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Carrying The Mafia's Twins

Carrying The Mafia's Twins

Autor: catherinnichole



Carrying The Mafia's Twins PDF Free Download


Aniesha Zarzuela is a hardworking woman who will do anything for her family. She has this kind of charisma that every man would fall for. She was the one who raised her family the day that her father left them at a very young age.  Aniesha is a resilient, cold and self-reliant woman who always wants to be the best. John Jaxson Montenegro is a selfish man who doesn’t care about other people as long as he’s happy doing his own thing. He never cares about other people's feelings as long as he's satisfied and enjoying doing his own thing. For him, life is a waste. What will happen once Aniesha and Jaxson meets? Will Jaxson change his lifestyle and beliefs or he will also ruin Aniesha’s life because of his past?

Chapter 1

Aniesha's POV

"When do you plan to organize your team, Ms. Zarzuela?!” the department head yelled at me about my team.

"They're still adjusting, Ma'am," I uttered while my lower lip is shaking because of the nervousness that I currently feel.

Our department head laughed lightly and stroked her forehead. I was even stressed because of my team. I had them prepare the papers that Ma'am Cynthia was supposed to use but they prioritized our presentation first.

"Adjusting?! You're always telling me that nonsense excuse, Zarzuela! How many years do they have to adjust?! When the crow is white?! Get out of my sight! I'll be giving you one day to finish the papers that I gave you!” She said that made me slowly walked away towards her.

I closed my eyes briefly and opened them again then gently punched the wall in the hallway.

No matter how hard I try to be nice to my team they keep on forcing me to be bad.

I saw the arrangement of the seats of my team who were under me then I stood properly in front of them.

"Maybe you already know the reason why I am here in front of you," I began.

I heard their sighs which made me mad even more.

"If you wouldn't have been so stupid, we wouldn't have overtime, right?! Now, we only have one day to finish those workloads!  No one is going home until you finish those papers! Martha! Let the applicants in!” I shouted.

Just as I turned back, I heard the footsteps of their feet because they were in a hurry to organize the papers that Ma'am Cynthia gave us.

Minutes passed but I still couldn't choose anything suitable applicant to be my assistant in my team.

"Isn't there any deserving applicant enough to apply?!" I angrily whispered as I shook my head and let the next applicant pass.

He's wearing a black tuxedo and shoes that match his outfit. Well, it looks like he prepared for this day that's why I'm giving him 1 point.

"Good Morning, Ma'am," he said smiling and sat down in front of me.

Instead of smiling at him, I frowned at him and twirled the ballpen in my fingers.

"Mr. Montenegro. So, tell me about yourself," I started.

"Your question is already answered on my paper. Do you still need to ask me that when my personal details are already indicated on my resume?” he said then smirked that made my blood boil even more.

I looked at him badly and angrily shook my shoulder then sighed.

"Seriously?!" I asked angrily.

"I am John Jackson Montenegro. An aspiring assistant who wants nothing but the best for our department. I hope you'll give me a chance to be part of your team because I have so many plans in this company in order for us to be the best," he stated.

A few minutes of questioning took place between the two of us causing me to call Martha and tell her my decision.

"So, it's final, Ma'am. Mr. Montenegro will be your assistant," Martha said after she finished announcing who I had chosen as my assistant, none other than Montenegro.

Just as Martha was about to leave, I suddenly called her, causing her to stop going out.

"How was the paper?" I asked about the papers that Ma'am Cynthia was making us fix.

"It's almost over, Ma'am. There's just a little problem with the technicalities, but all in all it's okay," she said nervously but she's obviously trying to act normal.

I just nodded at her and tapped on the laptop of the keyboard in front of me. It's late but my team is still busy organizing the papers, even me.

I stopped typing on the keyboard when suddenly, someone knocked on my office door causing me to let that person in.

“Good evening, Ma'am. The papers of Ma'am Cynthia are already done," Jeff said.

“Good. You may leave now," I said.

"Thank you."

After he left, my phone rang just in time so I quickly answered it.

"Hello, love?" Marvelous said.

Because of those two words, I can't stop myself from smiling, what more if I am able to hug him?

"Tiring, Marvs" I said then sighed.

"It's alright, Aniesha. You've been through a lot. Now is not the right time to give up," he uttered that made me smile widely.

He is my rest when I am very tired.

I don't know if I can love someone else. He has almost everything that I want.

"I know," I said.

"Are you free tonight?" he asked.

I first looked at the calendar in front of me to see my schedule. When I saw that my schedule is free tomorrow because I don't have any meetings to go to I immediately answered Marvelous. 

"Yeah, I'm free," I said.

"I'll pick you up, then," he said.

I immediately put down the cellphone and arranged my things and then decided to go down using the elevator.

I first went at the entrance of the company and waited for Marvelous. A few minutes later, I heard his horn honking, which made me approach him with a smile.

I kissed him on his lips then greeted him, "How is your day?" I opened while putting on my seatbelt.

"It's fine, our boss is just a little sleepy when he's talking," he said, which caused me to laugh softly.

"You?" he asked.

"As usual. My job is still stressful and it gets more and more pathetic as time goes on," I snorted as he drove.

"I told you to move to where I work with," he suggested.

Marvelous has been telling me for a long time that I should transfer to the company he works for but I keep refusing him because I love my job and I'm used to the company I work for.

