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Romance With The Billionaire

Romance With The Billionaire



Romance With The Billionaire PDF Free Download


Harmony found herself staring at no where when her long-time boyfriend suddenly break up with her. She couldn't believe his reason that he woke up one day that he no longer love her anymore. To save her pained ego, she decided to agree with the proposal of Drake, a heir who could only take his inheritance if he would introduce a girlfriend to his grandmother. However the twish of fate began on the two of them when Drake's grandmother asked Drake to marry Harmony because she didn't believe that they were really in a romantic relationship. At first Harmony rejected the idea but an unfortunate event happened to her family and she had no choice but to accept Drake's offer. But when she was about to say yes, Paul came back asking for her forgiveness. Would she continue the charade with Drake or will she find herself going back to Paul's arms?

Chapter 1

"I am sorry. I just woke up one day and I found myself that I don"t feel the same way anymore," Paul said and he couldn"t look into her eyes.

These were the words that suddenly came out from her boyfriend"s lips. It was as if it was real which brought a lot of confusion inside her but she chose to be quiet for a couple of minutes and absorb everything that he had said.

Paul"s eyes looked so sad while he was staring at her. After saying those words, he looked away from her.

Harmony burst out in laughter. Then, she clapped her hands.

Paul's eyebrows were drawn together. Confusion was all over his face.

"You have improved a lot. Is that a line for a new role?" She asked innocently to Paul. She tried to stay calm and relax so her voice wouldn"t sound as if she was affected by her boyfriend"s words. She wanted to think that this was just nothing but a part of his audition piece.

Paul looked at her and he shook his head. He held her shoulders.

"Harmony, listen to me, please," he said in a low voice as he tried to meet her eyes. "I don"t know how to explain it to you but," he paused as if he couldn"t continue whatever he was trying to say.

She started to hear her heart beating so fast while looking at Paul with a lot of questions in her heart. Probably, her boyfriend was just rehearsing the next piece he needed for his audition and she must admit that he was doing good. His words were full of emotions.

Paul loved to be an actor so he always comes to auditions when he"s available.

Harmony faced her with the sadness in her eyes and heart. She wanted to help her boyfriend.

"What do you mean?" She said with her eyebrows knitted together. "Please enlighten me. I couldn"t understand what you were trying to say," she added while she looked directly at Paul.

She couldn"t understand but she felt strange when their eyes locked. She couldn"t explain the emotions that she could see from his eyes, it was as if everything was true.

It took a couple of seconds when Paul reacted to what she said. She saw how Paul"s Adam's apple moved upward and downward. It was as if he was feeling tense because of how their conversation was going.

But wasn"t this just a part of his rehearsal? Why did she suddenly feel different when their eyes met?

"Harmony, I am sorry but this isn"t just a rehearsal. This is what I am feeling right now. I am sorry but I think I am no longer happy with our relationship. I don"t know how it happened and when it happened. Just like I said, there"s just this one day I found out myself that I couldn"t feel the happiness I used to feel when I am with you and I don"t want to hide this to you. I don"t want to act as if nothing has changed on my part and let you believe that everything is fine between us," he said to her and then he bowed his head.

Harmony felt like there was a bucket of cold water that was poured onto her. She wanted to pinch herself thinking that she might just be in a dream and having a nightmare.

She couldn"t tell what was happening whether it was true or just an act. She couldn"t figure out whether Paul"s words were just part of his script or these were all true. She couldn"t believe that the man fell out of love with her. How could that happen?

Her mind was in turmoil.

They had been in a relationship since they were in college. So, what was he talking about? She was shocked and she couldn"t find the right words to say to Paul.

She tried to lift the cup of coffee that they ordered when they arrived earlier at the coffee shop but she accidentally spilled it to herself.

She felt the hot water in her skin. It means, this was reality.

Paul didn"t even bother to help her wipe the coffee that spilled on her. The man let her do it herself.

With trembling hands, she grabbed a tissue on the top of the table and wiped the coffee in her pants.

After she was done, she took a deep breath. She was hoping at the last second, Paul would say that this was just a prank. She was praying that the man was playing a trick on her and everything that was happening was just part of his games.

She swallowed a lump in her throat as she tried to search for the words that she was going to say to her long time boyfriend and soon to be her ex-boyfriend if she wouldn"t be able to fix what"s happening with them.

Harmony cleared her throat. She needed to be brave and make things clear to this man in front of her.

Though she could feel her heart beating so fast, she still wanted to clarify everything at Paul.

She looked into his eyes but she could see that the man couldn"t stand her look and from there, she knew that something was already wrong with her boyfriend.

But before she could even start to speak, Paul opened his mouth and spoke again.

"Harmony, I know that we have been together for almost three years and I am sorry if we will be ending our relationship just like this. I want to be honest to you. To myself. I don"t want to continue this relationship anymore and then both of us would suffer. I don"t want us to fight every day because I could no longer return the love that you have for me. I want to end this as early as now while we still have respect for each other. You have been so good to me and I don"t want to hurt you. I want us to be friends, to be good friends," Paul said which made her dumbfounded.