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How I Became Immortal

How I Became Immortal



How I Became Immortal PDF Free Download


Yuna's life was an unfortunate one. Her lover(Minho) and her cousin(Hana) betrayed her trust which resulted in her death. The last words she uttered was that she was going to seek revenge if she ever got another chance! God as the witness, felt bad for poor Yuna and so he gives her the ability to remember everything in all of her lifetimes. She was planning on seeking revenge but unfortunately her plans didn't come to fruition. She was reincarnated into the modern era. During her 2nd lifetime, she becomes a successful engineer and moves on from her past lifetime. Unluckily for her, during her 3rd lifetime she gets reincarnated back to the past. Her plans change once again. She doesn't love Minho nor does she care about being empress. She decides on a new life without all of the chaos and scheming in the palace. Join Yuna on her journey to seeking a peaceful and successful life in the ancient period.

Chapter 1

Yuna's petite figure knelt down on the wooden platform as the executioner forced down on her weak shoulder. The hordes of civilians surrounded the platform with a look of disdain on their faces. None of them understood her. She could feel the hatred emanating from the crowd below. She frantically searched for the man she devoted her life to, her husband.

She discovered a man in the distance. His familiar figure slowly approached her. On closer inspection, there was a petite woman clutching unto his muscular arm. The woman's long lashes fluttered like a butterfly as her tender voice could be heard. Her long white gown portrayed a young maiden of her innocence and purity. On first impression, she resembled a white flower that was fragile yet dazzling. She had a certain charm about her that brought the men to their knees.

Both men and women in the crowd, gazed at the picturesque scene of the couple emerging before them. The man was none other than the emperor of their kingdom. He stood majestically before the crowd as he walked up the stairs to the wooden platform. The woman naturally followed behind him like an innocent child.

Yuna felt her stomach turn as she watched this scene. The man she desperately loved was standing before her with another woman in his arms. His long luscious black hair flowed naturally with the wind. His eyebrows were thick, and his eyes and lips reflected the elegance of an emperor. She felt her heart twist as he embraced the trembling woman by his side. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear with a soothing voice.

Yuna's face scrunched up into a scowl as a tear threatened to fall from her bitter eyes. What had she done to deserve this? Her love for Minho was limitless. She had done everything in her power to be his pillar of support. He wouldn't be in that position if it weren't for her assistance.

As for the woman that sat next to him, she was her cousin, Haemi. Haemi was always the sweet, benevolent sister that always listened to her and supported her. Yuna felt betrayed by the two people she cared about most in her life. She struggled to get up from her position. The executioner was strong, and it took her some effort to get away from his clutches. She became so distraught that her voice came out hoarse and unruly, "Minho, why are you doing this? I thought you loved me. Why is she here with you?"

Haemi saw me struggling to escape, her lips curved up into a smug grin. When she turned to face Minho, her face changed into a delicate beauty. Tears surprisingly formed in the corners of her eyes as she began wailing into his chest. Minho swiftly gave Yuna a death glare as he soothed his lover in his arms. He shouted, "Guards! Tie her down this instant!"

The guards promptly followed the emperor's orders and tied her hands and legs to prevent her from escaping. Minho stood before the crowd as he projected his voice throughout the town. "Queen Yuna has been found guilty of many charges! She is solely responsible for causing the massacre of thousands of people in our country. Her greed for power and money has caused corruption within our nation. It is the duty of I, the emperor, to uphold justice for our people. I hereby declare that Queen Yuna and her relatives of 5 generations to be sentenced to death by decapitation!"

The crowd roared in anger as they threw rocks at Yuna. One rock hit her on the forehead. Blood seeped down the side of her face. She couldn't tell whether it was blood or her tears. What had she ever done to deserve all of this? She lived her life as a good person. Whenever she saw a homeless person on the street, she'd give them food, clothes, and money. She wasn't involved in politics at all. She was happy with only being by Minho's side as his wife. Why was she being framed and accused of something she hadn't done?

As she looked up at her former lover, Minho, she realized those warm loving eyes were no longer there. Her raspy voice called out to him.

"Why are you doing this to me? Didn't you love me? I've never done anything to harm anyone. Why won't you believe me?"

Minho scoffed, "Love you? In your dreams. The one I love is your precious cousin, Haemi! She is way more beautiful than you are. She will never be like you! I just let you believe that I loved you just so I can become crown prince. If it weren't for you being born as the general's daughter, I wouldn't have even looked at you. You should be thankful that I'm giving you a quick death."

None of the crowd heard his words because they were too focused on shouting in rage and fury. She became the scapegoat for their crimes. The loving couple had planned this all along! Who was this man and why hadn't she noticed that he was different from her expectations? He was supposed to be sweet, caring, and affectionate.

The person she had fallen in love with was a sham. She wasted all her efforts on a scumbag that only viewed women as playthings. The crimes that she was charged with were done by this stupid couple. If she ever gets the chance to relive this life, she'll make sure to get her revenge. She'd make both of them suffer a life worse than hell.

Yuna's eyes flared with anger! "I've spent all these years supporting you and this is how you repay me? I should've never loved you. How could you betray me like this? Weren't we going to grow old together and have kids? What about all those times that you'd tell me you loved me?"

She began bawling her eyes out as she struggled to continue her pitiful speech, "I'm glad you're with Haemi! Both of you are a match made in heaven! She's got all those men hanging around her. Do you think she isn't involved with any of them? You're wrong! She's been with all of them."

Yuna pointed at Haemi and the group of men that were in the crowd admiring her figure. The crown prince was stupid enough to not realize that all the male supporters she had were men she had slept with. His gaze landed on Haemi at my words.

Having heard what I said, Haemi responded confidently, "How can that be true? I lost my virginity to the crown prince. I'm innocent! She's just accusing me because she wants to ruin our happiness." Fake tears streamed down her cheeks. Only Yuna could see the smile in her eyes. How did she not notice that Haemi was so cunning and deceptive? Minho was enraged by the false accusations coming out of Yuna's lips.

"Guards! I command you to cut off this sl*t's tongue! She dares to falsely accuse my queen!" The guard that stood next to her, grabbed her chin, and forced her mouth open. He swiftly used a dagger to remove her tongue.

Yuna coughed out blood as she felt the throbbing pain in her mouth. Her vision became blurry and her body lost all its strength. She gave up on trying to escape. She felt her heart crumble into nothing. Her fight was over and all she had to wait for was the complete nothingness that awaited her. Minho yelled once more, "COMMENCE THE EXECUTION!" She didn't even bother to look at them any longer.

The executioner waved the sword in the air as if it were dancing. Yuna felt the wind from the momentum of the sword. She looked up at the sky in hopes that she'd finally be able to rest in peace. All her efforts were gone to waste and she vowed that if she were given another chance, she would make them pay. The sword rapidly came down on her neck and a thunk was heard. The crowd roared in applause.

Haemi's facial expression differed greatly from what she felt in her heart. She was overjoyed with the success of her plan. She was able to steal the position that she had always coveted. She successfully took everything away from Yuna. Haemi had always hated the fact that her cousin had a hero for a father and a future king as a fiancé. She didn't like the fact that Yuna got everything easily while she had to struggle to get what she wanted. Now she had no one standing in her way. She has become empress!

Yuna felt her soul leave her body. She was looking down at the execution from an eagle—eye point of view. She could see her own body there on the stage. The couple rejoiced over her death while the crowd cheered for their new empress. Yuna suddenly felt a vacuum sucking her soul into the sky. She struggled to remain on earth, as the vacuum forcefully took her away from the scene.