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Mark Hastings Obsession

Mark Hastings Obsession

Autor: Mary Acosta



Mark Hastings Obsession PDF Free Download


"You're looking nice, as always" "do I know you?" he chuckles, showing his pearly white teeth as he took a step closer toward me. His sweet aroma silenced the air around me, I felt faint. "sweetheart, everyone knows me. But you know me better" "I think you've got the person" I turned away from him, taking my leave. However, he took a hold of my wrist pulling me back to him gently. It was a slight tug, I thought I might bump into him like i see in the movies. I thought I might crash into his hard worked out chest and we would stare at each other, but of course. That only happens in movies.

Chapter 1

First year of college.

I was twenty four years old by the time I had enough money to enroll into college. After high school, I had spent the last five years working, trying to make enough money to pay for my studies. Without a bachelors degree in this world, no one is willing to pay me any higher than eleven dollars per hour. I was determened to focus on school only, but alas, nothing works out as you set your mind to be. Feelings always get in the way, that's how I met Mark.

I finished my first lesson and I was on my way to get myself a drink before my next class starts. The weather today was terribly hot, I wore a sleeveless mini dress. Even though it didn't have sleeves, my armpits were sweating like someone poured water on them. The sun was unbearable, two minutes out in the open and anyone could throw an egg at me and it would cook instantly.

"Hello, could I have cold water please"

"That will be 2 dollars" the man selling drinks was bald and old, he looked like he was around his 50's. I gave the money to him, got my drink and ran into the building. As soon as i stepped in, cool air surrounded me, whoever invented air conditioners  is a genius. I started sipping onto my cold water as i walked towards my next class, it cooled my body instantly. Thats when when my eyes landed on an overweight guy getting brutally rejected by an attractive girl who was making it so clear that he was not her type.

"Girls who have asses like mine, do not look at men with faces like yours. Do us both a favour and never ask me out in public again"

'Ouch' thats harsh, people were staring at them as they walked past them. The poor dude who got rejected looked like he was about to breakdown. This is none of my business, I should just walk away. My class starts in 20 minutes, I continued walking and stopping mid way. Cursing under my breath.

"Mother fucking... god damn it."  I have to see if he's okay. He appeared to be one of those guys who would jump off the building after getting rejected like that. I certainly do not want to feel guilty if it does happen. I jogged back to the hallway just in time to see him turn left. I ran after him, huffing under my breath. I hate running in this hot weather, the building is cool but my insides still burn.

"Hey dude!" I yelled across the hallway,  a few guys turned but not him.

"Guy in red shirt!" I shouted, that got his attention and he turned. I caught up to him breathing heavily.

"Goodness, you walk fast" he looked confused. He had green eyes and short spiky dark brown hair, white skin and round face.

"Uhm... who are you?" He asked, deep voice, was that an American accent?

"Are you okay?"


"Are. You. Okay?"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"No you don't, I saw you just now with that girl. I wanted to know if you were okay"

"You... ran all this way to check if I was okay?"


He smiled, "wow, thats very nice of you.   It wasn't the first time i got rejected like that. I'm okay"

"Oh. I see. That's good, don't stress over it. "

"I won't. Instead, I'm going to become a hot piece of meat and show those attractive bitches what they missed out on"

"Wow... that's... a good goal"

"Yeah. Since, you're the only nice girl i met, how about i make you my girlfriend once im hot?" Is he right in the head or he's just very ambitious?

"Uhm... I'm actually married."

"So?" What? The fuck? What does he mean 'so'?

"That means I'm unavailable"

"Your husband doesn't have to know. We could date in secret, I bet you'd leave your husband to be with me once im hot" Okay, i can see why that woman rejected him so brutally. He totally deserves it.

"You know what, I'm actually late for my next class so, I'm glad you're okay. I should go now"

"I will escort you to your next class"

"No need, i can escort myself. Its not that far"

"If its not that far then thats better, i won't be late for my class while i take you to your class."

Fucking shit. We slowly started walking toward the direction of my next class. I still had 10 more minutes to spare, but I lied to him and said i was late.

"You really don't need to"

"Oh no. I must. You've been so nice to me. Can you give me your phone number? "

"No. "

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to"

"Then how will I find you once im attractive?"

I giggled slightly thinking of the years I'll be spending my time in this building "Don't worry, I'm going to be in this school for 4 years. You'll be able to find me easily"

"Oh thats great. I only have 2 more months left. And then I'm graduating. "

"Thats awesome. Well, here's my class. You should go to your own now" his eyes lit up and he gave me a smile.

"Cool. I'll come and pick you up once your class is over. "

"Okay. Wait, what? You'll pick me up?"

"Yes. So we can hang out"

"No thanks. I have to study. I dont have time to hang out. "

"Then we can study together"

"Okay... what is your name?"

"Mark. Mark Hastings yours? "

"Madison. Listen Mark, I'm not interested in becoming your friend or to be anything else. You kinda creep me out. So, I'd like it if you'd kindly leave me alone"

"If you wanted me to leave you alone then you shouldn't have approached me in the first place"

"I just wanted to know if you were okay"

"No, you wanted a piece of me. And you'll get it, you came to me first and there's no way I'm letting you go now. If you want to graduate from this university in peace, you better continue being nice to me or else... things will get ugly" my heart started to thump loudly in my chest, my mind thinking of all the bad things that he could do to me. I felt terrified.

"Are you threatening me?"

He smiled, very slowly his eyes never leaving mine. He took a step closer, leaning to my ear.

"Friends look out for one another. We would'nt want you disappearing on your husband one day now would we?" He stepped back, acting all normal again. "Besides, you aren't my type so don't worry about the rest. I just want to hang out. I'll catch you later. "

Speechless he left me. I started hyperventilating. The way he wickedly, yet mockingly joked about kidnapping me and then demanding I be his friend sent chills throughout my body.

What the hell is wrong with this guy. What did I get myself into? Is he a sociopath? Psychopath? Did i just get myself involved with a mentally ill man?

What should i do?