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Renaissance Bar

Renaissance Bar

Autor: Xlealfelix



Renaissance Bar PDF Free Download


Hestia De Vera got cheated on by his long time boyfriend in her own thanks giving party and make herself drunk onto one of the nearby bar and met this hot devilishly bisexual man that keeps asking for her name. Her life turn upside down as she found out the one night stand that they both have will turn into a future angel. Will their story gonna be a frutiful outcome? Or just a mistake for their body needs?

Chapter 1

"Get out of my face." She irritatingly muttered to the guy that just tried to take some conversation with her, but she just told him to back off. Five different guys had tried to come to her, but she turn down all of them knowing they all just want to get under her pants.

Sighing annoyingly, she just continue drinking her vodka. She can't remember how long she's been drinking it, but the pain in her heart are still there. The vivid memories are still playing in her head remembering what just happened few hours ago.


She was about to go the room to grab her cardigan as the night getting cold, when she caught her long time boyfriend making out with her gay childhood friend in her bed, without knowing her presence. Too shock to think on the situation, she just quickly grab her bag and keys as she walk out from her own thanksgiving party while too devastated to drive herself out to the nearest bar in town.

She's usually the shy type and the introverted one in their circle, so it will be her first time going alone in the bar. She didn't know her own grasp in drinking her own liquor, so she just shrug off the uneasiness that starts to overwhelm in her feelings, and brush off the tears that starts streaming on her face.

It. Fuckin. Hurts.

The pain on her chest is unbearable. Reeve is her first boyfriend for about 4 years and Angelo is her best friend since kindergarten. In a span of few minutes, my life became a total mess. She took some deep breaths to calm herself down, trying to regain her own composure.

She already set her mind to made herself drank on the rest of the night to forget any glimpse of that painful change in her simple life.

She immediately make some U-turn and park her car on the side street as she saw the glow of the Bar's name in the cold night.

"Renaissance Bar". She muttered softly to herself. She went outside her car and the chill rage and overwhelmed her skin giving her some goosebumps. Her backless gown didn't help her at all, giving more access to make herself shiver in cold. Her hips swayed as she walked fast to the entrance door.

As she got closer, the two bouncer who's talking to each other turned to her. She can't blame them, a woman who's walking in a backless gown in a bar is really a sight to see. Hiding her embarrassment, she just sheepishly smiled to them signaling them to open the door for her which they quickly did.

The Bar is more sophisticated than she saw from the other bar they visit before with her friends and boyfriend. She scoff at the memories and just saying the word boyfriend, it's ex boyfriend now making her dumb enough knowing they're just both stabbed her at her back. Remembering them makes her more bitter so she just withdraw the thought and try diverting herself on the design of the bar.

The interior design is a combination of modern and medieval era. The lightings have some crystal on it making it more dark, edgy and mysterious. There are also some couple of couch for groups and solo chairs for alone people like her. Since it's just about 10 in the evening, people are just starting to come to overcrowd the place so she can observe the whole surrounding of it. It also ease her for a bit as she is not that used on crowded kind of places.

Deciding now to start to take some drink, she make her way to the counter. Sitting on the bar stool she was welcomed by a warm pair of brown eyes of the bartender.

She was getting drowsy as she was now getting herself drunk to mend her broken heart.

Nausea start to overwhelm her system with the flicker of the lights in the bar so she tried to ducked her head down to calm her. But it suddenly got interrupted, when someone tap her shoulder lightly.

Thinking it's just the bartender, she just signal her hand to wait on but it's still tapping his hand on her shoulder makes her growl in annoyance. Still daze with the lights, she tried to look up to see the annoying person who tried to mess with her.

Tres POV

"C'mon man, it's just a dare, don't be such a stiff ass." Renzo keeps nudging at me as the other guys start to agree.. He is a Brazilian man with auburn hair and black eyes.

"I didn't even volunteer myself to join in these game, so quit whining like a kid Enzo." I said to him while still sipping my dirty martini as I look at the dance floor. The other guys snickered at my response making him pout like a kid. "Tss, so immature."

They started to play a dare game awhile ago and I just didn't mind them but since the bottle stops directly at me, I already have no choice to be a part of it. They wanted me to ask the name of the girl they will choose inside the bar. Since we are all single and most of them are ready to mingle, except for me, they’re currently giving me the hot seat right now. We're currently at the VIP room which is in the 2nd floor of the bar owned by him.

I massage my temple in annoyance to them and due of the lack of sleep. I just finished taking care of my paperwork in the office so my plan is to get some rest. Since I'm only the introvert in our circle, they always personally come to my place to just ruin my mood.

"Just give it a try Tres, you just have to talk to her and have her name and that's it." Alejandro encourage me as both of them look at me with anticipation. I rolled my eyes as I look at some of them now starting to pay attention at me wanting to do that dare.

We're a total of six guys in here and all of us here in the VIP room and all have a settle job in the city. People says that we are all fit, have the towering height and the genes that can get any of the girls swoon. I really can't picture being said to be popular as a guy because I'm always in my own world and don't give any actual interest on what people are saying. In short, I don't give a damn.

We don't have the cliché type of friendship. The first time we all guys met each other was in high school, and that's the time we got into a fight. We were kidnapped by some goons that had hidden grudge on us because their girlfriends broke on them, but we bit the shit out of them. Since then, our friendship started and since then all of us got inseparable. We have different race and personalities but that doesn't change the fact that we became brothers.

I actually don't have any problem in the dare they want because we usually do it since before. The only problem is myself.

It's just, I'm a bi.

At first I was scared to open it to them knowing the reputation we all have but they are cool with that and support me regarding on my sexuality. Sometimes it's also one of the reason why they always have they eyes on me regarding to this. They are only the one who knows my sexuality. I'm not much interested in women compare to men that's why they want me to hook up on girls every time which I certainly decline or ghosted. Even though I'm quite reserved compare to them, I still have my fair share of both gender before that I had flirt with but not the point it became serious.

Sighing exasperatedly, I look at them putting down my martini to the table.

"Okay, let's get this down quickly. After this I'll go home. Where is the girl? I'll be the one to find." I said to them and they cheered and shout in unison not minding how loud they were making my ears ringed because of them.

"Okay, okay, let me see." Renzo excitedly start to scan on his bar as he find some prospect for this dare.

I also tried to scan on the bar as a certain woman catch my attention. She's wearing a black backless gown which really not suit to this kind of bar. She's currently at the counter so I can't quite figure her image. She was the only woman who's seems to mourn in this wild night. Mm interesting, as I told to myself.

"Her." I pointed the woman in the bar counter. "I will ask her name." he quickly averted his gaze on the location I just pointed out as he other guys started to also to look the same direction.

"Are you sure? She's looks new here." Mattheo barged in the conversation squinting his eyes as he look back at me. The other two is Suho who didn't even budge in his sit while Gelo was put of nowhere in an instant. Suho is one of the geek in our group that's why it's nothing new if he's more interest in his phone. But I got more confused on the action that Gelo gave to us but I'll just shrugged it off for awhile since I still have to let myself out in this mess.

"Yeah, I didn't see her before." Alejandro said agreeing to matt as I tried now to stand up fixing up my long sleeve.

"It's quite new that someone caught your attention." Zeke muttered for the first time. He's also one of the silent type aside from me in the group. I just knocked him off as I grab my blazer preparing myself to go to the counter.

The other guys start to look at each other, slightly communicating. They eventually look at me and start to tap my shoulder which make me confused maybe signaling me as good luck. Tsk, it feels as if I'm courting anyone. I just nod at them as I made my way, but I can still feel their gazes at my back without knowing the shades of mischief in it.