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Master's Pet

Master's Pet

Autor: Jenny's Heart



Master's Pet PDF Free Download


In seldom every family who has nothing (commoners) were crying it was that time of the year where they had to give their daughters and sons out as pets to serve the elite (rich) In this side of the world only the rich get to marry each other ,only them have the right to be happy only them have the right to treat their pets which ever way they like It was a tradition that they have been following for centuries. Pets are use for pleasure (s*x slave )or punching bag or even maids ,what ever you want them to be depends on the owner All the young girls of 18 were lined up with chains arround their neck and hands ,they were crying and praying not to be bought by anyone but this their prayer never come to pass Alicia wasn't an exception she was also on the line awaiting her faith Alicia a young girl of 18 , known for her beauty and ocean blue eyes ,she was loved by all,,as people keep saying she was child of the moon due to her exceptional beauty but unfortunately her parents were commoners making her a pet to someone when she turns 18 Who was going to buy her ??

Chapter 1

Alicia Pov

Just like it had always been for years to come

We being sold to slavery at eighteen

A very bad tradition that no one has put a stop to and it keeps happening every year

I was being chained as I watched my family

My mum and sister were in tears and dad tried consoling them

Very soon my sister too will be eighteen and be in my position

I just hope before then someone will have put a stop to this thing

Am this shy and timid girl that doesn't want trouble

Just peace

I was thrown to the back of the truck and I smiled sadly

I waved to them and they waved back

We were taken to the arena where the buying and selling takes place

We were lined up and as different cars drove into the arena,my heart continued to beat faster

Who will buy me?

I hope I don't get bought by a wicked master

But who am I kidding? master is nice

They are all the same

Heartless and cruel

What if I don't get bought?

I would be killed instantly

Life of Pets

A black car suddenly drove in and the people began to mutter different words

Lots of girl has been bought on my line leaving just five of us

Maybe I will be killed and my life ends here

Most of this girls are attractive but am just this thin and shy girl with blue eyes

The car opened and a guy got down dressed in all black

He was putting on a black hoodie which covered his face

He walked to us and I sighed

I was standing at the end of the line

The chains on my neck were beginning to choke me and I was really feeling uncomfortable

He walked from first girl and to me

He stood in front of me and I bowed my head

He walked away and I sighed

Two men suddenly walked towards us and grabbed me

Wait what?

He bought me

He fucking bought me

How can he buy me?

His he blind?

Well he saved me from being killed but how sure am I that am not gong to die in this master's hands

He looks like a teenager though with the way he is dressed

I was pushed into another car and I sighed

After what seems like forever we arrived at a building

Not just a building

A mansion

We got down and the guards dragged me into the house

The house looked so pretty but wait am I suppose to be noticing how good the house looks and how pretty it is

I was dragged into a room and the chains on me was loosened

I rubbed my hands and my neck

The guys walked out and in minutes a middle aged woman walked in

I stood up and bowed

"how are you dear?"she asked with a smile

"am fine ma'am"she nodded and dropped the bags she brought in on the bed

"we were asked to come dress you"I nodded and she started taking off my clothes

"I can do it myself ma'am"

"it's an order and we must carry it out"I nodded and let them do their job

She lead me to the bathroom and bath me

She washed my hair and packed it in a towel

She dressed me in a beautiful gown and styled my hair which shown my blue eyes

"let's go"the other one said and pulled me up

"where are we going?"

"the master's room"I froze and turned to them

"will he hurt me?"I asked with tears in my eyes

"I don't know dear,let's just go"

I nodded and I was lead out of the room

We followed a stairs and stopped in front of a room at the middle of a room

They knocked and a deep voice answered

"come in"the voice said and I turned to the woman

"good luck"she said and she walked down the stairs

I slowly opened the door and walked in with my head bowed

I didn't want to look up cause I was so scared

"come here"the cold voice said and I slowly dragged my feet to the side of the bed

"strip"he said and I froze

My heat skipped beats as I still stood in the position


Am a virgin

"are you deaf?"his cold voice made me flinch and tears formed in my eyes immediately

""I said with my voice shaking and heard nothing

"strip"he said again and I held the tip of my dress tightly not wanting to do it

I know I can cause my own death but am so scared

When I was young I imagined my first time to be pleasurable with someone I love not a master to a slave

Not definitely with a monster

"I bought you girl and you have to make me feel pleasure,I don't care if you are a virgin just strip"

I still held the tip of my dress and suddenly I felt a hot slap on my cheek

I yelled and fell on the floor

"fuck"he cursed and I cried

My hair covered my eyes so I couldn't see him

"get out"he yelled angrily and I quickly stood up

I ran out and stood on the stairs

I cried and sat on it

I hugged my legs and cried

I want to go home

I slowly stood up and walked down the stairs

I head back to the room and lay on the bed

Minutes later I fell asleep enjoying the temperature of the room


I opened my eyes slowly trying to renege where I was

Immediately I remembered I sighed and stood up

Why is everywhere silent?

