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Her Soulmates

Her Soulmates

Autor: Ritika



Her Soulmates PDF Free Download


Erika is a smart and brave girl, but her mother left and now it's only she and her father. Then she meets Daniel. Instantly she knows there's something about him that's intriguing, but Thing's change when they touch, sparks ignite with flames. She learns that not only is she his soul mate, but there is a whole other world of people with powers that she never knew existed. But when Daniel's enemy Marcus gets to know about her, he decides to make him suffer. But was that's the only reason or there is something more? Meanwhile at Marcus kingdom, she not only gets to know that she have two mates but also the life she is living so far, was a huge bluff. Will the truth of her past will come out? And at last, who will she chose? a gentleman or a beast?

Chapter 1


What if everything you thought you knew about yourself is a lie?

My life was simple. I was happy with my dad, with my job and with my friend—until I met them.

My Soulmates!

Usually, people have only one, but I had two; One was kind, while the other was not


[Erika. P.O.V]

I used to work as a waitress at our local restaurant in the town. It wasn't a fancy one but being the only one in the whole town it was quite famous. However, eating and drinking was easier than serving right?

I mean being a waitress, one has to tolerate, jerk's, drama queens and so on and not to mention nasty comments of some douchebags. Although I never planned on doing this job in the first place but again when time isn't in your favour, you had to adapt accordingly.

"Erika! Table: 33 take their order, will ya?" a sharp deep voice commanded, which was David's. Well, first he was the boss's son and second my only friend. You might be thinking why the only one? Well, the answer to that was simple, I wasn't that friendly kind of girl.

Table No: 33 quite an odd one it's it?

"Sir, what would you like to order?" I asked putting on a politely smile.

Four guys seem happy and were probably here to drink and celebrate and from their appearance, they all look young. Maybe in their twenties. My gaze fell on one of them, who had his eyes constantly stuck at me. He was literally eyeing me up and down,  biting his lips.

What a jerk?

I ignored him and looked at others, the other two guys were talking with each other with the menu in their hand. While the fourth guy, who was sitting beside the jerk was checking his watch time per time as if he was supposed to be somewhere else. His eyes for a second moved to me as he passed a warm smile, before pulling out his phone and started typing something.

Seriously? If they didn't want to order anything then why bothered me?

"Are you on the list?" But before I could say something, the jerk broke the awkward atmosphere. He has this ugly smile over his lips, which made me cringe. By now I was pissed by his comment and hearing it, his friends instead of being rational laughed except the one guy, who seems the only one mature in a whole bunch of idiots.

Mannerless peoples!

I really hate when some people don't respect others. I wanted to punch his face but I can't, it would create an unnecessary scene.

"Nice one sir, but no, expert me there are many things in the menu that can fit as per your type." I replied,  with a flat face and looked at others ignoring the jerk, "Now can you please tell me your orders because I have other works too, maybe I will come later when you people are ready to order something?"

I forced a smile and was about to turn around when one of them stopped me, "I am sorry on behalf of my friend, please don't mind him," the fourth guy apologized, while the jerk scratched his back.

The fourth guy glare at the jerk with the eyes saying 'apologized to her idiot!'

"Yeah, don't mind him, he's just a ladies man and sometimes he thinks he can charm anyone by his nonsense pickup lines" the other two guys imposed with a laugh.

"Yeah, it was just a joke, don't take it personally sweetheart" the jerk wink and uttered.

Wow after shooting the worst pickup line he still has this scam. What a jerk!

They then gave me their orders as I noted and passed them to David. The matter was resolved after that because of the fourth guy and the rest of the day was good except that idiot comment.

Anyway, at least someone was good and mature in that idiot's group. It was the closing time when I and David shared a goodbye, then he walked away, and I was too about to when the same good guy stopped me by keeping his hand lightly on my right shoulder.

And that's when my world was about to take a roller coaster turn.

His hand on my shoulder created a spark, it was a kind of huge greenish light that was showing some images in fast motion as those images were not clear, so I wasn't able to understand what was it.

"Hey! Again, I am sorry for that. He sometimes behaves like a jerk but he didn't want to hurt your feelings!" the guy said ignoring what just had happened.

Didn't he feel that or it was just me and my imagination? Erika seriously, you have to stop reading fantasy novels.

"Okay, if you say so" I replied and walked away. I had just taken some fine steps when he interpreted me again, now I was kind of irritated. Erika just ignores him and walk; I told my subconscious brain and continued walking.

"Hey, wait!" Shout the guy and as to his command my body reacted and I  stopped. At first, I thought it was my doing but later when I decided not to stop and continued walking, I wasn't able to. I moved my legs one more time but it didn't work.

What the hell?