soon saw a group of wolves running after me and tracking my scent.

'How long are you going to keep running?'

I rolled my eyes. My wolf spirit and I have had this argument so many times it's starting to get old. I ignored her and rested up in a tree. I watched as the wolves ran around trying to follow my scent. I was a rogue and packs thought of rogues as a threat so they hunted them down. I have been a rogue for years ever since I ran away from home because of the death of my parents. All I ever knew was how to take care of myself, forced to rely on myself and realize my independence. Now I was used to the life of being on my own, constantly moving around. The idea of a pack life bored me and I had no interest in it. It took me a long time to convince my wolf, one thing we disagreed on was a mate.

I hated the fact that I would eventually find my mate and therefore I would no longer be independent, I would need my other half in order to survive, it was like the moment a wolf finds their mates their entire ideals change and they become so dependent on that person it's almost sickening. My wolf on the other hand couldn't wait to find her mate.

"Once we find our mate, your carefree, independent days are over."

I huffed loudly at her words. Apparently I made too much noise because the wolf below me looked up to see me in the tree and howled.

He was calling on his pack.

I remained frozen in the tree, unsure of what to do as I watched more wolves approach the tree I was in. They growled up at me. Then they started kicking the tree with their hind legs, trying to shake me out of it. I did the only possible choice I could think of in this moment, I jumped out the tree and shifted into my white wolf which shredded my clothes. When I landed roughly on the ground I grabbed my backpack in my mouth and ran as fast as I could. I looked back to see the wolves right on my tail. As I turned back around to watch my surroundings I slammed head first into something hard blocking my way. I looked up to see a giant midnight wolf growling at me.

My wolf whispered Alpha.

She wanted to bow to him but I refused. I noticed the rest of the wolves circled around me so I couldn't escape. I watched as the black wolf walked behind a tree and shifted. He came back and I had to stop my jaw from dropping. He was so gorgeous. He was wearing black jeans, a slightly tight white shirt that hid his muscular chest. He had tanned olive skin that glimmered under the sun. His hair was dark brown and messy in a sexy way almost as if he didn't even try to style it at all. His facial features were sharp and defined and his eyes were a smaller more intimidating shape. His nose was sharp as well even though it had a slight bump at the top, signifying that it might have been broken in the past. The only thing I refused to look at were his eyes.

"Shift rogue and then explain why you are traveling so close to our pack." He said in an Alpha tone.

I saw no point of escape, no matter what I did there were wolves blocking all means of an escape so I went behind a tree and shifted. I grabbed clothes out of my bag and changed. When I walked back I didn't dare look the Alpha in the eye. I always avoided looking male wolves in the eye because the eyes were like windows to the soul, the moment you looked into the right person or in my case the wrong persons eyes you instantly knew that they were your other half and I refused to be tied down by such an idea.

"What is your name and why are you traveling so close to my territory?" He stood over me in such a intimidating and towering demeanor.

I chose to ignore him and didn't dare look up at him.

" Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He snapped.

'Just look up at him Iris' My wolf begged me with desperation. It was almost as if she knew something I didn't.

He grabbed my chin and roughly yanked my head up. I felt an electric sensation as he grabbed my face and the moment I looked into his eyes I knew he was mine and I was his, our souls were intertwined and we belonged to each other. Emotions and sensations began to swirl throughout my body that I wanted to reject but for some reason I couldn't look away from those deep baby blue eyes.

"Mine" he growled in satisfaction.