A few minutes passed and we arrived at the restaurant where Marvelous and I would eat then he helped me sit on the chair.

"What do you want?" he asked while looking at the restaurant's menu.

"I'll have the steak," I said.

Marvelous immediately said our orders then the waiter left us.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure! What's that?" I asked him without even looking at him.

I heard his sigh that made me looked at him then I saw him took something from his pocket.

"I want to marry you, Aniesha. Will you be my wife?” he asked.

My heart beat faster and my lower lip quivered. Honestly, I'm not ready yet because I still have many dreams for my family.

"M-marvelous. I-I'm sorry. I'm not yet ready," I said tearfully.

I saw how his shoulders fell and his sighed.

"I knew it. It's the fourth time, Aniesha! How long will you not be ready?! You always answer like that! What?! Your family is your excuse again?! Huh!” Marvelous said angrily.

I was about to speak when he spoke again which surprised me! “I'm done with you! Let's break up!” he added that was the reason for me to stand up!

“Marvs!” I shouted as I chased him.

"Stop right there!" he shouted then walked out again.

Seven years. Our relationship lasted for seven years but why did he give up on me right away? Am I really the problem in our relationship why we reached this situation?

If love is such a pain, I hope I never learned to love.

WHEN I ARRIVED at home, my family immediately came to me screaming. Mom was drinking alcohol while brother and his wife were arguing for reasons I don't know. My youngest brother is busy playing on his cellphone the trendy game of today's youth.

I sighed and went to my room and closed the door.

They didn't even bother to say hello to me.

Shaking my head, I changed into my nightgown then laid my whole body on my bed.

Are those years just missing from him? Why did he let me go so fast? Did he really love me? Because if yes, why is it easy for him to let me go?

I washed my face with my two hands then sighed.

I hope when I wake up all the pain I feel right now is gone.

THE NEXT MORNING I woke up with swollen eyes. I immediately got dressed for work and decided to wear shades so that my puffy eyes wouldn't show.

"Eat first, Aniesha," my mother said as she swallowed her food and was busy typing on her cellphone.

"I'll eat at work," I said with a forced smile.

He didn't say a word anymore and I hailed a taxi when I got out of the house to take me to the company I was working for.

After the taxi stopped in front of the company that I work with, I immediately paid the driver and decided to go inside.

"Good Morning, Ma'am," a man said with a baritone voice.

I immediately looked back and saw my new assistant, Montenegro.

I didn't say a word and waited for the elevator to open. A few seconds passed and it opened causing me to enter while he was behind me.

"I'm just wondering. Why are you wearing sunglasses? The sun doesn't stand still here in the company, huh?" he said with a teasing look.

"None of your business," I amswered.

"Yes, it's none of my business but.... you must be our role model, Ma'am. Wearing sunglasses inside the company means you do not deserve to be respected because you're breaking one of the rules," he answered again.

I raised my eyebrows but I knew he didn't see that so I decided to just cross my arms in front of him.

"And where did you get that law?" I frowned when I asked.

I heard him took a deep breath then stared at me. "That is based on China's business rule," he raised his eyebrows.

I think this fool is going crazy! Does it look like we're in China?!

I burst out laughing and looked at him annoyed then spoke, “We're not in China, boy! If I were you, I'll just think about how our jobs can be finished quickly instead of gossiping about the law of the country you are referring to!" I said annoyingly.

I am very grateful because after I said that word, the elevator opened causing me to shake my head and get out of there.

I saw how my team rapidly walk to their chairs when they saw me arriving. I'm used to their reactions because ever since I started working at this company, I've maintained my seriousness and strictness in everything.

"Good Morning, Ma'am," as if on cue, they greeted me.

I didn't even bother to greet them back because I wanted to go to my office. I was so tired even though I didn't do anything all night but cry and cry.

When I got to my office, I immediately took off the glasses I was wearing and then I looked at my face in the mirror.

My face was very serious as if I was carrying the whole world. My outfit is obviously old fashion and my face, I have no make up except the red lipstick that I am using.

I stopped looking at my face in the mirror when suddenly there was a knock on the glass door of my office that's why I quickly put on my shades.

“Good Morning, Ma'am! These papers needs your sign before I give this to Ma'am Cynthia," Montenegro said.

I read all the information that is stated in the papers before I decided to sign them. After I signed the papers I immediately gave it to him then ordered him to go out.

"Seriously, Ma'am? You're really not going to speak or even thank me?” he unbelievably asked.

I raised my right eyebrow as if he's able to see it then I spoke, "Get lost," I seriously ordered causing his reaction to be surprised as well as mad. 

"We're still talking, Ma'am. You know what? One of the reasons why you're not happy is because you're not enjoying your life. Instead of being serious in everything, why not try to enjoy your life even just for a short period of time?” He shook his head and then sat down.

I looked at him and gritted my teeth to show him my anger then I started to speak. "You don't know my past. You don't know what I'm dealing right now so stop.... stop giving me bullsh*t advices because I don't f*ckin' need that. Now, get out!” I shouted then pointed the glass door.

I saw his frown and the tension in his jaw, but I didn't pay attention to that because I was so angry.

He knows nothing about my life so he has no right to reprimand me!

After he left my office, I quickly hit my desk because of the annoyance that I currently feel.

Of all people why me? Why me? Who is always full of resentments always gets serious problems? I'm fed up!

To be continued..