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Montana Sky

Montana Sky

Autor: Mandie_2



Montana Sky PDF Free Download


Do you believe in a second chance at love? Thirty-eight year old Nathan Cole never thought he would love again. After the death of his wife Sarah and unborn child he lunched himself into what he was born to do... Twenty-five year old Eva Bailey in less than three years lost everything...Her fiance..Her parents..She thought how cruel love could be.. Eva had two persons left to keep her sane on her journey to finding herself.. Her best friend Tory Giles and a grandfather Jerry Bailey whom she only met once as a teenager. Take a trip with Nathan and Eva as two strangers form a bond under the MONTANA SKY.

Chapter 1

The dust settles over the land as the cattle hands with weary faces, dismount from their horses near the bunk house with an air of despondency. It took them three days to rally the herd,now hunger and thirst claimed their stomachs as sleep beckon them to the bunk house.

The blue eye,Brown hair, six foot three stacked with unquenchable muscle of sun kissed skin cowboy, sat upon his horse named Reider on a hill overlooking the vast plain of his empire.

Nathan Cole the name of that man spoke volumes. Slouching in his saddle holding Reider's reign, Nathan push back his Stetson wiping at the grim off his forhead.

'this is the life. If only you were here Sarah ' Nathan thought to himself as he imagine the enormous smile on his late wife's freckle face that would grace his presence each day.

It's been seven long years since the death of his wife and unborn son. Each day the ach in his heart was as fresh as the day he lost her.

"Come on boy, Adisa is going to be furious with me if I miss another supper tonight". Nathan sighs as he sat up and directs his horse down the hill heading to the great house.

Getting off Reider's massive back, Nathan handed his riding gloves and the reigns over to his now new stable hand Raul to be watered and tended. But not before giving Reider a smooth down pat on his back leg. Reider let's out a snot and nods his head in Nathans' direction. Nathan let's out a chuckle and a shake of his head too at his horse being silly.

Exiting the stable,Nathan made his way on foot over to the back entrance of the house where the kitchen and an open space patio for grilling and eating was situated .

"Ya clear out that dish Mr. Brock. Ya ain't goin' ta that gal 'less ya done so. Ya heard me?". Adisa yells out to Brock over her shoulder.

"Gotta put some meat on 'im here or that gal gon' leave that boy". Adisa says out loud to no one in particular as her back was still turned.

On hearing Adisa scolding Brock,Nathan laughed out loud making every single person who was sitted at the patio tables look over at Brock then Adisa. The guys looked over at Nathan then laughed out loud also.

Every single worker who resided on 'Rosewood Haven' was contented with the way of life the Cole brothers made for the place. Whether it was temporary or permanent the workers felt at home. There was always work to be done.

"Boss adisa here is trying to get me fat". Brock wines jokingly making the remainder of the cattle hands laugh while finishing up their meals.

"Serve you right for missing two days of adisa's home cooked meal". Nathan replies as all the men laughed out loud again.

On hearing Nathan's voice adisa turns around with a huge smile on her face. Removing his hat from ontop his head,Nathan walks up to her giving adisa a huge hug and kiss on her plump cheeks as he returns her smile.

"Go wash up. Didn't I not teach ya ta wash before a meal?". A still smiling adisa says to nathan.

"Yes ma'am". Nathan responds. Hanging up his stetson on the wall, nathan then walks over to the patio sink washing off his hands.

Adisa and Brock was all the family Nathan had left. Adisa was in his mother's employ way before he and Brock was born. Their mother died of cancer when Nathan was fourteen and Brock was nine years old. After the death of his wife their father buried himself into his work. Never had a social life except for his sons and his work. As the years went by the boys father forgot them completely. Making the boys see less of him. By the time their father wanted to be a happy family again it was to late. The boys grew up into strong independent men. Not needing their father's help or love.

Adisa and Brock were the only two people whom nathan thought that was there for him through his happiest and sad times. They continued to support him through his toughest times. After the death of his father nathan became the bread winner of the family. Then not long, his wife and child passed. Nathan went into a painful stage in his life after the passing of his wife and son. He thought that life was taking him for a fool.

With the heavy drinking,the partying,the one night stands and the lavish spending adisa and Brock always had his back.

After washing his hands and face thoroughly,Nathan head back into the kitchen. Sweet potato pie,corn,greens and steak greeted his hungry stomach making his mouth water at the delicious sight.

Nathan sat next to Brock and began enjoying his meal. Adisa knew how to make a man's stomach feel special. During his meal, nathan began hearing his brother clearing his throat. Nathan knew right away that brock wanted his attention and didn't know how to begin. With a huge sigh Nathan looked up from his meal at a figgiting Brock. With a wave of his utensil in brick direction,giving him permission to speak,nathan resumes eating.

"Molly said the old man has been asking for an extension on his loan". A nervous Brock says to nathan in between his meal.

looking up at Brock again nathan sighed. Nathan took a huge spoonful of pie placing it into his mouth then chewing.

"Have Molly give it to him". Nathan responds and continued eating without looking into his brother's eye.

"Wait. What..why? You and I both know Nate, that old man Bailey can't pay up". Brock shockingly responds.

"Are you trying to get Bailey on the streets? You know if pa was alive he'd be dead mad!". Brock tries to explain to his big brother.

Placing his fork down Nathan finally looked into his brother's eye shaking his head.

"Pa isn't here I am. Pa did lots of terrible investments. If it wasn't for me Brock we'd be the ones on the streets". Nathan replies a little to harshly.

"Jerry Bailey was a con man. He thought he'd get away with trying to rob this family blind? Well he has another thing coming his way, brother". With that said Nathan picked up his fork and continued eating.

Brock just stared at his older brother. Brock idolized nathan to a point that he would do anything for his big brother. But he also believe that there was more to the story than their father led on. For now he would stay calm but he would never agree to having his brother reduce to having Jerry Bailey on the streets.