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Her Hidden Secret

Her Hidden Secret

Autor: Jennifer Leela



Her Hidden Secret PDF Free Download


Lela June never saw herself living without her true and childhood love Mark, but as the saying goes no one can tell what tomorrow holds. Growing up as a princess Lela June had all she wanted as the only daughter of the June family. Unexpectedly one day she wakes up in a strange and poor village. What will be her fate?

Chapter 1

No! No! noooo.....somebody help... help.. help, please help!... the unending fall in this dark and scarey pit led to the shouts of Lela Juney. with great

difficulties she tossed and turned her body around trying hard to hold something to not fall deeper into this endless pit, just when she couldn't and almost lost all hope, she finally snapped back to reality, it was morning already. Lela Juney lifted her sweaty and trembling body from the bed.

luckily it was one of those horrible dreams again.

Throughout the night she had disturbing night mares one after another and in all of them she kept falling from a cliff and drowning in impending darkness.

Though the dreams were disturbing and corrupted her reasoning, she choose to put them behind her thoughts and forcus on the blessings of this new and awaited day of her life.

" Today is my engagement day mum" Lisa Lin was busy drying her hair when her doughter burged in on her with her melodious voice.

" I know sweetie, tell one of your maids to inform the bodyguards and the driver we are going out. Time is running out and we need to pickup your aunt and cousins from the airport.

Thirty minutes later, queen Lisa Lin and lela Juney the princess left the palace ,directly headed to the airport . While in the car Lela Juney tried many times to find away to narrate her disturbing dreams to her mother but every time incoming calls from various guests and family friends would interrupt their conversation, left with no choice Lela Juney decided it would be better to share the dreams with her mother after her engagement party .

Today, her as the princess, is to be engaged to her long and childhood lover Mark stone. Mark stone is from the neighbouring kingdom and his bloodline was thought to be of royalty.

The atmosphere and the surrounding both gave a good feeling of love and a sense of celebration. Everyone in king pala city was fond of the Princess, due to her simple personality. But again there arouse a few who were envious and gelousy of her beauty and her position as the princess of the kingdom, those few would not spare a chance if given to eleminate her and take her position .

Dispite being of royalty, she treated every one equal. The kingdom pala city was governed by king Martin Juney the third, and everyone here lives peacefully with each other.

Therefore when the news of the princess engagement was announced, everyone was happy and the whole kingdom was welcomed to attend the party. Meanwhile the connivings and plots to eleminate her were hidden in the dark.

The joyous celebration is to be witnessed by the entire nation.

At the airport Lisa Lin led Lela Juney to the receiving area where her aunt and cousins were waiting for them. After picking them up they all went back to the palace to further prepare for the event that was ahead.

The bright evening atmosphere was beautiful and the dazling sound ignited the feeling of love. The love between Lela Juney and Mark stone was envieable, everyone saw a perfect match made in heaven. "So they thought."

Finally the long awaited moment hard arrived and

the two Kingdoms were going to establish their alliance through the marriage of their children. The two kingdoms would then be merged and become one when the current two kings finally retires.

Tonight is special and everything was arranged accordingly. Suddenly a suspicious black sport car invaded the palace when almost every one was busy and fully occupied with the celebration arrangements. A tall veiled woman with coverings from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet alighted from it and slipped into the crowd and disappeared into thin air.

At around six in the evening, invited guests from other kingdoms begun to arrive, tonight's engagement was special and a life changing to the two kingdoms.

So people all over the nation came to partake and to be witnesses as well.

The music was soft and soothing to the ear, entertaining guests as they located their respective seats.

"Today is a blessing to me and my kingdom, Said king Martin Juney the third as he made his way to the hall of the celebration.

People of different races and cultures have attended this gathering but their motive is one,

"To witness the bonding of the two kingdoms".

As the king made his way to his throne of a seat, a standing innovation was made as allulations and shouts of long live king Martin Juney the third was hard.

Just as the king sat down, king Peter Stone of osafa kingdom made his way in led by prince Mark Stone and queen Ann mia.

Indeed everyone came expectant.

" Back behind the scenes Lela Juney who was inside her room preparing for the engagement party received a glass of juice from one of the servants, convincing her it would help to calm down her nerves but the drugged joice knocked her off . The strange and veiled woman who had earlier on arrived in the black sport car quickly undressed Lela Juney from her royal engagement attires and dressed herself. After confirming the perfect resemblance she smirked and left for the party smiling devilishly.

Entertainments begun and different cultures gave their best in receiting, singing and performing. Shortly after, the attention was shifted to the new cauple, prince Mark Stone and Bea Alonzo

lela Juneys replacement

the two lover birds who thereafter officially engaged.

Two days later in a remote and deserted room, a pretty girl walk up feeling exhausted and dizzy. Her head was eching and the unfamiliar place made her more confused.

"Young lady thank God you are awake!"

The unfamiliar voice ecored from the window that was just opened.

What is your name? I found you lying near the river two days ago and you were unconscious, so I brought you here. Said the stranger as he approached the seemed confused girl .

Don't be afraid am John Win a tourist in this small town.

what is your name and why were you lying unconscious besides the river?

