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Opposite, Attracts

Opposite, Attracts

Autor: Slurpyfrappe



Opposite, Attracts PDF Free Download


Sazcha hates Valentine's day. She hates Cupid. There's no single day that she did not pray that he would shoot her and so that she can finally had her own happily ever after, but until now Cupid still seems elusive to her because her love life is still nowhere to be found. Along her way, she will met a man that was a total opposite of her. A man that can get every woman in just a snap. When they met, a crazy yet unknown feeling will form, it's a kind of feeling that she had never felt in her entire life. Will this man really give color to her colorless love life and will be her THE ONE? Let's witness the circus love story of Sazcha Dominguez--our Miss hopeless romantic.

Chapter 1

She can't hardly count of how many boyfriends does her younger sister had, while she, still doesn't have one.

Until now, Cupid is still elusive to her. She could not figure out if destiny was just mean to her or if it was not really time for her to find her THE ONE.

"Eh, when else? When Mama has ten great-grandchildren? Oh no! Lord, please hurry up and my age will soon disappear from the calendar," she muttered as she pray fervently while holding the rosary.

Desperate if desperate but she already went through all the miraculous Saints, springs, water, places, and churches just to fulfill her one and only wish--that is to have a boyfriend.

Even though he is no longer handsome, even if he doesn't have a well-built body, tanned skin and rich as long as he is kind and responsible, he's already enough for her. At the age of twenty-nine she no longer wondered if he would meet her standards or not as long as she have a boyfriend, then it's fine.

"I told you, Big sis, just choose Duke, although he's not a hygienic person, he's rich!" Cresia suggested, her younger sister. It is very easy for Cresia to just say that at her age she should hit anyone else because she is blessed with beauty so even without effort she can get a one big deal.

"Tse! I really don't like him, his teeth is as yellow as the sun and his breath smells like sewage." her sister burst out laughing before tapping her shoulder.

"Just have faith, Big Sis. The person who will make your heart beat will come sooner or later. You know, maybe you will meet him later when you go out." the latter even winked at her before entering the comfort room.

She did not want to believe to what her sister was saying but that was the opposite of what her heart says.

"Why is it that I am not lucky in love life?" she sighed.

With too much thought, she was already hungry, so she thought of cooking her favorite 'dried adobo'.

She took a quick step towards the kitchen. She immediately picked up the pan and then the spoon, she was about to cook when she suddenly noticed the empty bottle of oil.

"Son of a grasshopper! It's already empty?" looks like they really ran out of oil, so she still have to go out to buy one.

"Dodong, just stay here for a while, alright? I'll just go outside to buy something from Aling Beka. I'll be back in a minute or two," she said to her two-year-old nephew and then left.

As she got closer and closer to the store, suddenly, her eyesight seemed to blur so she did not notice a rushing hotdog in front of her.

"Get out of my waaaaay!" it was too late when a pile of tender juicy boxes hit her.

"O-ouch! My hips hurt!" she moaned as she forced herself to stand up. She wanted to scold the man who ran over her but when she saw his face screaming with beauty, her tongue stuck out.

In her entire life, she had never seen an Adonis-like appearance. His body and face shape seems to be perfectly mold. Added to that, his seemingly soft bronze hair and the two dimples on his both cheeks makes him more hot and attractive.

"What the hell! What will I do with this shit now?" a frown immediately painted on the man's face while whining about his boxes which did not escape from Sazcha's hearing.

"So, it's my fault now that you don't know how to avoid someone whose blocking your way?" her eyebrows curled up. Even if he's handsome, if his manners stinks, her blood will really heat up.

Earlier, she thought that she was a gift from heaven but she was wrong, he was just an excess baggage so, heaven kicked and brought him here.

"Are you talking to me?" he asked as his forehead creased.

"What the--you're the one who bumped on me, yet you still have the attitude to act like that?" she yelled as the tendon almost came out of the shout.

"You don't look hurt because you can still stand properly, but since you're already complaining, I'll pay for my damage." he said before stepping closer to where she was.

It was as if her heart was pounding with the excessive force of its beating. She didn't like what she was thinking but the angel seems to grant it when she felt his lips touch hers and at the same time he gently squeezed her buttocks.

"That's all I can pay now because I don't have any money yet," he whispered behind her ears. She blinked twice and her brain seemed to be processing of what was just happened.

Time flies so fast. She did not realize that he was no longer in front of her. She did not even move as he kissed and molested her ass.

She could not understand herself why instead of being angry she seemed to be satisfied with what the man had done.

"O-oh god, my first kiss..."