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In the morning, he is Bae Jinyoung.But when the moment changed, he is Baejin.Kyung, got accepted to work as a caretaker of a boy around her age called Young Master. What kind of things she will faced when she started to know who Young Master is?

Chapter 1


A divine manifestation


"Miss Kyung, please come in."

I take a deep breath before entering the spacious room that has been covered by a huge door. My footsteps continue until I reach a brown antique stool in front of me. I stand still in front of a few formal—attired people that are looking at me with such scary gazes. Sit down is the only word that one of them tells me to do so. I wipe the surface of the stool before taking a seat on it.

"You're the last person to be interviewed today. So... What's your opinion towards our offer? Do you will sacrifice your whole weekdays by taking care of our Young Master?" A grey—haired woman who wears granny spectacles, asks me seriously.

I take a gulp. To be honest, I never interested in going to this interview but my mom forced me to. I just have read the pamphlet in a glance only and the next day she registered me here; Bae's Mansion.

"I.. I have no idea. I'm not being here as I want to but I'm forced to by my mother. If you want to reject me from getting whatever the offer is, go on. I don't care at all..." I spit out the truth.

"Accepted!" The woman shouts.

I look at her in disbelief. "What..? I'm not even knowing anything about this interview and why do I get accepted when I'm not even doing interview etiquettes?!"

"Our Young Master Bae stated that he accepts you. We just follow his order. So, please follow butler Kang to meet out Young Master." She states.

A guy with a wide—shouldered body with a firm built comes into the room, wearing a black formal suit. He nods his head, gesturing me to follow him leaving the room. I hesitate at first but he takes my hand and leads me outside.

"Excuse me.. Let my hand go, please. Tell me what's happening right now. I do not even care about this whole interview! Why did that woman told me that I'm taking care of someone called Young Master?!" I raise my voice to the quiet butler, stopping his moving legs.

He turns around, taking me to a silent corridor. He takes a look around cautiously before telling me something. "Miss.. The interview is for someone who wants to become a helper for our Young Master. He diagnosed with a disease that is hard for someone normal like you to understand. For your information, our Young Master Bae monitored you from his room during his interview. If you have any more questions, I will just let the Young Master Bae answer."

He drags me into a room without any warnings. I yank his hand a few times but his grips are unbeatable. He lets go of my hand as he leaves me in a huge white painted room. It's such a minimalist lifestyle.

I take a walk around, trying to know who is the Young Master that the butler was talking about. A few photo frames seem to like answering my questions. I hold it up, examining the face of the owner. "He looks fine.. Like no disease at all. Why should I care about him? He has himself to take care, why he wants someone else to take care of it?" I blabber.

"Do you have any other questions, Miss Kyung?" A deep yet charming voice welcomes me from the front door.

A slender figure, black—haired. Small face yet handsome and charming. I'm in awe when looking at him for the first time. He looks perfect, why he needs a caretaker?

"You ask me why..? And thank you for saying that I'm perfect." He smirks.

"How could you... You listen to my mind?" I shriek.

"It's not something new. I've been used to it when I'm Bae Jinyoung, not the other one." He comments.

"Other one? I can't understand your words.." I stutter.

"Baejin will come soon. Bae Jinyoung should get ready by his presence." He utters.

"But Baejin is you, right? Because your name is Bae Jinyoung." I ask him politely.

His expression changes. His face turns red, looking at me with such a raged expression. "Baejin is not Bae Jinyoung!"

He throws the books on the bookshelves, smashing all the vases in the room and takes the pieces to hurt himself. I scream for help while trying to take the sharp thing away from him. Finally, Butler Kang comes in and injects something into Bae Jinyoung's body, making the boy to stay quiet. A few other butlers take Jinyoung's body out from this room, leaving only Butler Kang and me in that miserable room.

"What happened..? I know he won't be that rampaged without any factors." Butler Kang corners me.

My back contacts with the wall, backing off from him. "I.. I just ask him who is Baejin. I mean, it's the same name, right? Bae Jinyoung and Baejin.."

"They're not. Now, you have seen one of the side effects of his disease. Since you wanna know, he has bipolar disorder but his condition is much more severe. He hates to know the other self of himself. That's why we hired you, to avoid him from thinking about his other identity." Butler Kang sighs.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I don't know about this disorder thing at all. And I made him rampaged in the first time I saw him. Will I do a better job soon?" I mutter.