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Autor: Author Crescent





How would it feel, when one is forced against one's willl and when one is not able to make decision over one's own life because the guilt of feeling indebted by the world that brought the good and discard the worst in oneself. The life of Lucy Gracevid become a shit hole after her first encounter with her first love, the yolk that bound her for love yet she can't brake it unless she is married to the Ex President son in order to pay the debt she owe the family that raised her as a child which as well will promote the political life of her fostal father who wants to be the president. The fate that love propounded is more than what one can take even for every individual around her who finds themselves in otherwise critical situations that hurts their feelings. This story is a witness of human survival, it brings about the question of love and what exposes it to danger.

Chapter 1

Dallas… Twenty two years prior

The nation of Dallas changed definitely after her autonomy, truth be told; it began from a decent term and finished in the sparkle of an eye, on some unacceptable side . During such a critical point in time, influence in the public authority changed when the pioneers were blindfolded with the adoration for money and their egotistical advantages, the fight become the survival ground of the fittest. At the point when the awful pioneers climb the seat of power, they disregard some piece of the city and left it to wasted away, in their ravenousness. About 7 states in the east where abandoned in Dallas while other 7 states were the government area of focus, reasons is that the seven state in the south were the governments Residencial area and the other belongs to another party who won the governorship seat but didn't win the presidential nomination.. It was like that, when government fight each other and waste resource on the claim of power. The cries of people was forgotten until they became quiet when they got tired and lost hope their cries will not be heard anytime soon, they lived as criminals and as one who don't care with regards to the loyalist that makes them a sovereign state, when law authorities face them, they retaliate, eventually. Their bail is free however their opportunity is stopped in the care. The eastern city of Dallas turning into a spot for illegal exploitation, where youngsters, the vagrants were utilized as a mechanism of bringing in money and meeting up their day by day needs. Since there is no administration to battle for them, not that there isn't nobody to represent this individuals, a few youthful legal advisors who grew up fruitful in the city as lectured and fights against children trafficking, a few cases were won allover to stop, but the principle issue here is, there is no spot to cater for the necessities and asylum of this children, so they return to be gangsters, criminals and robbers locally. In any event, for Sansa, her case was not really unique, She experienced childhood with some unacceptable side of the world and she thinks on occasion she is most fortunate and not the same as other children, at age 12. She has a spot to lay her head, food to eat and runs casual plugs administrations at a young age, she lived with Mrs Miller. A furious lady who makes doughnuts, pies and cakes of flours, she does the creation and provide for Sansa to make the administrations delivered. She will go selling on the road for her, before she could help the entirety of this which include her feedings, her clothing and safe house, Sansa is acceptable at her particular employment, even at her young age she has assembled great client connections which has favor her from numerous points of view.

She does this multiple times each day while other fortunate children will go to school, now and again she does it twice, contingent upon how the day speaks favor to her. On a morning like this, she went peddling again, and it was one best morning she at any point had, she sold every one of her pies and got significantly more cash-flow consolidated of the multiple times she does goes, this was on the grounds that she took more doughnut for administrations and she was glad to achieve all at once, she is been disparaged, her customers gave her additional coin, at times she saves it for her investment funds, her main expectation of going to school and accomplished her dream. As a little young girl, she followed an icon, a woman she meet on TV show. Attorney Ephraim Martinez, she is a legal advisor who is conspicuously known for her uprightness in Dallas, she is known to shield the public particularly on the matter identified with young children misuse, and presently she actually sings that in the earing of the public authority who disregard her. People cherished her and like to pay attention to her when she represents them on the TV, many will situate with their radios connected to their airs, paying attention to interviews noticeable all around the city. Sansa needs to be like that woman, she needs to safeguard the powerless and maintains reality. She grins to herself while she stroll across the scaffold, it was a major dam that water streamed all through the city. While she was in this idea, she stop at the scaffold and think of it, if Mrs Miller will be thoughtful to assist her with her desires, assist her with becoming a lawyer. So she can become somebody like Martinez, she eliminated a coin from hers and intended to threw her wish into the stream. Some Individuals consistently go to the extension of the bridge and say their wishes on a coin, she have seen them throwing it in the stream for their wish to materialize, it was her opportunity to do as such today. She shut her eyes and don't have the foggiest idea about what to say on her wishes, should it be like a petition or simply words. She made a sound as if to speak and say what she like;

"I wish, My mistress will send me to school and I will accomplish my Dream and be like Ephraim Martinez" she said and open her eyes, she delivered the coin off her hand as it tumble down profound into the waterway, just for it to fall on a vessel, a boat that was simply coming out underneath the extension, getting back to the stream bank. A young child about her age if not a year and half older than her looks into the coin that fell right infront of him, he picks it and gazed back up once more. "That young lady" He thought "she lost the coin" he deduced in his heart. Sansa become upset, her wish simply fall on a boat and presently, it is in the hand of a kid. "hello! Drop it in the stream!" she shouts however the boy couldn't hear her. The boat was making commotion and he could scarcely get what was emerging from her mouth. "What?" He answered

"Toss the coin in the River!!" she hollered out once more "I can't hear you" the kid answered.

"Coco" An angler called his name. He offered an explanation to him. "Come assist me with this net." The fisher man said.

Coco gaze toward the young lady, "I will keep it for you" He hollered back. "No, toss the coin in the stream" Sansa answered. As she was shouting and Coco couldn't hear her. Mrs Miller showed up from no where. "You ruin imp, I dressed you, feed you and you toss my coin in the stream for your stupid wish." She furiously reprimand at her and lock her ear against one another, Sansa did not know how to clarify the that the coin she tossed down there isn't her mistress own. Furthermore, in the event that if she didn't get away from the lady, she may end up killing her. She pick to her heel and run, dropping all she made on the ground. Mrs Miller started to holler at her as she flee, she took steps to deal with her the more in light of the fact that she went through from of her money. She twisted and pick her cash and headed back home. In the mean time Coco was watching the scene from the boat, and can't help thinking about what was happening, the lady is beating the young girl due to the coin, he wished he could return the cash to her and stop the beating. In any case, he wouldn't he be able to on a boat and it is a major Dam the water is unnerving than seeing weapons. "Hello Coco!" "Mr Whitaker" Coco called the Fisherman's name. He go to his obligation as he was called to. Coco met Mr Whitaker when he was destitute, coco rests on his boat, each night and the man will go fishing at 12 PM and return toward the beginning of the day to discover him stowing away in the boat subsequent to experiencing a lot of cold in the opened water, he scold him a few times not to sleep on the boat, Mr Whitaker hazard his life cruising on this hazardous Dam getting fish, he isn't hitched nor have offspring of his own. Coco started to assist Mr Whitaker with washing his net and bundled them each time before he set for fishing. He discovered him doing that, and he has consistently made a fine showing, Mr Whitaker has gone shy of getting fish since he doesn't deal with his fishing apparatuses as others do, he utilize the kid to do that for him. From that point forward, Coco as turned into his accessory, he give him fish to cook at home so he can eat with his half brother Roscoe and some cash from fish sold, which have keep him and his sibling alive. Mr. Whitaker has been useful to him, and he has consistently deal with Coco in this angle.