My name name? What is my name? do you know, the confused girl asked.

No please try to remember or conduct your family members to pick you up, here is my phone, John win said as he looked at her stretching out his hand that was holding the phone.

Lela June was even more confused, all she could remember is waking up and seeing a stranger nothing more.

All her memories were gone and nothing around her was familiar, she walk up and ran outside to look for familiarity of anything, weather a building or people but all this was new to her.

Sir can you please allow me to stay here for few more days? maybe I will remember after resting for a little longer.

'No', actually this is not my place, am a tourist who came here two weeks ago and the day I met you was my last day here.

Unfortunately due to heavy rains my car broke down and the road was unsteady, I saw you laying unconscious and no one was around

It's been raining heavily, the heavy rains just stopped last night and this home is diserted no one lives here.

I brought you here because the city is very far and the roads are not well developed, due to heavy rains we could only wait for the weather to be good.

After thinking for a while John win continued, My driver will be here in two hours time if you still can't remember you can chose to stay here or go with me to the city for medical examination.

Lela Juney didn't like the environment around her, she hurriedly agreed to leave with him.

Immediately the driver arrived the two left the village and headed back to the city. Since lela Juney didn't remember her name, John win decided to call her sara.

John win and Sara arrived in the city and after medical examination Sara was told to have sufferered umnicia caused by aheavy blow on her head.

John win was very kind and tolarant of her so he asked her to go with him to his city if she didn't mind and when she is well and able to remember they will contact her family. Knowing he had saved her and

she could feel a sense of security around him, Lela Juney agreed.

It was winter in Germany one year two month since Sara came here, during her stay she served as a secretary in the wins group.

When John win brought her here she learned that he was the prince and the CEO of the Wins Group of Companies, at first she felt lost and uncertain of herself, but slowly she began to adjust and she accepted her new life .

Even though everyone treated her well but no one knew who she was, not even herself. During her stay in Germany John win has contacted many specialists but they all said that her case was unique, with time her memories will come back.

Back in king pala kingdom it has been one year since the wedding between Prince Mark Stone and Bea Alonzo who is the ruplicant of Lela Juney took place.

Bea Alonzo is from kingdom white, the neighbouring town, because of the unimaginable resemblance no one was able to tell that Bea Alonzo had replaced the real princess.


"During the night of the engagement when Lela Juney was preparing to leave her room after dressing up for the party, one of the maids brought her a glass of juice that was drugged, after taking the juice she passed off, the maid dragged her out of the palace and Bea Alonzo replaced her.

She was driven out of the city and the huligan's who were paid to kill her drove to a remote place and she was thrown into the river unconscious, luckily it was raining heavily and the water threw her beside the bridge and John win saved her."

Auch! Auch! My head hurts, it hurt somebody help! dragging her body towards the door of her office, Lela Juney tried very hard to call for help, before she could reach the door darkness overshadowed her and she fell to the ground.

Hours later she walk up in unfamiliar place again, but what shocked her the most was the man beside her who called her HONEY.

Yes she was married to prince John win six month after coming to Germany. She had a marriage certificate but their marriage hard been a Secret due to her amnicia and John win promised to make public their marriage when her memories are back and her family could celebrate together with her.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment Lela Juney asked, where is mum and dad? Crying pitifully she fainted again. Moment later Lela Juney wake up with a clear mind having remembered how she lost conciousness in her room back in the palace and how she walk up in the deserted room in the small village.

"John win!

Thank you for loving me and taking care of me all this time but I remember now, my name is not Sara but Lela Juney. Am from king pala kingdom in the nation. I beg you please take me home my parents must be worried by now" Lela Juney said.

That evening two people took a private plane heading to the nation, while seated Lela Juney took out her phone and decided to browse news on her kingdom, surprisingly she saw herself married to Mark stone fourteen months ago, how could it be? Lela Juney made a loud cry.

Caught unawere by the cry John win shifted his eyes to her phone and surprisingly he saw the unique resemblance of the two, both Lela Juney and Bea Alonzo are exactly alike. What happened is she your twin? John win asked her.

No I am the only child of my parents and the princess of my kingdom, I have no other siblings, Lela Juney spoke with a confused look on her face.

John win immediately understood what was going on, it was not an accident but a well planned plot to kill her when he first found her beside the river.

Looking at her still widened eyes John win snapped

his two fingers in front of her and lela Juney regained her senses.

" I won't allow you to go back home or call your parents for the time being, we need to get to the bottom of everything that happened to you before, i believe your life might still be in danger if its what am thinking". Said John win

Leela Juney could only node her head in acceptance but her thoughts were still very far from this reality .

After the plane landed John win took Lela Juney to one of his villas in the center of the city.

John win immediately surmoned his investigating team and ordered for the results in the shortest time possible.

Meanwhile Lele Juney contacted her best friend Milla Johnson and made an appointment the next day at noon. When they met, Milla Johnson seemed reluctant and a little distand, Lela Juney could sense her indifference and couldn't blame her but calmly asked her to first listen to her explanation.

Looking at her long lost best friend, Milla Johnson dint know wether to lough or cry, was it an illusion or her best friend was really back?