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My Omega Slave

My Omega Slave

Autor: becky j



My Omega Slave PDF Free Download


Book 1 of the omega series Savannah is the daughter of alpha jake at 18 years old she's not in a rush to meet her mate, that is until she takes a trip with her family to the blood moon pack and finds her mate...getting beaten to death! As soon as an alpha jack of blood man lays his eyes on savannah he instantly decides she will be his chosen mate and he will do whatever it takes to get her. will savannah be able to save her mate in time or will he die before she gets a chance to know him and how will savannah handle alpha jack and his plans to make her his luna!

Chapter 1

Savannah's POV

"Are you ready Savannah? We need to leave, we have a long journey ahead" My mother Sophia shouts for the tenth time this morning!

"Yes momma, I'll be right out" I shout while sitting on my bed reading my favorite book. Honestly, I've been ready to leave for the past hour but the thought of an 8-hour car journey with my family gives me an instant headache! It's not that I don't like my family, I do, I love them more than life itself and I would give up my life to protect any one of them without hesitation.....

.....But 8 hours of Logan, Levi, and Noah talking about girls, football, and finding their mate Always ends up with them arguing and my parents yelling at them to be quiet while they sing their hearts out to 80s pop songs from the front of the car! Thank goddess for my air pods, at least I can drown out the noise for a while and lose myself in my favorite playlist while attempting to read my book! I will miss my best friend Mia though and my sister Emma, she can't make this trip as before this trip came up she promised to attend one of her friends' wedding which is in 4 days, we won't be back for 2 weeks so of course, she couldn't manage both trips, but it's fine she's going to take Her best friend Paige and Mia with her so she's not alone and she'll help run the pack with beta Kyle alongside attending Gab's wedding.

My name is Savannah Leigh Johnson, I'm 18 years old and I am the daughter of the alpha and Luna of the blue lake park.

My parents are Luna Sophia Johnson and alpha Jake Johnson, they are the best people I know! Amazing parents and incredible leaders of our pack! Then there are my siblings! Emma is the oldest of us all, she's not actually our sister by blood but mom and dad have raised her since she was 7 years old so she's our sister in every way that matters, no one questions her being our sister as only those living in our pack know of the truth, most of the pack doesn't care how Emma got here they love her just the same as us and the ones who on occasion have tried to say that she isn't our sister learned long ago never to voice their opinions trust me!! Emma's just turned 30 and she is absolutely beautiful!

1 year after Emma came along my twin brothers were born, Logan and Levi, they are 22 years old and the future alphas of the blue lake pack, then there's Noah he's almost 20 though he looks so much older, my siblings drive me up the wall more often than they should but we are all insanely protective of each other and I love the bond we all share.

"savannah Leigh Johnson gets your backside down these stairs now, don't make me come up there!" Now I really need to move, my mom is the kindest woman in the world but you don't want to piss her off! I pop my book in my bag and make my way out to the SUV, there are 10 vehicles ready to go, my family's car, and the rest are full of 30 warriors for protection and 15 she-wolfs hoping to find their mates at the pack we are visiting. Once I'm in and we're all belted up we set off for our journey.

Here we go!

2 hours left, 2 hours left until we are finally free of this car! Luckily I've managed to read a few chapters of my book and got in a four-hour nap, go me! Logan and Levi are currently arguing over who the hottest celebrity girl is, Logan says Mila Kunis, and Levi says Amanda Seyfried, one look from my mother and they both shut up. "How Noah can sleep with you two arguing right next to him I'll never know," I say to the twins, they both look at Noah and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny? Why are you two laughing at Noah? OHH.. crap what have you done to him?" I ask the twins. I and my brothers are forever playing pranks on each other, the older we get the worse they get, trust me! One time Noah decided to put gum in my hairbrush...It took 8 months for my hair to grow back to my normal length, the asshole paid for it though, my smile reaches my eyes remembering his face the morning he woke up with permanent bright pink hair! While they continue laughing there assess off I learn over and take a peek at Noah.

"Omg.....that's brilliant. he's going to kill you when he sees it......but that is so funny," I say while giving the twins a high five! "I've already posted pictures to Facebook," sings out Levi, Noah's going to kill him!

"I want you all on your best behavior while we are visiting the blood moon pack I mean it" dad shouts from the front of the car.

"I still don't understand why we have to go there dad," Logan says back to him.

"Me neither, alpha Jack requested this meeting so he should come to us," Levi added in.

"Yes usually the alpha that requests the meeting will be the one to travel but alpha Jack has only been alpha for 2 months, no one expected him to be alpha his self included he's only 16 poor boy. it's a lot to take on you both know how much work it is boys and You're getting trained ready for it. alpha Jack hasn't had any training, he needs Help and allies to stand any chance of making it, he poses no threat to us or our pack so making the journey this time is not a problem."

"I didn't think of that," Levi says.

"Me neither, your right dad," adds Logan.

"And maybe my babies will finally meet their mates while we are there, or someone else from our pack," mom says in a bubble Of excitement! I can't help but roll my eyes at my mom!

Commence tradition of the mate argument 3..2..1...

"My mate will be the best-looking one." comes Levi.

"Pfft no chance bro," retorts Logan.

Oh boy, here we go!

"We will all think our mates are the best looking, you idiots! That's how it works." snorts Noah.

"Who are you calling an idiot fuck ball," Levi yells.

"Fuck off furry ass," Noah shouts.

Commence my mom telling them off 3...2...1...

"Language! If I hear another bad word in this dam car from any of you boys you'll be running 20 miles every morning for the duration of our stay, do I make myself clear!"

I love my mom!

Sorry, mom.....

Sorry, momma.....

Sorry, ma'am...

Levi, Logan why do you have this argument all the time when you know you're going to end up with the same mate because your twins?

"Ahh, Sav it's all fun and games that's all we know we'll be sharing a mate, not that it matters she'll love me more anyway obliviously!" Sings Levi.

"Will she fuck!" Snorts Logan.

"Logan your 20miles start tomorrow morning!" Comes mum's unimpressed voice.

"Hahaha, yes!" We all know Levi has done that on purpose!

"You done that on purpose didn't you?" Logan already knows the answer.

"Dam right I did, enjoy your run bro!"

"You'll be keeping him company Levi, you both start at 8 am tomorrow," mum sings to him.

"But I didn't swear!"

"No, but, you got your brother into trouble on purpose."

Levi and Noah sink into major sulks, well that shut them up, the rest of us can't help but laugh! 22 or not they know how to pull a good toddler sulk! The car finally quieted down and I'm feeling tired again, bloody long journeys always make me want to sleep for a month!

"How long until we get there, Dad," I ask.

"We should arrive in the pack lands in one and a half hours butterfly." my dad answers me with the nickname he's called me since I was a baby, I've loved butterfly's for as long as I can remember, apparently even as a baby I loved them, I smile at my dad and pop my air pods in bringing up my favorite playlist on my phone, I lay my head back, close my eyes and relax my body while we continue our journey.


If only I knew how much this journey would change my life!