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Forbidden Possession

Forbidden Possession

Autor: Scriptamagina



Forbidden Possession PDF Free Download


Two Different Kingdoms: One for the people of the Light, And the other for the people of the Night. A prophecy tells for the Creature who will bear and rule for the Unknown World. A creature that will change their principles and a creature who didn’t side Neither Bad nor Good. A creature who will balance both sides. The King of Light was threatened and Afraid for his reign will end. No one knows the prophecy except the Seeker who foresees. He remains silent and even greedier. So, he set a rule that will hinder the prophecy. A rule to marry his or her own origin. A forbidden rule is not to love other creatures who are not the same in their origin. And especially not to fall in love with the people of the Night. Whoever dares to defy and break the rule will be punished to death. Even you’re his own blood that runs through your veins. What if your one and only possession you’ll ever want was the Forbidden one? Will you defy the Forbidden Rule? Or will you change the blinded Rule? Because in their principles: He will do whatever hindrance he may face, just to get his greatest forbidden possession. The other will willingly, enter the Blood of Turmoil to support her only forbidden possession. She will heartily sacrifice when the time comes for her one and only destined love. Will you be there to witness their Forbidden Possession?

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Vivlio Perigrafhs I


Vivlio Perigrafhs

Book Of Description

--UTOPIA KINGDOM >> A kingdom we're people of the Lights live. They are the white-line of Good. It is where the Highest Five Divination lives. Called: Deities, Enchantress/Enchanter, Guardians, Keepers, and the Seekers.


    •   People of the light


Deity – The highest divine and ruler on the Utopia Kingdom. They have 80 percent blood of the Creators or The Empress. The most respectable and dignified kind of Divinity.  They have the power of the lux. They can control other divination and imitates their power.



– a divine who had one-third or one-half blood of the creators or empress. They're the second hand of the deities. They can read through minds but don't have the full power to control the divine.




– One of the lowest divine. They are the creatures who will serve the Highest Divine or the Known Divine. They will only serve one master and if they have mistaken. Their life will end. These creatures have no power, they are like normal people but they existed only for the realm.


Enchantress/Enchanter – They have the power to create barriers and block negative energy. They are the divine of nature.

     >>Fairies – The lowest divine who maintains the beauty of Utopia Kingdom. They give abundant harvest and plant healthy crops and trees for their land.


    >> Elementa – They have the power of the elements. Fire, Earth, Air, or Water. Help balance the Elementals of the Utopia Kingdom.


Guardians – They are the Royal Knights of the Utopia Kingdom. They are born to fight and train to protect the Kingdom from the incoming threats. Enhance on fighting and weaponry.

    >> Elite Knights – Second highest Guardians of Utopia Kingdom. The first line Command. Third Base Attack.


    >> Warrior Knights – Lowest Guardians of Utopia. Capable of the frontlines Attack and dodgers.


    >> Ranger Knights – The Knights who can fight for the long-range attacks.


Keepers – They are the creatures who are called the gatekeepers. The surveillant or observer who looks after the people and the kingdom. They can sense people's weaknesses or past. Or they can smell the danger that was coming ahead.



Seekers – Few of them we're left. They are pure and untouched creatures. They are called the Priestess of the Kingdom. They can foresee the incoming future or even the rarest prophecy might happen and seen them as well. But the only creature can foresee the prophecy. It is a rare ability of the seekers. They are the creature converted into seekers who have seen at their young age to have the ability of the seeker. The seekers commonly came from the keepers or the Enchantress/Enchanter. They are a pure woman. And, if ever they know the Seeker was touched, they will kill it and show to them that they are only serving the future of the Utopia Kingdom.


·       Places of the Utopia Kingdom – It is divided into regions or categories by Divination.


1.  Utopeia Royale - It is where the Deities live. They are the center place of the Divination. It is where the Palace of the Utopia Kingdom was placed.


>> Deitian – A group of Deities or people.


>> Utopia Palace – The palace name of the Utopeia Royale. It is the main palace of the Utopia Kingdom.


2.  Northaldia Naturalist - It is located in the North of Utopia Kingdom. This place is where the Enchantress/ enchanters, Fairies and Elementa lives.

>> Enchanterian – A group of enchantresses or enchanters. They are the common who lives in this place. The highest creature in Northaldia Naturalist.


>> Fae's – A group of fairies. They are the creature who maintains the crops, harvest, and other foods and abundant life of the Whole Utopia Kingdom. Some of them scattered in the different places of Utopia to help the balance of the Creature's needs.


>> Elementian- A group of Elementa's. They are the bearer of Elemental Powers. The second hand of the Enchantress or Enchanter.


>> Natura Palacio – The palace of the Northaldia Naturalist. It is where the Highest Elder of the Northaldia lives.


3.  Battlers of the East – It is the place of the Guardians. This place is where they are trained to be better and strong. It is located in the East. This place is where the beginners or the family of the guardian lives. They will serve the whole Utopia Kingdom after they passed the test of being the Fighter.

>> Regal – A group of royal knights. The highest knights of the Guardians.


>> Elitian – A group of Elite Knights.


>> Warier- A group of Warrior Knights.


>> Ranger – Group Ranger Knights. They are capable of doing far-range attacks like bow and arrows.


>> Garden of Battlers – A palace name of the Guardians. It is where the highest chief of Knights lives.


4.  Wisteria Sight – It is located in the West part of the Utopia Kingdom. The place where the Seekers lived and pray.

>> Priestess of the Profhteia


– a seeker who can see the prophecy.

>> Priestess of the Mellodas


– a seeker who can see your future. Either good or bad.

>> Priestess of the Moira


– a seeker who can see your fate.


>> Priestess of Thimhsh


– a seeker who can see your weakness, strengths, and past. They can see your memories. They can let you forget or recall your memories.


>> Priestess of Gouri


– a seeker who can see either you're in good or bad luck. They have the power to grant the wish but they will collect for an exchange.


>> Seekrian- A group of seekers who practice and enhance where they belong.


>>Temple of the Pure – It is where the Seekers place to live and pray. A sacred place for them. Every Divination has a Priestess assigned to guide their ways and decisions.


5.  Southeldra Wardens – It is located on the Southside of Utopia Kingdom. It is where the keepers lived.


>> Keepterian – a group of keepers.


>> Gatekeepers – A keeper who guards the barrier, the open and exit gates of Utopia Kingdom.


>> Observantimum – A keeper who is an observer of the weakest and strong.


>>Sniffers- A keepers who can sense the enemies or even located them.


>> Warden Era – a palace name of the highest keepers in town.



·       King and Queen – Highest ruler of Utopia Kingdom

·       Pallious Hegete's – a group of Elders, who are the cabinet members of the Utopia Kingdom. They can decide and approved what's best for the Kingdom.

They are all good and light creatures. They lived on the brighter side of Utopia Kingdom. The Divine's are immortal. They are the gifted creatures given by the Creators and The Empress.

All living in the Divinity World are the hidden, gifted creatures. They are far from Normal people. But, they are not late for what humans do to improve the economy and the future. Moreover, they are advanced but used in a good way. Not forgetting their tradition and generations.