Are the maids not around?

I shrugged and walked out

I walked to the living room and froze when I saw two guys

One should be my master and I think it's the one dressed in black

They both turned to me and I bowed my head

"who is she?"one of them asked with his voice not as deep as my master's

"Pet"the cold voice said and the other one chuckled

"she is pretty"he said and I heard him coming towards me

He got to me and lift my face up with his finger

I looked at him and bowed my head

"you don't have to feel shy,feel free"he said and held my hand

I removed my hand from his and moved back in fear

He laughed and pulled me to sit

I was feeling so uncomfortable cause my master kept looking at me

"I..have to go"I rushed my words and was about to stand up but he pulled me back

"my name is Carl,yours?"

"good day sir Carl"

"aren't you feeling pain with your neck bent that way?..and I asked you what your name is?"

" is...."

"let her go Carl"the cold voice said and I stood up immediately

"If you don't tell me your name I will just call you Tinker bell cause you look so beautiful"

I ran away from the room and entered my room back

I fell on the bed and sighed in relief

He is nice though but it feels awkward

He shouldn't be nice to a pet

At least not a pet that disobeys

I sighed and remained on the bed

Minutes later I began to ear voices and I smiled

I think the maids are back

Maybe he ordered them to leave the house for him and his friend

I walked out and looked around

I found my way to the huge kitchen and met different kinds of maids there

One of the suddenly turned to me and whispered something to the other

They both laughed and others turned to me

Some looked at me with pity and some eyed me

I just kept starring and decided to join them

They pushed me back and I accident hit my hand on the wall which caused a cut

The woman that helped me the other time walked in and looked at us

"what is going on here?"she asked and they bowed

"she wanted to help us and we told her not to and she accidentally hit her hand on the wall which caused the cut"the one that pushed me said and I looked at her in disbelief

The woman sighed and turned to me

"you are not allowed in the kitchen okay?"I nodded and she held my hand

She brought out a first aid box and treated it

I thanked her and walked out

I was bored so I walked out if the house and looked around the compound

I followed a path and it lead to a garden

I smiled and sat on the floor

I took a flower and sniffed it

Reminds me of my mum and sister

We will seat together and pluck flowers to beautify our small house

We didn't have enough money to buy things that beautify the house so we use the flowers at our small garden to do


I suddenly felt someone was starring at me and I looked back to see a window

The master was watching me and I froze

I looked away immediately and walked hurriedly inside the house

I bumped into one of the maid and she slapped me

I recognise her as one of the girls that was laughing at me the other time

"next time you walk with your eyes opened"she warned angrily and walked away

I sighed and rubbed my cheek

If I was someone aggressive I would have slapped her back ten times hotter but I don't care

Just gentle and timid

I almost got to my room and I saw the woman that is nice to me

"your master wants you to bring him his dinner"she said and gave me a tray of food

But it's just six,isn't it too early to eat?

I just nodded and carried the tray properly

I walked on the stairs and knocked the door when I got to the entrance of his room

"come in"his deep voice said and my heart skipped beats

I slowly walked in and I was welcomed with a choking smell

He was smoking

I dropped the food carefully on the table and coughed

He suddenly stood up and walked to me

I bowed my head as he stood in front of me

He puffed the smoke to my face and I coughed loudly

I was started to feel dizzy and I was loosing consciousness

I coughed repeatedly and fell to the floor and blacked out



I woke up on a hard surface and slowly sat up

Wait where am i?

Shit am in the master's room

I must have passed out due to the smoke

I slowly stood up and froze when I saw him trying to button up his shirt

I looked out the window and it was morning already

Did I pass out that long?

"good morning sir"I bowed and he turned to me

He looked away and faced the mirror

He still can't button it?

I slowly moved closer to him and stood in front of him

He looked at me confused and with shaky hands I moved it to his shirt

I button it and adjusted his jacket

The bow tie wasn't fixed properly and I adjusted it properly

I let go off it and bowed

"you have no right to touch me without my permission,get out"he said coldly and I bowed before walking out


Not even a simple thank you?

I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs